Pubblicato in United States of America - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 16 Oct 2016 13:06 - 14
Hello citizens of eRevollution!
After some careful negotiations, the governments of Canada and the United States, have reached a mutual agreement between our two countries. Read below for the details of the American Hat Agreement.
1. Neither USA, nor Canada, may indirectly take each others cores by having an ally conquer the region and then taking or renting the region from their ally. Our two countries must have mutual respect for our borders.
2. Canada cannot declare war on the United States. The United States cannot declare war on Canada. This comes with only 1 exception which is outlined in Term 4.
3. Canada may not fight in battles against the United States, and the United States may not fight against Canadian battles.
4. Should the governments come to the agreement of starting a Training War, the two respective countries may declare war on each other.
5. This deal will last for 30 days, expiring on eRev Day 310.
Heads of State:
President of Canada
President of the United States
Thank you for your time, until next time eRev!
Tom Killah
Commenti (14)

Signed - President of the United States

Voted from US Secretary of State

lol canada wont to help allies new fyrom


signed -President of Canada

Hats off to this new agreement. o7 --Signed, Your Neighbourly Toque

A quick point of clarification, if that s okay: 1. USA, nor Canada, may indirectly take each others cores -- Probably should be not take each other s cores, right? 🎩o7🎩

yea lol haven t even noticed ... @wilfie nice job
of course it should like that , other way would be redundant

For a second I thought it meant to say USA may take cores but Canada may not. I just saw an easy fix -- add Neither to the start of the sentence to fix it: Neither USA, nor Canada, may indirectly take cores...

Thank you @Wilfie for catching that, I fixed it 

Nice work and probably the best agreement so far.o7

Best agreement? Maybe, only if we can trust them to hold their words.
