Pubblicato in Turkey - Ordini di battaglia - 18 Nov 2016 08:11 - 72

MAmadGoliafekandiPaniz799JamesBondlivevanzzVincentCommenti (72)

من به نوبه خودم کمک میکنم



Gooooo for fighting


Wow nice jock . LOL . 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂



ahahahahahahahahahahaha you cant be a serious xdxd

Who is your supplier?

Man . You are idiot 😂😂😂😂😂


Quite true quite true LuCiFeR is the Devil. I saw his horns once, quite scary indeed 

Please don t bring religion to the game. I have more than enought reading about macedonia stuff, or kosovo stuff...

his horn is really scary ....



Guys, chill out, its just a game.

omg riverton sura üfledi

this is just a map and game dont mess the game with religion :|

Ben gaza geldim. Aç cepheyi bi milyar koyacam cepheye

grow up

is croatia or turkey or serbia or greece your real country or they are fake? if they are fake and not your real country dont fight for them go to USA it have 50 regions and its full bonus . if you like your country we like our regions as a muslim .

Allah u ekber

@yuoTO +1 



Fair trade: Those regions for VV regions in Europe. 

Keep your religion out of this game Fanatics :@

bekliyodum bu propagandanın gelmesini nerede kaldın riverton anca yazmışsın

I don t support this article madinah and makka occupied by Greece since june (maybe may i don t remember) Where are you in this months? o7 Lucifer

Vur de vuralım öl de ölelim. Bu bir cihat cağrısıdır

ahaha, demons are spotted here, call the exsorcist!

Allah Akbar
, I m agree greeks with their hot avatars aren t suits for Madineh



omg,stop crying already turks

Subhanallah ilk defa görenler gold atsın bana 

Hey dude you cant serious......... yoksa cidden ciddimisin 

Please, stop bringing religion and RL politics into the game.

Alla alla alla alla fatihin topları yer misin yemez misin .s.s

I dont know if its a joke or not, but sounds like a cheap propaganda and its obviously done by either turkey or (most likely) iran as i can guarantee the third language isn t even arabic , its persian

Deus Vult

This could be fun in-game roleplay or misguided RL activism - not sure.

hmm a religion abusing article on 5 top articles O_o

Hail Greece

I don t worry about Lucies. I ll be eaten by pussies.



Voted, bencede oyun bile olsa nasılki Ayyıldız kutsalsa, Mekke ve Medine de öyle olmalı!

omfg looooooooool

Lol 😂

this is not very charlie

Where you buying drugs ?


ha ha ha very funny


V. S.

daaaamn dude you are so high :3

What the ...

Man this is only a game do not transfprme fun in a f..... religious war. Oh BTW if you want to invade Rome go ahead you only have to get ressources to do it

take it easy bro, this is only a game.

Με μέτρο τα ναρκωτικά δεν φτάνουν για όλους

Mecca will become Muslim again!

Indoctrinated crazy ppl kys

Oyunda da mı din sömürüsü? Bi bitmek bilmediniz aq....

trafalgar denen gerizekalı ve avaneleri anlamaz. hakiki mumin olmayı sinesinde taşıyanın gözlerini bu görüntü bile rahatsız eder