Pubblicato in Poland - Analisi finanziarie - 12 Oct 2016 07:08 - 14
Ever since I remember main eRev shout has been used for flaming, hailing, arguing about FYROM proper name and mostly … black market offers.
Trading in gold, with low prices and without taxes – both sides are happy if they settle deal but what about others that need to read this. Yup, we have magic button which can change my main shout to infinitely long list of dots. Example from today just below.

As Admins are doing something with pasting hyperlinks, therefore there won’t be any survey at external website. Please put your answers in comments. Next article will sum up your replies and show players’ moods and desires.
1. Do you use black market? Selling or buying,maybe both?
2. Should main shout be used for black market offers?
3. Should mods give temp bans for such advertising?
4. Do you use “magic button”?
5. Should black market be moved to discord? I.e. Free Erev Chat server.
6. Should we still have “scammer” badge? In that way admins enforce existence of black market (imho).
7. Any other comments regarding black market in eRev.
If by any chance by this article I get my first Media Mogul medal I will draw one player who will get house Q1. The only condition to take part in this lottery is to leave a comment.
Trading in gold, with low prices and without taxes – both sides are happy if they settle deal but what about others that need to read this. Yup, we have magic button which can change my main shout to infinitely long list of dots. Example from today just below.

As Admins are doing something with pasting hyperlinks, therefore there won’t be any survey at external website. Please put your answers in comments. Next article will sum up your replies and show players’ moods and desires.
1. Do you use black market? Selling or buying,maybe both?
2. Should main shout be used for black market offers?
3. Should mods give temp bans for such advertising?
4. Do you use “magic button”?
5. Should black market be moved to discord? I.e. Free Erev Chat server.
6. Should we still have “scammer” badge? In that way admins enforce existence of black market (imho).
7. Any other comments regarding black market in eRev.
If by any chance by this article I get my first Media Mogul medal I will draw one player who will get house Q1. The only condition to take part in this lottery is to leave a comment.
giovinco10Giovanno69Commenti (14)


We need trade chat. Just like the state, the party and MU.

Votado o7

Yeah! Im in the picture! v!

1, i use, 2 no other chat so sure, 3 no bans (Biskvit is using it as well) , 4 yes , 5 no, 6 yes but admin shouoldnt ban for scamming black market should have it own risks. 7 introduction of chat for trade and temp ban advertising in regular chat.

1. Yes, both.
2. No, we should create an official discord server, or just a new chat for trading.
3. No, just mutes, some people might not notice.
4. No.
5. If there were bots to limit the flow yes, it would be awesome, because it would bring people to discord
6. Definitly: scamming is part of the black market (taxes = security, no taxes = risk)
7. Nop.

Where is that magic button!? D:

dawaj domek ;p

All we need is just additional chat channel for trade, then bans for using main channel for trade

@Orlito, mogę Ci sprzedać Q5
@Phor, next to date in comment, it s magic, thus you need to whistle three times and it appears! 

1 both. 2 yes. 3 no. 4 no. 5 no. 6 no.

1. No. 2. No. 3. Yes. 4. Yes. 5. Yes. 6. No. 7. Tomato ;-)

Srdjan M +1 trade chat is a good idea

1. Both
2. Why not
3. Don t think so
4. Sometimes
5. No
6. Yes
7. ok