Macedonian News

Pubblicato in Greece - Intrattenimento - 14 Nov 2016 09:37 - 9

Greetings people of eRevollution,

We are pleased to announce that the alliance MDP 2 has officially been created today (eRev Day 306). In the name of our alliance, I wish to present you the members of this alliance and the MDP alliance HQ.


Supreme Commander: 
Kinyas  - Governor of Turkey

Vice Supreme Commander: Mohammad.No0bsailbot - Prime Minister of Iran

Military Commander: ATEHTATOPOT - President of No Name Country

Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Azzazel87  - MoD of France
Vice-Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Selvaris - vMoFA of USA

Secretary of Public Relations: spitifireYG (Ace) - MoFA of USA

Countries in MDP 2 are: 

:: Albania ::
:: Bulgaria ::
:: France  ::
:: Georgia ::
:: Indonesia ::
:: Iran ::
:: No Name Country ::
:: Poland ::
:: Romania ::
:: Taiwan ::
:: Turkey ::
:: USA ::
We will continue informing you of MDP2 alliance news through this newspaper so remember to subscribe.

We also invite you to join Discord server: 

!Hail MDP 2!


Commenti (9)

so creative
Demosten write about Macedonia and macedonians you now don t recognize but it is ok all the best
Cry more Smile
BRAVO for No Name !!!!!
you should be careful what you post xD