Pubblicato in Albania - Analisi finanziarie - 09 Oct 2016 08:36 - 19
Hello everyone!
I am the Country President of Albania.
In this article i will talk about Discount project in Albania.
During discount period in albania are invested for company upgrades a total of 14350 golds
From foreign citizens invested in Albania 8545 Golds
From these golds Albania get 10% tax =854.5 Golds
From 854.5 Golds we send back to investitors 680 Golds
And Albania won 174.5 Golds only from foreigner upgrades.
We announce that The refund program will be active for all player who want to upgrade their companies in albania..will still get 80% of tax back
Thanks for choosing our country to upgrade your companies.
Thanks from Albanian CP Tomimerkuri !
P.S: Thanks to a herceg and AlbRevolution for helping me.
I am the Country President of Albania.
In this article i will talk about Discount project in Albania.
During discount period in albania are invested for company upgrades a total of 14350 golds

From these golds Albania get 10% tax =854.5 Golds
From 854.5 Golds we send back to investitors 680 Golds
And Albania won 174.5 Golds only from foreigner upgrades.
We announce that The refund program will be active for all player who want to upgrade their companies in albania..will still get 80% of tax back
P.S: Thanks to a herceg and AlbRevolution for helping me.
Solitary WarriorPraxisexkursionRoniALBfirewallCommenti (19)

ok te takojne 5 frf , bravo nuk te them me noob 

thanks and i got 60.6 gold in this program. O7

voted first
good job see u at next discount o7

https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/15972 Sure also this.

way to go foreigner s your own country didnt need that gold anyways.

Shum mir Tomi

Thanks to all o7



good good o/

Good job


Vdekje Fashizmit O9
Bravo Tomi