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Pubblicato in France - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 28 Dec 2016 07:06 - 7

Hi guys.

First sorry for my english ! :)
I have a little suggestion which can fit perfectly with your new update :
Adding sea province where you can only fight with naval weapon, those provinces are needed to attack a land throught sea and ocean
This way we could have real naval war.
Those provinces can be own by a country. This one can give acess to over country with a law and can ask gold against acess.
Country which control or have acess in a naval provinces can attack every land provinces connected.
A sea province (owned by a country) which is not directly connected to one of this country land provinces have daily cost.

In this example if France control all sea province they can attack all land connected, it will work the same way than today.
If France grant sea acess to portugal then portugal can attack all land connected too
But in this case if France don't give acess to Spain, then Spain can't attack from balearic island to sardinia.
In order to keep the sea provinces between balearic island and Sardinia France have to pay each day because this provinces isn't connected to any French land provinces

Here is an example. Canadian coast couldn't be attack by Ireland without control of ocean provinces.


Captain HarlockG 4 M p3trOs V E R

Commenti (7)

Need more explanations
Jolie dessin, bravo tu passes en 3è section de maternelle
xD noraj de paint heavenhell
More exlanations added monsieur pingouin
Having supreme navi can block assault across the see, or ocean? Like in Napoleon s wars or WWII, British island defend themselves with powerful Navi... I like the idea, brings some reality in this imaginary warfare. IDK about Admins, they want to accelerate the game with this update and give an opportunity to new players to be important in the game, does this fit their plans? Anyway, you got my Vote + Support
Thx ! Interesting ... :thinking:
Yes like Napoelon s war or WWII exactly. This way country like Japan couldn t be attack on their core if they have naval power.