Pubblicato in Germany - Analisi di guerra - 17 Jan 2017 10:41 - 38
Hello citizens of eWorld,
In this article i will try to make short summary of some happenings involving Germany past 3 months, to announce you our point of view on diplomatic scene in game and to introduce you our economical program for near future.
Military campaign:
Its been a while since we went into military campaign, almost 3 months ped and lot of things changed during that time. Main goal from the start of that campaign was to kick Turkey out of Europe. Why? Because half of our alliance (Invictus in those days) were having them on their borders and Turkey as one of the strongest country in this game, having that position, was threat to every member of our alliance. We failed in that, reasons and mistakes alliance made in that war are not so important now. All countries involved directly in that war suffered a lot, from both sides. Especially from our alliance. Hungary signed NAP few days after they entered the war, Croatia and Germany stayed in that much more, and unlike Croatia that have a lot of players, we are not that kind of country and simply
we were outnumbered on the battlefield. After long and exhausting war our government decided to sign NAP with enemies, so called Berlin agreement.
Diplomatic scene:
After change with max 6mpp slots per country, that made alliances to organize different. As you know, we have Vae Victis on one side and lot of neutral and anti-VV countries on the other side. Vae Victis had formed alliance when this changes appeared and they got adjusted to new changes easier then neutral and anti VV block countries. And mostly cause of that, plus the fact that VV have bigger potential in damage, those countries are struggling to fight against VV. Most of them cant find mutual interests and language with countries that have similar goals in game, lack of inapatience and i would say lack of co*ones (Spanish word, guess it) to change something in game is making them to suffer a lot on battlefield. Germany tried to talk with lot of them, to try helping in movement from the dead point but unfortunatelly, as soon as most of anti VV countries don’t realize that all of them can success only if they find mutual goals, nothings gonna change positively for all of us, we will stay at the dead point. Regarding all our tries to do something and make people work together, we are little bit tired in those attempts so, in the near future, Germany will be neutral country with no attempt to form alliance with someone unless we are not 100% sure that
countries members of that possible alliance are ready to fight for mutual goal, no matter what happens. Of course, we will always be here to help our biggest friends in this game such as Denmark, Russia, Spain, Czechs… And we are always open for talk and help to all other our comrades for past few months.
Economical prosperity:
Long and exhausting war made our economical resources drain a lot. That’s why we are starting with rebuilding our economy from the beginning. As first steps, we made our salaries on job market very high, probablyhighest in the whole world. So, if you want to earn some money, you can come to Germany and apply at German producers companies for a salary of 181DEM. Our taxes are minimal and with exchange rate of 1g – 100 DEM you can earn EVEN 3.6G per double work. Also our trading center is one of the most cheapest in the game, you can buy lot of stuffs for prices lower then on black market! Lot of foreigners bought our licences at those time when we had 3x100 so you can also use that licences now. Since you bought them earlier, you can use them now to buy or sell on our trading market. That’s some our moves for the beginning but by time we will implement more things in our economical program.
Until new writings.
In this article i will try to make short summary of some happenings involving Germany past 3 months, to announce you our point of view on diplomatic scene in game and to introduce you our economical program for near future.
Military campaign:
Its been a while since we went into military campaign, almost 3 months ped and lot of things changed during that time. Main goal from the start of that campaign was to kick Turkey out of Europe. Why? Because half of our alliance (Invictus in those days) were having them on their borders and Turkey as one of the strongest country in this game, having that position, was threat to every member of our alliance. We failed in that, reasons and mistakes alliance made in that war are not so important now. All countries involved directly in that war suffered a lot, from both sides. Especially from our alliance. Hungary signed NAP few days after they entered the war, Croatia and Germany stayed in that much more, and unlike Croatia that have a lot of players, we are not that kind of country and simply
we were outnumbered on the battlefield. After long and exhausting war our government decided to sign NAP with enemies, so called Berlin agreement.
Diplomatic scene:
After change with max 6mpp slots per country, that made alliances to organize different. As you know, we have Vae Victis on one side and lot of neutral and anti-VV countries on the other side. Vae Victis had formed alliance when this changes appeared and they got adjusted to new changes easier then neutral and anti VV block countries. And mostly cause of that, plus the fact that VV have bigger potential in damage, those countries are struggling to fight against VV. Most of them cant find mutual interests and language with countries that have similar goals in game, lack of inapatience and i would say lack of co*ones (Spanish word, guess it) to change something in game is making them to suffer a lot on battlefield. Germany tried to talk with lot of them, to try helping in movement from the dead point but unfortunatelly, as soon as most of anti VV countries don’t realize that all of them can success only if they find mutual goals, nothings gonna change positively for all of us, we will stay at the dead point. Regarding all our tries to do something and make people work together, we are little bit tired in those attempts so, in the near future, Germany will be neutral country with no attempt to form alliance with someone unless we are not 100% sure that
countries members of that possible alliance are ready to fight for mutual goal, no matter what happens. Of course, we will always be here to help our biggest friends in this game such as Denmark, Russia, Spain, Czechs… And we are always open for talk and help to all other our comrades for past few months.
Economical prosperity:
Long and exhausting war made our economical resources drain a lot. That’s why we are starting with rebuilding our economy from the beginning. As first steps, we made our salaries on job market very high, probablyhighest in the whole world. So, if you want to earn some money, you can come to Germany and apply at German producers companies for a salary of 181DEM. Our taxes are minimal and with exchange rate of 1g – 100 DEM you can earn EVEN 3.6G per double work. Also our trading center is one of the most cheapest in the game, you can buy lot of stuffs for prices lower then on black market! Lot of foreigners bought our licences at those time when we had 3x100 so you can also use that licences now. Since you bought them earlier, you can use them now to buy or sell on our trading market. That’s some our moves for the beginning but by time we will implement more things in our economical program.
Until new writings.
KavehDejanNKHeIiosLieutenant DildoLieutenant DildoPeakyKoukouroukouno0bsailbotLendlDiamond LadyAbramelinImjokerCommenti (38)

Voted Supported o7


Good luck


Thanks for mentioning us in biggest friends section, to nam je hvala sto smo tukli za vas i po vasim rw bez medalja...

o7 good luck

Isto to je i Nemacka radila za Srbiju kada je Srbija bila obrisana, to sto niste pomenuti ne znaci da niste prijatelji. Vrlo dobro znamo koliko se puta Legija organizovala za nas ustanak i mi to pamtimo.

Donald Antinarodni Trump JR. Let s Make Deustchland Great Again 

I zahvalni smo na tome, da ne pomisli sad neko da sam ironican 

Well Antinarodni, i said similar thing on military unit wall. It is frustrating that we bust our ass for some countries like Denmark or Germany and then we dont get mentioned at all in articles as friends or even neglected as potential allies (like Denmark said and we are fools and still fighting for them like we did last time in naval vs Turkey). Yes before u wrote comment here i wrote on mu wall that whenever I asked for german dmg as Mofa u always delivered perfectly timed fatal blows to our enemies and u helped us with CS when we were deleted, but as someone who fought for Germany rly hard sometimes even without medals its frustrating we dont get mentioned in article as BFF (Im not geting into who got mentioned as friend)

I must point out that we are lacking with food producers and food product on Germany market, so bring it on 

Archimagus dok je srbija bila obrisana i prije toga dok je bila pod napadom mi smo bez ikakve poruke od strane vasih zvanicnika pucali za vas jer znamo da vam treba pomoc, a isto tako ste i vi pucali za nas. Niko nije rekao da nam niste prijatelji

Prijatelji ostaju prijatelji!!!
Samo napred!!

Hail Germany o/


@DejanNK, ja niti jednog trenutka nisam rekao da ste rekli da vam nismo prijatelji, samo sa poentirao na tome da nas niste ubrojali u najbolje prijatelje ... Jasno ti je na sta mislim ... I nemojte da se bavite zamenama teza jer to ne prilici odnosu medju ,,obicnim prijateljima. NISTE REKLI DA VAM NISMO PRIJATELJI - ISTO TAKO NISTE NAS UBROJALI U NAJBOLJE PRIJATELJE. Mene to vredja jer vas samtram (uz bosnu i Hrvatsku) za najbolje prijatelje. Mii vama po ovom clanku ocigledno nismo cim nas niste ubrojali, (opet kazem imam komentar ali cu se suzdrzati koga ste ubrojali) prilagodicu svoju igru tome i to je to.



Hail Germany o/


Once upon the time, when Germany was a strong and important country, there was a warning about the future. What Germans did? Laugh... And where is Germany now? Humiliated, asking for NOT WANTED NAP? Where is now mighty player ktab, who told that Germany will never ask for NAP? Well, ktab is in France, enjoying their bonuses, and you are trying to rebuild Germany. I don t think that you will success again. Germans society was corrupted, with wrong idea to save Serbia in the game. Leadership must be changed, with some new players and new approach, players in the game are tired of Germans nonsenses. New people for the the NEW GERMANY. Old Germany is a failure :-(

Levi read the article carefully man :/

good luck o7

Great sallary! HAIL GERMANY!

Kaveh, learn something about foreign affairs. You can not rise the power of your country until you stop opposing the strongest countries in the game. Not long ago, you published the article, with a wrong idea, to fight until the end... But, lucky, you find a correct way out of this, sign a NAP and finally start to think what is good for a country, and not what is good for a EGO of formers CPs, who lost the war and destroyed great country. My advice is to ask them politely to leave Germany, this is the best help they can give to the motherland. And stop messing with Serbia, Russia or Denmark, this is the best way to destroy any chance for recovery of Germany.


Kaveh, no need to answer levi aka shisu, just dont answer to his comments, eventually he will stop,change nickname and run to his mouse hole and start kissing new erev power country cp **s

Peaky, if is really Deutchland uber alles for you, you should help your country and leave, together with all others who destroyed country. Having you and trying to rebuild Germany is the same as swimming with the 10 t rock. Your reactions are poisoning relations with powerful country in the game, Germany can not advance with this approach. After all, although you are always against my advices, I see that Germany is starting slowly to change political course and abandoning suicidal approach promoted by ktab, you and several other players. Leave your EGO game, help Germany and remove yourself from there. P.S. Don t worry, I will not send an application for the citizenship ;-)


As i said Kaveh just ignore him

Hail Germany o/

I don t need to watch comedies, just levi s are enough for me

Nice Germany!!!!!

Levi, are you kiddddding us? you said that Germany is corrupt? Could you explain why do you say that? I saw Georgia with 6700 Players and 28 Online...
Whatttttt??? I would like to understand people like you, but it is totally imposible.
Before talking, you have to think about the subject, other way, you will be acting contradictory

What they did in economy is a best example of corruption. A couple mediocre accounts, like Peaky, Agoria, Fric are now in the top 100 citizens. How? They use their position as a CP, or governors, transfer public gold and money and build a lot of companies on their accounts. Also, they use public money to buy EB for themselves, during the battles, and get more points and experiences. This can be tolerated if they are giving something in return to the country. But they are giving only disaster, demolition, and bad decisions. Now, Germany is ruined country, and they have powerful accounts. So, conclusion is clear, CORRUPTION. After all, you have a lot of this to learn, to start understanding how this professional gamers (playing similar games more than 4 years, spending enormous amount of time in this and other games every day) plays the game. Your misunderstanding and beliefs are only funny thing here.