So fystickated

Pubblicato in Germany - Ordini di battaglia - 02 Nov 2016 15:11 - 38

For days Germany has been attacked by the combined forces of Turkey, IRAN, Poland, FYROM, Brazil; we have been fighting like lions, few against many. Today we reached the last region of Germany at Canada's colony at Quebec. All of those that hoped Germany will capitulate, we answer them that we will never surrender.
Quebec is the last fortress. Not only for Germany, for all free world. This where everyone will show if he oppose to the *rule and command * status quo that Turkey and their friends tries to p over the world or he will stand up and fight against them. This is a call for every soldier around the world, to come and fight at most probably last battle of Germany, but fight with pride and honor.



KinyasPeakylmperiusGrey WindPANZER stronKno0bsailbotAgoriaUrzaelMr Gabiru 749orkanSaint OptimumDiamond LadyTyrael

Commenti (38)

Good luck o/
Begging for damage, pity.
Soldiers, exactly at 14:16 erev time, the enemy is to be crushed by your fierce charge, destroyed by your grenades and bayonets. The honor of Germany, our country, must not be stained. Soldiers! Heroes! The supreme command has erased our regiment from its records. Our regiment has been sacrificed for the honor of Germany and the Fatherland. Therefore, you no longer need to worry about your lives: they no longer exist. So, forward to glory! For the pride and the Fatherland! Long live the Germany, Long live Germans!
good luck mate, im glad that you know this is the last battle Smile
zato ja bojkotujem ratni modul igre. Neka se igra onaj ko je napravio takvu mapu gde neko ima 20x prednosti u odnosu na druge .
Best battle is 4v1 , bans before battle and then be proud. Dont forget to sell your mothers to win Wink
they should have not dissolve MDP only perma wipe for you and SRB to learn how to respect
The fate of Marquis Montcalm awaits you.
@Grey when i was playing in eTr everybody were complaining about alliances damage when battle lost so people of eTr dont have right to criticize other countries about begging damage xdxd
Well, in the Germany s balance crusade you pissed off so many countries, first the attack on Japan and after the rest of ECLIPSE. Nice try but something worked wrong in one step of your way. Now is time to suffer and tomorrow rework your strategy.
This is not beging, this just to show you all how we play in Germany. 1.we know what is wrong and what is right, so we tried to make difference 2.we fight for allies even battle is lost on paper 3.We fight till end, no NAP s So if you find yourself it this virtues you are free to join, if you are not ,see you on the other side of battlefield
Good luck guys, like your position Wink but germany did not good ally
lol worst stolen quote to gain help? Really desperate ..Defend last part of the free world.. haha You put yourself in that situation by yourself by attacking Japan, stole granite from USA/Japan and manipulate Japan after I left to MPP and lose all support and attempt to manipulate ALL other countries. Finally its soon over... Why don t you help Japan when you are the one that put them in the shit if you are such an honourable man as you say? You just wanted to fight to steal all resources and then hide and protect and hope none notice you. But you have ruined most countries per capita i think Laugh And still you try to pretend to be the good guy. Put it on your CV instead of making an article Wink GL tomorrow will be an interesting battle when you burn it all EDs, kits and bombs. A narcissist would do it, a person with conscious about the harm they done to Japan would save for them and fight for them in every battle they have. Good Luck Tomorrow.
butthurt detected above
Jimmy, please you had the worst qoute ever on erev, do you remember blood on your hands from your article
Spavas li mirno Antinarodni? Sutra dolazim po tebe.
Jimmy there is a big different between delet country - what you and MDP do and take over few regions but you are the only one who has always right and all others are wrong if dont agree with you .
Decision of supreme court against the case of Jimmy86
@Shiro Dodji, cekam Smile
Antinarodni najaci si citiras komandata koji je taj govor odrzao bas protiv nemaca Smile
what are you doing in Canada ? Occupation ???
Türkiye kaşınanı kaşıyor dostum Smile Şunu ingilizceye çevirin biriniz Laugh
(( we have been fighting like lions )) !!! ??? zaaaart baw :|
Today we must remove the occupators from Germany away from Canada.
το οτι θα με κανετε να ριξω υπερ γερμανιας...... ουφφφφφφφφ
Jus7LeTHaL will you do the same with occupators in Germany?? loll
@kaampg kairos einai na mazeuteitai kai na rixete gia thn mama Germania XD
Archi, nit je ovo WWI nit ove drzave imaju veze sa rl.
@Jus7LeTHaL, no today you must ban some Germans players so you could win it. P.S. I hope that battlehero read this, so I dont need to write 2 times Smile
@Akturk, Those who were complaining left Turkey already Wink After we liberate Germany from foreigners, we will hand over to real Germans.
...for all free world!!! lol nice joke , u are not good ally, thats why u r fighting alone against many ktab, change your way of ruling or change your ruler to get reputation and respect again Smile