Pubblicato in Switzerland - Intrattenimento - 20 Oct 2016 06:12 - 48
I've tried to post it on the forum, but i havent recieved my registration email... so here they are:
It is abnormal to build the same hospital for big cities and small ones. I suggest all the hospitals recover 250 energy but with different capacities (all share the same duration). Above that daily limit no soldier gains energy.
Every worker constructing hospitals uses 2000 HRM, but the hospital sizes varies through quality. Each star is 20% of the full (now q5) hospital. Thus a q1 needs only 10 workers (without bonuses) and 20k HRM, a q3's cost is 30 workers and 60k HRM. Their capacity is 50, 150, 300, 500, 750.
Thus if your society is small, you get cheaper hospitals, if larger you need more on several regions (still only one hospital/region). However building a lot of small one is more expensive than hogher ones, so every country will have their own needs and solutions. Also the one hospital per region implies.
Defense systems also must help defense and smaller countries may build smaller ones. My suggestion is the following: all DS have the same effectivity of 25% when defending the region, and their costs are the same as wrote above at hospitals, but the countries's number of regions cap their level. So a q1 DS is only available when the country possess only one region. A q2 may support a 3 regions-country, q3 is for 6, q4 for countries at 10 regions max, and q5 for everyone. If the country has more regions, the DS is inactive. I know, some countries have more core regions, but hey, it is also harder to delete you! So you gain and lose... Every region may have only one DS, writing over the previous. Their durability is the same as before.
I also suggest: DS wont get destructed when captured, but helps the resistance force while is not obsolete, even in RW, even in direct wars between the two nations, and even in a third party war, but in that case only the rightful owners soldiers get the bonus on any side they are fighting. This bonus is regadrless of the quality (and number of regions in hand), 10%.
These two changes may help small countries stay on the map, and evolve their society, the productivity is an other issue (my third suggestion below), but it is not that important change as these. Also think about: you need a certain rank to use tank and another to use helies. That could give some importance to these not that useful factories...

Original article:
Bans here and there, that happens. The game itself has much worse problems than that.
The game favours big countries, big empires, that is awesome, but this should have it's own weaknesses as well. The Hospitals and Defense systems must have a capacity. It has a duration now, but silly to have the same type Hospital in London and in Paris, for (at least) ten times less citizens. That s why small countries can not evolve. By the way have you seen a Q5- hospital lately?
I propose: all hospitals give the same amount of energy recovery, but with different capacities. For example q5 supports 1000 citizens per day, q1 supports only 100. (at least we will travel to different regions, not only in the capitals)
Also Defense Systems must have a capacity as well, am i supposed to build a bunker for 4000 soldiers while there are only 400 of us? It has a difference on effect, that is fine, still my question stands: when have you seen a q2 DS? The other issue is occupied regions. I support the idea, the DS becomes weapon of revollution in occupied regions, CP can only build it on its core regions, but when it is occupied it supports the resistance with half its effectiveness.
I propose: Defense Systems must support resistance forces and must have capacities in damage like q5 defends 2kkk damage, q1 only 500kk (not the 10 times as before, even small countries needs support), or in defending citizens like above.
Also funny how the resources are handled. Sweden need one fish, but that one fish is enough for Iran as well. I propose small countries suffer less penalty for missing resources, like a country with only 200 citizens and no relevant regions may produce at +50%, and bigger countries need more resources, like every resource (of the same type) supports 1000+the amount of the previous supported (0 resource 0, 1 resource 1000, 2 resources 3000, 3 - 6000, 4- 10000) and the productivity bonus implies as before (with one resource, and 1100 citizens it wont drop to zero, just like 99% or so).
I propose: resources must be used as used in real life. (irl: on the Antarctica there is no food bonus at all, still no one starves to death, and China produces more rice than Europe combined still may have hungry citizens...)

These suggestions are not to improve the gameplay but to save the game itself. You must see, the balance is out of question, but developers still have the chance to save the small nations.
It is abnormal to build the same hospital for big cities and small ones. I suggest all the hospitals recover 250 energy but with different capacities (all share the same duration). Above that daily limit no soldier gains energy.
Every worker constructing hospitals uses 2000 HRM, but the hospital sizes varies through quality. Each star is 20% of the full (now q5) hospital. Thus a q1 needs only 10 workers (without bonuses) and 20k HRM, a q3's cost is 30 workers and 60k HRM. Their capacity is 50, 150, 300, 500, 750.
Thus if your society is small, you get cheaper hospitals, if larger you need more on several regions (still only one hospital/region). However building a lot of small one is more expensive than hogher ones, so every country will have their own needs and solutions. Also the one hospital per region implies.
Defense systems also must help defense and smaller countries may build smaller ones. My suggestion is the following: all DS have the same effectivity of 25% when defending the region, and their costs are the same as wrote above at hospitals, but the countries's number of regions cap their level. So a q1 DS is only available when the country possess only one region. A q2 may support a 3 regions-country, q3 is for 6, q4 for countries at 10 regions max, and q5 for everyone. If the country has more regions, the DS is inactive. I know, some countries have more core regions, but hey, it is also harder to delete you! So you gain and lose... Every region may have only one DS, writing over the previous. Their durability is the same as before.
I also suggest: DS wont get destructed when captured, but helps the resistance force while is not obsolete, even in RW, even in direct wars between the two nations, and even in a third party war, but in that case only the rightful owners soldiers get the bonus on any side they are fighting. This bonus is regadrless of the quality (and number of regions in hand), 10%.
These two changes may help small countries stay on the map, and evolve their society, the productivity is an other issue (my third suggestion below), but it is not that important change as these. Also think about: you need a certain rank to use tank and another to use helies. That could give some importance to these not that useful factories...

Original article:
Bans here and there, that happens. The game itself has much worse problems than that.
The game favours big countries, big empires, that is awesome, but this should have it's own weaknesses as well. The Hospitals and Defense systems must have a capacity. It has a duration now, but silly to have the same type Hospital in London and in Paris, for (at least) ten times less citizens. That s why small countries can not evolve. By the way have you seen a Q5- hospital lately?
I propose: all hospitals give the same amount of energy recovery, but with different capacities. For example q5 supports 1000 citizens per day, q1 supports only 100. (at least we will travel to different regions, not only in the capitals)
Also Defense Systems must have a capacity as well, am i supposed to build a bunker for 4000 soldiers while there are only 400 of us? It has a difference on effect, that is fine, still my question stands: when have you seen a q2 DS? The other issue is occupied regions. I support the idea, the DS becomes weapon of revollution in occupied regions, CP can only build it on its core regions, but when it is occupied it supports the resistance with half its effectiveness.
I propose: Defense Systems must support resistance forces and must have capacities in damage like q5 defends 2kkk damage, q1 only 500kk (not the 10 times as before, even small countries needs support), or in defending citizens like above.
Also funny how the resources are handled. Sweden need one fish, but that one fish is enough for Iran as well. I propose small countries suffer less penalty for missing resources, like a country with only 200 citizens and no relevant regions may produce at +50%, and bigger countries need more resources, like every resource (of the same type) supports 1000+the amount of the previous supported (0 resource 0, 1 resource 1000, 2 resources 3000, 3 - 6000, 4- 10000) and the productivity bonus implies as before (with one resource, and 1100 citizens it wont drop to zero, just like 99% or so).
I propose: resources must be used as used in real life. (irl: on the Antarctica there is no food bonus at all, still no one starves to death, and China produces more rice than Europe combined still may have hungry citizens...)

These suggestions are not to improve the gameplay but to save the game itself. You must see, the balance is out of question, but developers still have the chance to save the small nations.
FlyingCangaroojamie5spageHuMaViHuMaViSharinganGandalf the WhiteCommenti (48)

I dont know who you are, and who the developers are. In this game you are like the God. So i wrote that for you...
and i know there is a suggestions section on the forum. This problem is much bigger, and i dont want to hide it offsite.

voted, absolutely agree.


Nice ideas man. I see your point.

With this, you are stating something that could help Small countries (Hospital) And something that could KILL Small countries which are occupied (DS).
Overall, and with no meaning towards disrespect, i dislike your idea.

voted and subb

you missed the point: Defense systems would always help the rightful owners. thus help small countries stay on the map. thus gives them more power in diplomacy (as let them on the map will be kind of granted already)


Roth and those countries who cannot recover their cores because a Superpower build a Q5 DS on their cores?

Alejandro Madrid, you dont like it, it s irrelevant. But do you have reasons too?

Alejandro, in your example in case of an RW the DS will help (with efficiency of 50%) the small country against the occipying superpower.

if the game is against the small countries, they (we) never evolve, and will leave the game, will stay only like 4 superpowers. is this the future you want?


this game is dead

nem irod meg magyarul is ?

bojler eladó.


another e-ee-rrree---p---u--bbbb---lll--iii--kkkkkkk!

Good idea voted and subbed

Good idea voted and subbed

I agree. Small countries could use a small boost or fewer penalties to encourage players to populate the economic wastelands around the major superpowers.

I agree

Voted, i agree.

Ban phantom.


i dont understand you, mister

Voted. Good idea.

This One is also losing the Fun, Like the Don t say that Game name
Creating mercenaries and mass Self worker Company holders and everything that make this Game a Trash

I like mercenary option.. just about the only reason still playing that game (which is the one that was pinched by current owners of this treasure)


We need to reshuffle resources, all of bigger countries have, rubber while the other ones, which have great possibility to develop and create big country, suffer cause, there are no rare resources to conquer,.

Better that will add more quests

game is dead :О


reshuffle reserouces, more of it less of it.. make no diference, biggest issue here is that some countries have huge advantage with number of core regions compared to others, and some of them just make no sense.. for example how come Italy have 2 times more regions than Russia, and and than US 5 times.. or for example Saudi A as well.. what we need to bring balance here is map design for this game not just map taken from other game.

I agree with resource one as well. If we have active 10 people in a country, one food bonus should be enough to make %100 food production. Bonuses should be related with the active number of the countries. If they have high population, they should need more bonuses.

1. Ok
2. Ok
3. Ok, but only if admins add more regions in some country and remove from another (USA and France)

New idea with region limit for DS is stupid... because support small country with 10 citizens and 1000 citizens with 6k strength, You can PTO country and get semi-free DS for your MU with bonuses from resource idea.


Help small countries? Do you think Sweden could defend against Turkey or even Poland with the imba DS 25% that was nerfed in earlier patch? This would only help those countries that say game is dead because they step on wrong toes.... Your suggestion would only help STRONG countries that always have occupied small countries so stop say its for EQUALITY. If you really wanted to help smaller countries you should make it cheaper for countries with less than 1k citizens to MPP and even cheaper to MPP with less than 500 and similar things to help them have a CT at all. Allies is the key my friend, if you cannot depend on your allies its probably time to think.

@rothbart great name, awesome libertarian

Also think about: you need a certain rank to use tank and another to use helies. That could give some importance to these not that useful factories...

Just thought of a new one: a lower market license cost for countries with a smaller population. 20 Gold is a lot to invest in order to sell to a small country. The biggest barrier Congress has in encouraging foreign sellers to supply their market is not the import taxes, but the permanent 20 Gold license cost.



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