Pubblicato in France - Primi passi in eRevollution - 22 Oct 2016 13:47 - 37

hi peeps...
its me again :)
since i was reading the last some days a lot of articles about how to get cheaper workers and more profit (that would be the result of what they propose) for big producers i thought: hey great i will get some more moneys too... o/
but some seconds later i thought: hmm but if i can produce cheaper everyone can do that and the prices will fall too... :(
so in case of profit nothing will change...
the only thing that changes is that workers will get a much lower salary than the prices will fall...
so in fact everyone gets less than before...
and because we have more workers we need a new discount event (or is still anyone building companies without a discount? :D )...
that leads to a endless spiral of overproduction...
admins dont know such problems...
why do i think that?
lets take a look in the history:

at the beginning you made in a q5 comp 20 q5 helis per worker...
they changed it to 30...
means you now build 330 helis instead of 220...
thats a raise of 50% worker efficiency...
gg wp admins... :D
they made a discount event so everyone was able to make his profits with the new changes...
so more comps have been built and more gold was bought and so on...
but there have been bought too much comps...
and the salaries raised again...
so they implemented a update that makes it possible to work twice a day with a house...
this time there was a 100% higher worker efficiency...
and we didnt had to wait so long for a new discount event...
again more comps have been built and salaries raised again...
maybe you already mentioned that i am just talking about worker efficiency and production numbers...
well because the demand of all that stuff doesnt raised that much as the efficiency raised...
that was leading into a overproduction...
so what some of you (the ones who are asking for 5 times working per day or higher efficiency of worker tokens and all that stuff) are proposing is to start running again after running two times against the same wall...

so here is my counter proposal:
decrease the number of workers per company...
for example in a q5 comp just 5 workers wich could produce with the manager 180 helis... (5 would be maybe a bit to big change for the start so dont take it as exact number...)
that would lower the produced number of stuff and lower the demand of workforce...
the problem is that it would just slow down the real problem but your proposals solve just 1 of the 2 problems and even the 1 is just solved for a short time... :P
i know that its just a short time solution but solving all your problems forever would be boring because there would be nonoob left to cry...
also i dont like to do other peoples jobs...
thx for your attention...

and now again some nice music... :)
btw i declared that article as first steps in erevollution because i hope some will learn something from it...
EsseninBattleHeroGiovanno69no0bsailbotSCAMBlueVegetaPraxisexkursionCommenti (37)



I agree

Power metal

Gimme back my HQ5 and maybe I ll not be too lazy to read this èé

great article as always o7

ollaaaaaa o//////////

@Orlito, Harmak and Pentito: helis done... congrats...
@arkh 1 heli done i hope its enough for you to read at least the half article... 

True o/

It may 1.increase heli prices or 2.decrease works salary but I think number one will happen and heli price go up so It is profit just for heli producers which needs workers and can t find it. others players(weak) must pay much golds for buying helis.

Maybe if Q5 produce same helis(330) with 5 workers it can do something IDK

@harmak yes... as i said its not a overall solution... but its at least better than just making workers more efficient once again... but if you would just decreas the number of workers in high q comps you would let the prices of low q stuff (wich is mostly used by weak players) nearly constant as before... that means that rich players would have to pay more for their equipment but weak players would have to pay the same prices as before...

eat the rich : D

i think that there is only one sollution for it, baby booms and new players will be great

btw i hope that nobody is using workers to produce low quality stuff... if you are doing it: stop it immediately pls...

That mean we should remove all worker spots in the rest of the Q1-Q3 heli companies and leave one worker spot in Q4 heli?
Remember the invested gold in the Q5 helis, what you suggest now is to make Q5 heli factories useless again.
I know that proposal would cause heli-inflation. But from the point of view of a game dev its important that players can feel they can produce in their factories, otherwise they wont buy gold to get them in the first place. Same as people wouldn t invest in Q5 heli factories if they are going to get worse than massive Q3 factories and earlier mass-Q1 helis that wouldnt require workers at all. If we are going to apply this on IRL economy, why do you think population growth is important for country economy? The economy have to increase about 3x every year to keep grow because companies need workers all the time for taxes when they spend money but when it stops it cause problems. But you are right about to counter inflation you do it with deflation and stop print money until the value is returned even if its a big loss, but do you think every player that have invested in Q5 helis after the discout will be happy if Q3 helis will beat them again, Q5 heli factory owners screwed once again. I think the response would be give me back my Q5 heli gold or similar.

The problem is the lack of normal players for the economy system to work, everyone get selfish after awhile and want to build their own empire with companies. To gain normal workers its necessary with a constant flow of new players. SO the real problem is the decreased number of players because everyone that have invested gold they remain playing which result in more and more companies.

Wouldnt the prices go sky high because there would be much less weapons but the same amount of players who want to hit with them? The salaries would go up also, but we would buy much less for the same amount of gold. Also why do you end every sentence with ...? It s quite annoying, if you started every sentence with a big letter and ended it with . it would be much less painful to read 

Attracting new players is the best growth for the game. More consumption, more activity, and more people to have fun with (no, not you stinking multis, you go p!ss off)

Also, this idea will punish all normal players that dont afford to spam heli factories and lack gold and only produce raw material... Raw material will become A LOT cheaper. So your idea will punish the normal workers we still have left and NEED TO KEEP

@jimmy why should it mean that? i cant find the part where i was writing something like that... for example (just to get some easy numbers to talk about) admins could set q1 with one worker q2 with 2 q3 with 3 and so on... also: who is using workers in low q comps? no one... so it would have nearly no impact on low q comps... the rest of what you said is wrong... just wrong (to say it in the words of trump...
) you can build 5 q1, 5 q2 and 5 q3 comps... i doubt that you can even produce the amount of your own use with them...
not to mention to have something that you could sell... also in terms of damage you would lose if you compare q5 helis with q1,2,3or 4 ones... that means if you want to do the highest damage you have to pay for it... if you are a weaker player and are happy hitting with low q helis (or even tanks) you will get them a lot cheaper than the big players get their weapons... for the case of your invested gold: tbh i dont care about your gold... i dont even care about my own...
but it would be the best for the game... maybe thats your problem...

@RAF You forgot to reply to the most relevant questions that your idea would result in and punish those that the game need most now and avoiding the real problems. As well as compare me with Trumph in your first message really show that you can t defend by using arguments.

@Donald well... its my style of writing... and i am a sadist... i love it if its painfull for you...
@jimmy and wilfie of curse i already said that the economy here can just survive on long term with a infinite babyboom... but we all know thats impossible... to the raw materials: well the raw needs have been changed once... they can be changed a second time... raising the raws needed in the same pecentage as decreasing workers in q5 comps (for example if workers are decreased from 10 to 5 you would need the double raws... would mean 2400 raws for 180 q5 helis with 5 workers)... i proposed a change of raws in that direction once but admins have done the opposite... well shit happens... 

@jimmys last comment again... well if you try to sell me a green car as a red car its hard for me to answere serious... also i didnt compare you with trump i answered how trump answered... learn to read... as i said and as you should know the low q comps are limited... there will be NEVER a low q heli spam on the market anymore... also where am i avoiding arguments??? i cant see any arguments else... nobody is using workers for low quality stuff... and that will be in future too because workers will always be too expensive to use for q3 helis or lower... you look as if you just and only care about your gold (or should i say euros/swedish crowns?) i mean i was writing down the negative sides about it in my article... in other articles/posts i just see: we need more workers... give us more workers and we will be happy... but noone is thinking about what will happen 2 weeks later...


I read the half, you re teasing me.


@RAF904 I get your point. Now you didn t just insult by compare me with Trump but tell me to learn to read. Is there really a limit on Q3 helis?
Shortly what you want to do is to punish ALL people that doesnt buy gold. Because if what you suggest would happen the price of raw would collapse and also the income for those that work and build raw to get enough gold to upgrade training centers and so on. You punish the players that we NEED. The workers... That result that the only players that will remain will be people that spent gold and got their Q5 heli companies screaming for WORKERS. Maybe you should both learn to read and think about how selfish actions punish a whole group of players, the players you are dependent on....

@jimmy: i will not write down everything again... so here is a pic... so no collapse of raw price... no punishment of raw producers... and no to all the other stupid stuff you wrote... bro seriously you are writing 5 lines of text with just saying something what was answered 15 hours ago??? what is wrong with you? its also funny that you try to argue (even if that is not true in that case...) with the same things that will happen when they do the opposite and what is happening nearly the whole time since game start... did you read this article? as you can see it is 7 month old... and you try to explain me the economy??? admins ignored it... the most players ignored it... so ok i will not care anymore... tell everyone your brainless stuff the most people are believing you and all those others who proposing just a spiral of higher work efficiency and higher demand... the next admins have to add after adding more workforce for everyone is a double energy refill... after that a tripple energy refill and so on... those are all no solutions too... the funny (seriously i am loughing about every of your comments) thing is just that you are trying to argue against my proposal while the only difference is that the rich players (even more funny that you are telling the poor ones would pay the cost) would have to lose a bigger part of their profit than with the common woker efficiency spiral...

your solution doesnt solve the MAIN ISSUE, in an economy its necessary with new players coming faster than players quit. Population growth is essential because they work, taxes, buying products and keep the economy running. You propose deflation, the other article inflation... Let s make it simple.... If we lose players/workers... Less helis ARE already produced then and you suggest we cut that even more by heli-deflation to get even less helis on market? You did NOT have a clear idea when you wrote the article, it was just to attack some other guy and when some people questioned your idea you get offensive, take it personal and attack them for being stupid.... I had higher thoughts about you actually.

1 hour ago
your solution doesnt solve the MAIN ISSUE, in an economy its necessary with new players coming faster than players quit. Population growth is essential because they work, taxes, buying products and keep the economy running. wow you are a genius... you manged to read the article... gj... SERIOUSLY LEARN TO READ!!! btw its not a attack on ONE article or ONE guy... there have been several articles (as i said in my article... but i know... you didnt read it... here is a pic of that part: its just to show that what the most people want is completely wrong and that another way is possible too and would be even better for small accounts... uhm too the less helis are already produced... lol there are more helis produced than ever before...
bro you dont even know what you are talking anymore...

I can explain very short and simple what your suggestion would cause and why I am against it.
To remove working spots and create LESS Q5 helis and more EXPENSIVE, you will make VISA-players EVEN stronger because none else would afford them. VISA like both of us.. I know I am a douchebag that revealed your real purpose behind it 

And I think you stole that phrase from me when I said that players are stupid and do not know what they want in a game 
