Pubblicato in Serbia - Intrattenimento - 27 Jan 2017 13:41 - 17
Now I need help of our blessed community, which is recognized as nicest and the most polite, kind, welcoming community on the whole Internet. Community full of tolerance, without any kind of discrimination and/or racism. I am very pleased to be a part of such a community. Now it is time for that community to rise and shine.
BattleHero took my life away. My wife and kids have left me. I have got nothing left. While I am writing this with my red frozen hands, full of chapped skin, my stomach is heavily rumbling. Today I was evicted by my landlord, if I dont get a house by tomorrow, I will not be able to work twice, and my employer will fire me.
Feel free to donate me anything you dont need, or simply endorse my articles.
List of top endorsers:
1. posqrr - 100cc
2. Piko - 40cc
3. vers - 35cc
- Bamapana has transfered 150 Food Q2 to your storage.
- Mortarion has transfered 87 Food Q5 to your storage.
- Mortarion has transfered 220 Weapons Q5 to your storage.
- Mortarion has transfered 150 Helicopter Q1 to your storage.
- Mortarion has transfered 81 Food Q3 to your storage.
- Mortarion has transfered 114 Food Q2 to your storage.
- Jean Epsilon has transfered 100 Food Q3 to your storage.
- Don Juan Corleone has transfered 200 Food Q3 to your storage.
- Don Juan Corleone has transfered 1 House Q1 to your storage.
- The Keki has transfered 100 Helicopter Q5 to your storage.
- Inarius has transfered 3.1 GOLD to your account.
- Sultan Haydar Bas has transfered 31 Food Q5 to your storage.
- Sultan Haydar Bas has transfered 31 Food Q2 to your storage.
- Sultan Haydar Bas has transfered 31 Helicopter Q5 to your storage.
- Pokret eBeba has transfered 600 Food Q3 to your storage.
- rad88 has transfered 1 House Q1 to your storage.
- komeng_saja has transfered 1 House Q1 to your storage.
- komeng_saja has transfered 69 Food Q1 to your storage.
- djurdjo has transfered 200 Helicopter Q1 to your storage.
- posqrr has transfered 50 Food Q5 to your storage.
- posqrr has transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
- Magnus the Red has transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
- mcmoox has transfered 10 GOLD to your account.
- mcmoox Your salary has been changed to 300 RSD.
- mcmoox has transfered 80 Helicopter Q1 to your storage.
- mcmoox has transfered 360 Food Q3 to your storage.
- GARDOSH has transfered 100 Helicopter Q4 to your storage.
- Kaveh has transfered 200 Food Q2 to your storage.
- Nilson has transfered 74 Weapons Q2 to your storage.
- Nilson has transfered 1000 Food Q2 to your storage.
- noobmau has transfered 300 Food Q5 to your storage.
- Ragn0 has transfered 500 Food Q2 to your storage.
- El viejo has transfered 200 Helicopter Q5 to your storage.
- El viejo has transfered 1 House Q3 to your storage.
- El viejo has transfered 500 Food Q5 to your storage
- El viejo has transfered 5 Warship Q5 to your storage.
- EddieA has transfered 1000 Food Q3 to your storage.
- Rogal Dorn has transfered 1000 Food Q2 to your storage.
- Petkoff1949 has transfered 71 Weapons Q1 to your storage.
- Giovinco69 has transfered 110 Weapons Q5 to your storage.
- Giovinco69 has transfered 158 Food Q2 to your storage.
- Giovinco69 has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
- Griezmann7 has transfered 148.32 IRR to your account.
- BoroNK has transfered 1000 RSD to your account.
I am truly thankful for every donation/endorse. Thank you all!
In case I dont get much needed basic stuff for living, I am willing to bend over or get under the table. I am desperate, dont judge me.
Do you sleep peacefully, BattleHero?
Sultan Haydar BasKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninKame SenninGiovanno69KavehkilmanversversversversnakituminayashiGimaillzgulthekrekcthekrekcthekrekcXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderSpecijalac90XanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderXanderGARDOSHGARDOSHGARDOSHGARDOSHGARDOSHGARDOSHdjurdjodjurdjoRsJackdjurdjodjurdjoposqrrposqrrposqrrposqrrposqrrposqrrnoobmauTricky DickSultan Haydar BasSultan Haydar BasSultan Haydar BasSultan Haydar BasSultan Haydar BasSultan Haydar BasSultan Haydar BasSultan Haydar BasSultan Haydar BasSultan Haydar BasYowanowskeeeYowanowskeeeYowanowskeeeYowanowskeeeCrunchCrunchCrunchCrunchCrunchGARDOSHGARDOSHThe LecleaRThe LecleaRvmvelevsplychosplychorad88rad88rad88zerogrozavuEva BraunEva BraunEva BraunEva BraunEva BraunEva BraunEva BraunEva BraunEva BraunEva BraunGoodbye o7Goodbye o7Goodbye o7Goodbye o7MijuskoMijuskoCommenti (17)

Sad story

check your old nickname
Kratos. unfair move


RT si T Trist


Pravoslavlje brate o/

u reject my donation 

Dace sve Atentatoru :-)

sad story 

i love happy ending

Spavas li mirno Batle Hirou?????

ađeje muksu zahvalnica 

CNN-Centar najvece neistine

NAPoran si, zbog cega molis? 

no sucky sucky no vote

I was forced by moderator to remove sucky sucky, because someone reported it as inappropriate. 

Hang in there, friend.