Đeneralova riječ

Pubblicato in Serbia - Intrattenimento - 10 Nov 2016 23:56 - 25

Pozdrav svima

Juces smo bili svjedoci spama (necu reci da li je ili nije opravdan) oko uvreda i drugih stvari. Ove stvari su se dogodile zato sto neki ljudi neznaju odvojiti stvarni svjet od igrice. Ako niste do sada shvatili ovo je igra i nije mjesto za rjesavanje RL stvari. Jedina stvar oko koje se treba raspravljati su eSTVARI, a ne RL problemi nasih zemalja i mane ili prednosti nasih bivsih i sadasnjih lidera. Svi bi trebali imati postovanja prema nasim prijateljima i neprijateljima i igra bi bila mnogo bolja.

Losa stvar je sto svaka zamlja ima igrace koje vole previse zezati i vredjati druge i onda dolazimo u situaciju da svi ostali zbog njega imaju lose misljenje o cijeloj drzavi. Naravno treba se saliti, ali svaka sala mora imati svoju granicu, jer u nekim situacijama mala je razlika izmedju sale i uvrede.
Mozda sam i ja par puta nekog uvrijedio ali to ne znaci da ne zalim za tim.

Druga stvar je da neko pokusava ucjeniti admine da kazne nekoga "mi cemo napustiti igru ako ne kaznite NN". Pa da li vi stvarno mislite da ce neko promjeniti svoje misljenje zbog nekih ucjena u vezi igre. Postoje ljudi koji imaju svoje JA, i recimo da sam ja na mjestu admina ja nikada nebi promjenio svoje misljenje.

Zato prestanite sa glupostima i igrajtu igru na nacin na koji se ona treba igrati - BEZ NACIONALIZMA, RASIZMA, I PROBLEMA IZ STVARNOG ZIVOTA.

Tekst napisan na dva jezika da se nebi samo nasi igraci smatrali prozvanim jer je ovo za global.

Greetings to ePeople,

Last day we saw a lot of spam (i will not say that it is for good reason or no reason) about insulting and other things. These things happened because some people don't know to divide real life and game. This is game if you did not realize it until now and it is not place for solving RL things. The only thing we should argue here are eTHINGS, not RL problems of our countries and vices and virtues of our former and current leaders. We should all have respect for our friends and enemies, and the game will be a lot better.

Bad thing here is that every country had its own trolls, and players who like to insult others and because of that other people have bad opinion of all players in the country. Of course we should joke a bit on each other but every joke must have its limits, because in some situation difference between joke and insult is very small.
Maybe few times I insulted someone but that doesn't mean I dont regret about that.

Other thing here is that someone tries to blackmail admins to ban someone, "we will leave the game if you dont ban NN". Do you really think that someone will change their decision when you blackmail him.... There is a thing called personal integrity and if I put myself in admins place I would never change my decision, because everybody would knew I was wrong.

So stop with eStupidity and play this game in way you should play it - NO NATIONALISM, NO RACISM, NO RL PROBLEMS. 

V + S if I deserve it


Panzer AcePhantom986MiuraSt0L3nDiamond LadyFelonious

Commenti (25)

to su u stvari bili turci, kale kale brdo,
totally agreed Voted Smile
Very well said, vote.
where werr you when someone were talking and insulting about RL? when they were sharing article about this, vote them, but when we answer them, no to rl... wtf?
@romy i am not representing whole country, i wrote my personal opinion
+1 bravooo za statiju !!!
Keep teaching that to Serbians and maybe after be educated enough then maybe will be an better erevollution
NO NATIONALISM? LOL. This game has it s mechanics based on nationalism. Smile)))))) I mean look at all the wars.If that s not nationalism, i don t know what is. Agreed with the other stuff like no rasism and no RL problems.
in our vocabulary nationalism is when you dont like other nations
@dark princes this text is not (just) for serbs
@djeneral90. That s just it. Game mechanics is such that it attracts nationalists or it is attractive to nationalists.Smile SO you can not root that out. and even if they are libertarians in real life(like me) they have to(because of game mechanics) play like nationalists. So there is no way to root out nationalism in a game that has it s mechanics based on just that: Nationalism Smile
your eStupidity made you fail to see. Deep inside your heart, you still hold nationalism and RL problem when you play this game.
Actually komeng,it is the other way around.it is the game that is making people nationalists.trust me.there is no way you can play like a libertarian.game is not constructed like that.there is no option to create a new country.you have predetermined ones.and that leads to nationalism.😊hope you see the problem.
ataTukish guys still packing, I hope they leave soon if they have a little honor, but who knows may be they don t
I would, in part, agree with oarecare about the game design feeding into nationalistic emotions. I have wondered what the game would be like if it was an open world where we named our own domains and established our own borders (I think it would make an awesome game) but then realized that it would be harder to profit off that design. Tapping into people;s love of their country (or anger towards others) is a great way to sell Gold. I think those feelings influence our decisions here more than we consciously think about or admit.
Great article +1
I vote FOR nationalsm and racism, that gives new dimension into this game and RL....
@djeneral - you re very, very wrong! In our language nationalism is said rodoljublje, hence it means loving your rod, loving your nation. Nationalism is the very same thing as patriotism. What you ment was the thing called šovinizam - that s disliking other nations. Nationalism is by definition a positive emotion towards your own nation! Don t let propaganda influence common sense!
@ady71... patriotism is when you love your nation, country.....and nationalism is word that is used for describing persons who hate others (usually 2 or nations in our case).....dictionary is one thing, general speaking is other thing