Pubblicato in United States of America - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 22 Dec 2016 05:41 - 10

In this interview I speak with former CP of the USA Thomas Killah.
During TK's term, major shifts in world events occurred including the dissolution of the MDP alliance.
President KIllah enacted the economic reform bill that still has lingering effects today and changed the nature of the American economy.
President Killah, how did you become CP of the USA?
Well I have a long history of being a politician in the US, dating back to Day 1 in eRevollution. However, it took me several attempts at running for President before i actually won. My first time was against Waffle, where I lost 26-25. Then I ran again 2 months later against Arith and Tales, where I lost 23-21 and Tales got 6 votes. However, finally I ran the following month and finally won 17-7 against dk3dknight, who ended up becoming my VP for my 2 terms.
It was not easy getting there, but persistence, compromise, and new/updated ideas, allowed me to connect with voters over time and finally win me the big chair
Awesome, so before that what were you involved with in eUSA?
Well there were a couple of things. When I got into office, we were coming off of a historically inactive period in the US's history. And with winter on the way, things didn't look good for the country. Luckily for me, activity began to rise on its own, slowly but surely. However, this was not good enough, so the DoCA began its first game of Turnlords which has become more and more lar after each game. This picked activity up a bit as well. We had a government website and University system that was not being kept up to date. We ended up joining the Second Spanish War to help our ally Portugal, which became another large focus of September. There was also little to no media activity, this was picked up with weekly WHPRs and 5 State of the Union articles during my 2 terms. Our economy was also sluggish, but with the help of Talesweaver's Economic Reform Bill, we were able to pick it back up and our economy was on the road to recovery. Then I'd say the final real issue facing our country was the dissolution of MDP and the subsequent search of a new alliance.
What did the economic reform bill entail and is it still in effect today?
The bill in a nuts was to stabilize the worth of the USD at 0.01g and to have a 1g = 110 USD exchange rate. It planned to achieve this through monetary injections of CC. This CC would be achieved by printing USD with Gold. In addition to this, VAT and income taxes were lowered. Yes this is still in effect, although, its been modified here and there, but the principle idea is still at use to this day
So in foreign policy, were you involved in the formation of Vae Victis?
No, I had a different vision for America, a vision that sadly never came to be. My goal was to form a local alliance with neighboring countries, however after the dissolution of MDP, conflicts with Congress, and communication issues, I resigned from CP 2 or so days before the end of my term, and allowed my VP - dk3dknight to become acting CP. From there talks steered away towards another alliance with Iran which basically is just MDP 2.0. I later left the country on a world tour to a few countries. Currently, I have put my tour on hold and returned to the US. I do not know when, or if, I will resume my tour, but the likely hood is pretty high.
Alright sounds good, so would you have any comments about the direction of the USA at the present?
I personally do not like being in the VV alliance, and we've already had some bumpy incidents that don't make the outlook optimistic. However, we must uphold our commitments and try to make this work. The economy should be getting back on track to recovery by the end of the month IMO, and media activity has been very low by both the Media Department and the President, I believe this is important to do and must be corrected by the current administration. Transparency is a necessary thing to have in government, and currently, unless you're a cabinet member or congress member, there is no information being put out for you. Nothing letting you know that the government is working hard each and every day for combat the issues currently facing our country.
So overall, I'd say that we've taken some missteps here and there, but we're still heading in the right direction
Do you plan on running again in the future?
At the current moment, no. If I was to it would be March/April since those will be my most available months to commit time. However, I am not even close to possibly contemplating a run, at this point in time.
Alright thanks, any final words?
My final words is that if we are to ever become the strong USA we know we can become, we must put behind our pasts, our egos, and our biases. We must come together and work as a single unit with a common goal. We need to increase ingame and media activity, promote American immigration, and implement more domestic programs to retain and encourage players to continue to play and to not leave the US in favor of other countries that are more active or stronger militarily or economically. Only then will we be able to move down the path towards the strong, active, and prosperous USA. I encourage all players new and old to get involved in the country in any and as many ways as possible.
Major thanks to Thomas Killah for coming in to do an interview. More coming soon!
KinyasPalmerTantisCrazymonkey201Commenti (10)

have we all forgotten The Impeachment and the fact that Thomas Killa never stood in front of congress for a trial on the missing Gold. This is Blacklist stuff.

@Bamapana The missing gold I believe was classified as an error by Arith
and based on my knowledge, Tom actually sent more gold than what he originally received from the country.


And the first impeachment was started by you on a misguided information and was as a result of anger outbrust which you accepted yourself later on. And the second impeachment was asked for by Tom Killah when he resigned to give seat to DK. As per stolen gold, it was a simple accounting mistake as said by Arith and as far as I remembered, TK paid a bit of his own gold too. And also if my memory is not decieving me, TK said, quote; I will pay my own gold bought from my own hard earned money (RL) if needed be. So I dont think anyone has any single right to call a completely honest man a corrupt person and call him to trail when the matters were resolved. And as far as I know TK dont care about gold, he is not a businessman like many of you and he doesnt have a lot of companies, why exactly would he steal national gold? Oh and if you really think this all is blacklist stuff, why dont you go on and propose a blacklist, lets see where that takes us? On that day when me and TK spent 8 hours continiously doing meetings, I said the same thing, if y all think our deeds were blacklistable, go on and blacklist us. But as far as I remember, a lot of people did say that it wasnt even close to blacklist and no one was going to blacklist us. So dont ruin a perfect article by putting false accuses. Thanks. And the article was perfect, excellent work. TL;DR Dont ruin a good reputation of a good guy, we all have a few facts hidden around but lets put past in past and work together for a bright future of USA. We all look forward to a Greater USA so lets work hard to get it but we cant get it by fighting among each other. Also, Great article. Nice job and a perfect newspaper.

**Clap Clap** Nice words Eddie probably the best you ve said for a long time LOL

Eddie just had an Abe moment....writing essays in the comments.

What are you guys talking about I spend all night trying to fix the account ask dk and everyone I was up till fricking 7 am fixing everything and double checking the account if you want evidence i saw the whole meltdown in congress trying to fix everything that was created. Look at the account then and you will see that the problem since some of the gold was unverifiable anyways. Again the past is the past also the reason it took me more than 2 hrs to do the account the reason is one i dont want to be blamed for any mistake and two there was a lot of information missing because proper account wasnt kept when I inquired several times him there was different figures between the accounts and even different amounts came to me it didnt tally. The money wasnt the main reason TK was impeached because of the alliance and the lack of trust congress had

But would like to Thank TK at least the amount owed as expected was returned after the inquiry . Sorry for the grammar mistakes up late night again Delete

No need to beat a dead horse so I wont comment on neither Arith s or Tricky s comments, but I would like to make it known that I am not responsible for the enactment of the economic reform, while I was a supporter of the bill, it was all Talesweaver s doing and he deserves the credit for that.

I would like to state again, TK was not impeached, his first impeachment failed. The second impeachment was just a procedure followed because he resigned as CP.