Romy nowhere


Pubblicato in Turkey - Intrattenimento - 10 Nov 2016 06:19 - 107

today i saw an article, which is wroten by Demiurge ... Article was about  insult to Turkey's RL Leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk... Most of players saw that article, i dont want to share it again... 

Article was removed, but not any punish to that citizen..
he continue insults by game chat: only one of them:

Only few days ago, i wrote an article about unfair admins, unfair game management... and I got 72h ( seventy two hours ) temp ban, only cos of 1 word to admins... 

If this is your justice, **** your justice... 

PS: another one.. insult and provocation : Nikola RS , Mojo


PS 2 ) This is not cry article, this is a warning article.. if rules are same for everyone, If GM let everyone about fighting with RL life, be sure that we can do more things then this stupids.. And when we do this, all of you will run away.. you have to know this from our rl history!!


MeTaRoRemrex421Jean CocoSOLARHeIiosBeto SongYavuzTRDoOmHaMmErNocturnoxPraxisexkursionGandalf the WhiteBarrocaSilent ScreamsipinalmperiusTomiALBDepegenMentalistATEHTATOPOTJCRIEMATHAFACK93ozankostroT O R E T T OAnthraXGiovinco69IzualsevenVaregueTRmanBuyukTurkiLoveHelenyxGeorge BestsipinafirewallMercenary ModeThunder

Commenti (107)

Supported. **** your justice!
supported , **** your justice!
Supported. **** your justice!
Supported. **** your justice!
What is insulting in that shout..please explain it to me? you mind reading something that isnt there.
Adaletine * admin. Ben ihtiyar adamim tek yildizda tikaniyorum idare edin Smile)
I also reported all articles where you make fun of Donald trump, so I am expecting ban for all writers, and thanks Romy, now I know who was that person in article
Supported. **** your justice!
Ataturk said some good things, but he was not perfect. Do not worship him as a God. Peace at home and peace in the world ~_^
Turk leaders are famous for letting the military to: kill, rape, kidnap and steal from civilians. For converting non muslims to Islam, and etc.
Searched google and could not find any serbian leader respected... seems all their history full of gays...
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@Nikola RS can you please give me an example? And why do you even comment like this? Please dont provoke people on a day like this.
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@Nikola RS , told you 10 times , go read something about Srebrenitsa and come here again to delete your comment.
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Full support Seçkin o7
Actually Nikola didnt insult truks, he just stated truth that is backed up by historical facts. So you are offended by turkish history ?
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TopSecret +1
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Supported. **** your justice!
Supported. **** your justice!
Supported. **** your justice!
Supported. **** your justice!
Supported. **** your justice!
@heymans we dont need to read about srebrenica.... we know what happened in srebrenica. Nikola did not mentioned Ataturk, he mentioned your leaders. And its true, you should read about that. But this is not place for talking about RL, this is game. Only thing to argue here should be ressources, natural enemey, naps and thing like that......
@TopSecret as Hadriel asked before for Nikola, I am asking you now, can you give me spesific examples? Or I will think that both of you are just gabbing about the history, most probably, you are not interested in.
I didnt see insult here, but stupid artlicle like yours desreve ban
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@djurdjo everyone who supports this article is stupid and you are the hidden genious of erevollution right?
kebabs... ohhh
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Supported. **** your justice!
Supported. **** your justice!
Supported. **** your justice!
ai read this if you are an ignorant serbian.
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Supported. **** your justice!
Not sure whats the issue with the comment that Nikola made, now its a problem if someone states the truth that the whole world knows?
dont cry
We dont cry. We make them cry
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Supported. **** your justice!
mogitkant turqoba
but you are crying xD
The only insult there was/is kebab as a name for all Muslims/Turks. The part with RL Ottoman/Turkish army raping, killing and stealing from civilians is kinda true. However, I do have to agree with the call to avoid RL issues in the game!
These things should be left outside of the game.
Supported. **** your justice!
For example Ćele Kula in Niš!
Atatürk düşmanlarının anasını sikeceğiz! Bundan sonra rahat yok sana Demiurge. Ayrıca adminlere de lafım var yarım sayfa küfür yazmıştım yorumu yayınlayamadan makaleyi sildiniz oçları
Supported. **** your justice!
Supported. **** your justice!
Supported. **** your justice!
ok should we run away?? O_o
Supported, **** your justice !
Well, I have said this the whole time when the game started to corrupt. Instead some people seem to be immune while other get insta-ban while defend, is this a way to remove Turkey from the game?
@heymans, and you read about Armenian genocide, or just look what turkey is doing to Kurds... enslaved entire nation, no need to go more. and all what nikola said that was in this article quoted is facts, nothing less nothing more. Its whole other story that you are ashamed of that.
Supported, **** your justice !!!!!
Supported, **** your justice !
These things should be left outside of the game.²
Ban Demiurg +1
Wtf? Si if you have some opinion about some turkiah dude... you will be banned? Why turkiah guya worship to theres leadera? Are you democratic./Europe contry or you all living in 1300 B. C?
Lol turkey is ashamed of their glorious history Laugh you greatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandfathers killed raped enslaved people in balkan and forcefuly converted bosnians to islam. You took christian kids for your army ffs
someone had to tell you the truth
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they told everything truth
LoL just ignore them, they are butthurted because they are actually Turks like you are. 500years of Turkish blood runs thrugh their veins Wink...
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Good luck Turkish friends
If turks raped your mother, kidnapped you, steal from you, you all peasants would speak turkish now and be muslim, not english speaking ateists!
YutuKaron we dont speak turkish because we kicked your asses back to turkey (land you stole from greece)
Supported. **** your justice!
I understand the anger on insulting a great man like Ataturk.But plz there should be no turk that doesnt recognise the horrors they did at the pastSmileIf you want examples i give you some and i wont even go to the otoman period when you systematically stole kids from the nations you had ensalved to feed your army i am talking of more modern history.Like the Armenian genocide,the slaughter of Smirni/Ismir at 1921 at many other cities at that region and ofc the cruelties and oppression of the Kurd nationSmileAs i said its good to remember great ppl like Ataturk but dont forget the rest of historySmile
All you people are lying! Turkey never sinned in its history!
baluci ste kebab
balkans were under Turks for 500 years, british made whole Hindustan speak english in less that 200 years, russian whole Caucasus, Central Asisa as well in 200 years, believe if turks did not respect other cultures, religions, nationalities starting from croatia, ending with Marocco in Africa whole under Ottoman lands would be muslim turkish speaking people! And Turkish would be main international language now!
Yutu you respected conquered nations so much you forced islam on them and stole their kids for janissares or whatever theyre called.
Supported. **** your justice!
YutuKaron, that might be the case if we didnt kick your asses back to asia, sadly we didnt liberate the lands you occupied from greece and where you country is located now.
Supported. **** your justice! From France.
Supported. **** your justice!
we gave balkanian kids a chance for a better life, gave them education, nice closes, chance to be somebody in this life, some with good brain went to be Vizirs, Grand Vizirs, there are a lot examples of vizirs from balkanian families, some became lawyers, aristocrats in Ottoman Empire, and some who did not succeed in science, became janizaries and went to serve for their homeland Ottoman Empire were fighting and dying for their Fatherland and believe me they were doing it willingly! Otherwise these janizaries would f*** up the whole Empire in one night!They were good soldiers. And we did not steal land, we fought for it, we died, we deserved with our blood everything that we were having, all ortodox Balkans, with the help of catholic powers from Europe could not beat us, it your problem. And no power beside France+England could make us leave Ottoman Balkans! We left, who does say we will not come back!
Who does not say we will not be back? Is that a threat? You want to get defeated again?
Romyi banlayan mod! Adres ver!
Supported. **** your justice!
take easy.... beware on your blood pretion..... from Argentina.... keep clam and carry on..... EISTEIN said that there were two infinite things, the universe and human stupidity other, and the first had serious doubts.
We love Donald Trump!!!
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Everything is over, drop the Tsar bomb.
Supported. **** your justice!
There will always be trolls. Stop feeding into the nonsense. You re rewarding the behavior with these articles, comments, etc. Step back from the computer if you feel like you or your compatriots are being cyber bullied. Also censorship isn t justice. I might not agree with anything a person says, but that doesn t mean I don t think they have a right to say it. However this is a private site so the owners may remove certain content. E.g.The moderators/admin will remove and/or punish obscenities if thats what this is about. You know I ve read 0 of the trolls articles, why? Because it s a troll. However you people that are feeding the the troll and just encouraging people the read his articles/shouts. This might as well be another article telling the troll they re doing a good job. Think about it.
Sick of you. Try to decide your own problems, not only crying permanently in game articles.
@Rusev I think they mean well, I really do, they re just going about this the wrong way. I d love to get back to actual news too though.