
Pubblicato in Chile - Intrattenimento - 24 Oct 2016 19:49 - 80

Erev day 288.

So eChiles ppl, is this kid really really yours CP? This kid is scammer!

Today, this kid sent pm to me said "11k energy for 0.2g" as you might can see up there. So i donate 0.2g to him. After waiting for a minutes, he sent pm to me  again said "it was a joke".
Is Sebastian Davalos really really CP of eChile? Unbelievable.


Sebastian DavalosSebastian DavalosSebastian Davalosdynamo magicanSebastian DavalosSebastian DavalosSebastian DavalosSebastian DavalosSebastian DavalosSebastian DavalosSebastian DavalosSebastian DavalosSebastian DavalosSebastian DavalosSebastian DavalosSebastian Davaloskomeng_sajakomeng_sajakomeng_sajaFacebookFacebookFacebookFacebookReivEl Tito Stynker

Commenti (80)

your first is mine
Noob!! He refound your gold?? Because if he didnt, actually be a scammer...
Crying for a 0.2G !! ECONOMIC CRISIS is coming to eRevollution Surprised
Lol heheh
you expected to get 11000 energy for 0.2Gold. Who is scamming whom?
0,2 gold 11k energy Smile did you beleive Smile
what a dummy you r
i think everybody need a cheap prices. so, in this case, Karlina interested in purchase thats items. unfortunately the president of Chile make jokes that are not funny. It is not about the value of gold, but the value of fairness and trust in trade. Sorry for my bad English. p/s el Macedonico thats MEAN word!
you opportunist , then he is scammer? CMON
who is kid here?? here you go, if you send me 1g i will give you my house! will you believe this too ?
What a joke ... really bro ? Check this out ... and please tell me , even if he sends that energy almost for free ....
@El Tarlo: so, you mean CP of eChile set me up to get ban from admin?
i have to say, you wanted to be scammed.
xDDDDDD this is a joke... right?
ayyy lmao
agreguenme de amigo xfa
11K energy for 0.2 gold sound more like a troll to me Laugh
banhammer [coming soon] - If you think i do that because i want you get a ban for admin, you are wrong... If i want that, i was send all the food what i offer to you and then you probably get a ban, but i refound your gold because was only a joke... It s a game, take it easy, have fun, dont cry and good luck!
mhm, if sebastian returned your 0.2g and you still made a case out of it and reported him a scammer just because he didnt send you 11k energy for 0.2g, then you deserved a ban for false accusations and not only that, you are just plain stup... maybe as a cp Sebastian shouldnt have made jokes on noobs, but thats entirely diffrent case and phortoz every1 is looking for cheap prices and tries to make a living out of it, but come on not 40imes cheaper, i do not expect to buy 100q5 helis for like 0.15g, i doubt 4,8k str guy is so clueless either, so now who tried to scamm who?
o.O ajajaja
I think the real joke is this article.
you expected to get 11000 energy for 0.2Gold ? kkkkkkkk
Loba, por que no instruyes mejor a tu sucesora? Estas cosas no pasaban con kaku Cheeky
jajajajaja terrible pollo!
Haha you fool ^^
Ithink he aint scammer but you are a fool my friend Lol
Cry to church, jajaja , this is fucking joke?
oe chancho ql si vay hablar ingles, hazlo bien pao re ql
i think karlina is the one who making this joke
what kind of water do you drink? Cheeky
hahaha septimo +1
@septimo, probably from pipe down under...
u are so pathetic
Selling Heli Q5 100 for 6.4 Gold!! PM!!! free food🍞 and cc 💰 for all 💝👈📣💬
sell HQ5 1oo for 6.4 gold
come on 11k energy for 0.2 gold...
ya aburres, deja de llorar pendejo.
I traded with him yesterday and i am pretty sure he is not i scammer
pfff cmon nobbet, it was an obviousy joke xDD
ya es pesado este tipo
You should have bought at least 1 Gold worth of energy (55k!!!) if the offer was that cheap. Too bad you missed out on such a good deal.
Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh eChile you have great CP Laugh respect Laugh
laris manisssss korannya
greatest scam ever xd
I sell 10 q5House for 50G.FAST!!!Laugh...LOL.....
He donate you more cc then 0.2g P.S. goo joke Wink
I m selling Sebastian Davalos 11k Energy for only 0.01 CC (Stock: 0)
Ya ampun si eneng di sini juga galak ya, wekekekekekeke..
Selling Q5 Helis 100=6.3g
Selling 10k q5 helis for 635 gold pm me
Go home and try to write something useful,
Go home and try to write something useful,
top kek
pls stop spamming this article its annoying
chilote de mela
This article is obviously a joke, you dont get it? xD #KarlinaILOVEYOU
0.2 gold for this 11k , you are not smart to believe this not scammer , you idiot
pls stop spamming this article its annoying
JAJAJAJAJAJAJA tenes mi bendición Sebas
@LoboRojo She is mine!