Pubblicato in Serbia - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 23 Jan 2017 09:37 - 21
After long and exhausting negotiations between Serbian Government and the Leaders of Iranian MU Green Berets, I am happy to announce that they have finally concluded all the terms, and signed the "Tehran Agreement".

1- Green Berets are not allowed to hit against Serbia.
2- Serbia is obligated to unban all banned members of Green Berets on the Serbian official Discord server.
3- Serbia cannot declare war on Iran, nor declare Iran as Natural Enemies.
4- Iran cannot declare war on Serbia, nor declare Serbia as Natural Enemies.
5- Warchief is obligated to donate 300 gold, to both sides.
6- BattleHero is not allowed to ban me without valid reason.
7- The agreement will be valid until Day 409.

B A T A S H A - President of Serbia, Biggest Ally of Macedonia, Breaker of Q5 DS

Rogal Dorn - Leader of Green Berets, Patriarch of Iranian Orthodox Church, First of His Name, King of the Persians and the First Men, Breaker of the Vows, Protector of Iran, Father of Krsta, Vokasi and Phantom

Mortarion - Burek je sa Shirom, First Lady of Iran, Queen of bananas

Do not get butthurt, this is a joke article, and the agreement is not valid. Feel free to endorse my newspaper, or donate me some money. I am bankrupt, lost my account because of BattleHero, he hates me.
After long and exhausting negotiations between Serbian Government and the Leaders of Iranian MU Green Berets, I am happy to announce that they have finally concluded all the terms, and signed the "Tehran Agreement".

1- Green Berets are not allowed to hit against Serbia.
2- Serbia is obligated to unban all banned members of Green Berets on the Serbian official Discord server.
3- Serbia cannot declare war on Iran, nor declare Iran as Natural Enemies.
4- Iran cannot declare war on Serbia, nor declare Serbia as Natural Enemies.
5- Warchief is obligated to donate 300 gold, to both sides.
6- BattleHero is not allowed to ban me without valid reason.
7- The agreement will be valid until Day 409.

B A T A S H A - President of Serbia, Biggest Ally of Macedonia, Breaker of Q5 DS

Rogal Dorn - Leader of Green Berets, Patriarch of Iranian Orthodox Church, First of His Name, King of the Persians and the First Men, Breaker of the Vows, Protector of Iran, Father of Krsta, Vokasi and Phantom

Mortarion - Burek je sa Shirom, First Lady of Iran, Queen of bananas

Do not get butthurt, this is a joke article, and the agreement is not valid. Feel free to endorse my newspaper, or donate me some money. I am bankrupt, lost my account because of BattleHero, he hates me.
B A T A S H AposqrrposqrrposqrrposqrrCrunchPalmernakituminayashiversATEHTATOPOTPraxisexkursionkomeng_sajaXanderXanderXanderno0bsailbotAmireCarterVucicu PederuCommenti (21)


Pravoslavlje xaxaxaxa


Vr o/

Its a good to see my greeny boobies and srpski chocolates in the same, lovely picture. Voted.


ahahahahhahahahhahahaha vote sub pivo !

No war no fun :/

lol fyromania



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U vihoru kao vatra
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palio je jedan ratnik
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