Pubblicato in Turkey - Intrattenimento - 10 Nov 2016 14:17 - 76
first of all u have to read this article...
You, admins, firstly have to be carefull about insults Ataturk and Turkishness.
otherwise, be sure that i ll litigate to the Turkish court to ban eRevollution access...
May be you know or not, this happenned for other games at past....
And also, As Turks, we always respect to national and religious leaders, persons, and also religions... you must have some rules update about respect defend them.
first of all u have to read this article...
You, admins, firstly have to be carefull about insults Ataturk and Turkishness.
otherwise, be sure that i ll litigate to the Turkish court to ban eRevollution access...
May be you know or not, this happenned for other games at past....
And also, As Turks, we always respect to national and religious leaders, persons, and also religions... you must have some rules update about respect defend them.
MihaTwisterspageEsdeathlmperiusATEHTATOPOTCimenBatusipinaBuyukTurkkomeng_sajaATEHTATOPOTPedzaMKDAfridiDon Juan CorleoneCommenti (76)

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 1881-1938 o7

o7 o7


This sounds like ultimatums that some RL groups are making to the free world. Im all out for banning the autor of the article and all the people who are trying to push their extremist agenda in this game. Remove kebab o7




otherwise, be sure that i ll litigate to the Turkish court to ban eRevollution access...
Great. You should definitely do it


Finally, some real action, at least we could get rid of this useless addiction. **** your justice admins.

Обилићу сиви тићу
Turkish Community have double standards ....


Turkish Community have double standards ....



Realy stu*id kids

o yeah


You, admins, firstly have to be carefull about insults Ataturk and Turkishness.
otherwise, be sure that i ll litigate to the Turkish court to ban eRevollution access...
All content published by users cannot contain spam, pornography, nude pictures. racism, flaming, insulting content, external advertising, vulgarity or violations of any real life law.
These rules already exist people.
P.S. Why would someone want to insult Ataturk for making Turkey into a paradise?I really can t understand why people do that.Shame on them. Because of Ataturk and what he did for Turkey, i used to go every year in vacation in Turkey. Now, because Erdogan is destroying his legacy,i don t do vacation trips there anymore. Bring back Ataturk s legacy.

blah blah blah blah

Boring, if we are gonna listed this for next 6 months, lets say goodbye to turkish community, but before that please Ban sandzak, he broke rule, he is using bought account from ukrainian player, thats prohibited also

ban peaky or we will leave the game worker bees and ants community 

The European Union, which Turkey is hoping to join, has long called for an easing of Article 301 - the law which prevents insults to Turkish culture - arguing that the law places severe restrictions on free speech in Turkey.

they are proud of having you youtube banned is their country??

There is no place for RL in this game. If you dont like leave game. For game and game players is better to ban all players with a bought accounts.

Ahahah you deserve ban for cheating :-)
Turkish Community have double standards ...

Who the f*** is Ataturk?

@nikola RS. He is the reason people go to Turkey to have fun.It s the reason Turkey is a great hollyday destination.And much more. He modernized Turkey.Turkey is today a great nation because of him.However,now with Erdogan at the helm,everything that Atatürk created is now going down the tubes.


i ll litigate to the Turkish court to ban eRevollution access.
Don t worry. It seems your court gonna ban internet in Turkey at all, soon. 

Ban turkey from internet and we will all have better gaming experience


So you want Turkish players to not be able to play a game because other people offend Turkish...Cool

@oarecare thanks.

You ve got right. Erdogan is rolling back Ataturk changes. Turks deserved it. If you are stupid you have to pay the price.
If eRev will be banned in Turkey it s not so good for you. Your investition in account, cannot be realized. What a pity.


Ban turks from the internet, make internet great again!

@rafal. I canceled my holidays in Turkey the day Erdogan became President.It s a shame but they elected him,now they have to pay the price.

Good that their president begged putin for forgivenes in RL, otherwise we would have 1 well roasted turkey...



Ban turks

And also, As Turks, we always respect to national and religious leaders, persons, and also religions...


i smell some bs here
dont involve real life issues in an online game turks!

Shut up and enjoy the game. Don t talk about shit you shouldn t be talking about on a site that suspends accounts for cussing and use of other harmful language!

this whole article is contradictory.. why should the admin care? its your loss, not his. sure, he may lose a couple of paying visa players, but there are lots of other paying players out there.
why should he cater to you?

Şu shut up filan diyenlerin gelmişine geçmişine sövecem şimdi ya. Şeytan diyor bunların da tarihi sevdiği karakterlere saydır diyor ama bu karaktersizlerle aynı seviyeye inmeye gerek yok

Make a formal complaint about it by Erevollution members who offend a culture and nation. As a company can not allow it, the user who committed the infraction should be sanctioned with the prohibition and disengagement of the game and company itself. Otherwise apply to legal sanctions to the company.

I want to see how you ban this site. Just want to see it! V

So you are threatening to ban yourself ?
Because you can t ban this site for other countries.
Unless the servers are in Turkey.


Totalitarians. Maybe you should get ultimatum to go back to Asia where you came from and give back land to Armenians who you slaughtered comming in? xD
To talk about respect Lulz
You can t ban game... you can only close turkish internet, what is like closing eyes to not see game which will be working as usual...

Cry me a river build a bridge and get over it!

You can always use proxies.

I live in EU and we believe in freedom of speech. When i go to holidays, and i went to turkey few times, i didnt ask turkey to change law just because i found something offensive for example your priest singing at inappropriate times of day night morning...
Here in EU he would be prosecuted for disturbing of public peace and order . So keep your laws in your country and let us keep our freedom of speach in ours. And if you really want to leave game, i wish you all the best o7

+1 TopSecret

Everybody can do trolling we all agree on this but insulting is different. be careful about this.

to clarify something that i posted just above this.
Im not standing for people who like to insult others, but what should be done is leave authorities to deal with it, and if its not dealt properly, than make protest and try to get community behind you. All whats happening here is someone trying to bully rest of eWrold population in to giving in something that wasnt even denied in first place. Thats why this kind of articles dont have my support (im just one person but again in EU every single person is entitled to their opinion and its not forbidden to express it)


It is spelled ultimatum


Turkish community, you didn t leave yet, what a shame. Big noise over nothing. Ataturk would be ashamed by your empty words.

free Kurdistan 
