Pubblicato in United States of America - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 03 Feb 2017 20:30 - 9

My fellow fre lovers,

Today something has happened that has never happened before in eWorld

For over a week, the major party leaders and political figures in this country have been discussing merging the parties under the vision of a strong and united American empire, on the basis of winning the world’s respect and ending age old political feuds which are currently being fought for no conceivable purpose.

The instigators of those feuds are long dead, and it’s time our country focused on work, on fre, on liberating our territory, pulling together, and ignoring internal divisions to focus on outside enemies.

All great empires rise through unity. All great empires fall through internal divisions.

We will not be yet another fallen empire. The major political leaders of the United States, including me and my chief opponent in the presidential race, have agreed unanimously to the following settlement:

1.      Within a month, both PRP and Feds are to be abolished. PRP is to rename itself the American unity Party and the parties are to be merged.
2.      EddieA will be the interim chairman of the Unity Coalition, which will become the American Unity Party.
3.      All major political figures in the US agree on a common cabinet and a unity coalition in the next election.

With that, I am proud to have the honor of announcing the American Unity Slate, the first coalition government in the history of our nation. We will forget the feuds of the past we will build a new country based on patriotism, self-sacrifice, fre, independence, and good governance, where the President no longer rules alone, but at the helm of a team of heroes who lead the country by example.

The cabinet comes with a new hierarchy and the innovation that every man is attached to one role and must own it. We will be a cabinet that works, and one that is well organized, where every important role is run by a person and his deputies as opposed to just a single man. Gone are the days of political appointments, we will have a government that works.

** bold and underlined roles represent department heads. Department members are underlined.

President: Diesel – Damn it feels good to talk about myself in third person. The president in this term isn’t going to govern alone but be at the helm of a strong and competent team. My goals this month are to drive out the Serbs and build the blocks for achieving America’s des to conquer through liberation and bringing new institutions to the rest of the world. Let us be a shining beacon of what this game could be organized, committed, dedicated, reforming our institutions to be the envy of the world. The president should be a paragon of patriotism and virtue and I hope to set the precedent in declaring that I and all future presidents should surrender everything we own. Our wealth belongs to the country.

Vice President: Bamapana – bama is a former president with a vision for changing the relationship of the executive branch with congress. The Vice president will ume his traditional role of President of the Senate and will be in charge of ensuring bills are ped and the government runs smoothly. If the president is the head firefighter, the VP is plumber in chief.

Attorney General: Tantis – Tantis in other games has written long and effective constitutions. As attorney general he will be drafting over the next month our proposal for the new constitution of the United States, and has already gotten started on his work. The first thing the Romans did when they marched into an area was two set up a court. America will conquer once we gain our independence. We will expand, but we will do so through superior institutions and imilation. Other people will see the righteousness of American law as designed by Tantis this term. Liberty through Conquest.

Chairman of the American Unity Party: EddieA – Eddie will be the first coalition chairman in the history of our country. A multi-term leader of the PRP, he will run elections through forms polls, and the media outlets of our unity party. Let us dispense with real life politics and create a new lexicon of political issues dealt with in the game.

Chief of Staff: Red Mackintosh – the Chief of Staff during this term is Boss #2. Red Mackintosh has a reputation in this game and others as  a brilliant delegator and organizer of people. He is vested with all firing and hiring authority of the president and will be responsible for keeping documents and making sure that everyone is completing their work on schedule.

Secretary of State: Tancred – Tancred is a former president and brilliant negotiator who was instrumental in founding this union (it was actually his idea) and has a long history of foreign relations with VV. He is a hard negotiator and will be able to end the US’s reputation as a renter country and end our enslavement as a banana republic of the rest of the world.

Director of Outreach: Vellocet – Vellocet is an active player who wants to change how the US is seen abroad. The director of Outreach serving under the SoS will publish articles recruiting foreign experienced players and spreading the message of the US abroad, from psychological warfare articles dissuading our enemies from continuing a war to more positive recruitment articles spreading the message of our new institutions.

Secretary of Defense: Hemmingway – The man lives up to his avatar of George Patton. I asked him to do this job then suddenly he came out with 12 ideas, all the best I’ve heard in a long time. Hemmingway will be the leader of teh US army and will be handling the creation of a team for the army, army publications, and driving the foreigner off our land. He will be making an ATO force and an elite unit for hard hitters so we can strategically turn around battles when we need.

Chief Strategist: Ace – Ace is the incumbent CP and a brilliant military organizer known for his activity in sending out extreme volumes of m pms and for his grasp of the military module. Through his deep understanding of war from 5 months in VV’s senior command, he will prevail against all our enemies, current and future. This month we’re going to be centralizing the military units into a single chain of command, with the units serving as repositories for different kinds of players.

Deputy Secretary of Defense: islandwoolsie – as DSoD island will help in the mive reorganization of the military to come and mively upgrade the commitment and organization level of our forces. Island is already hitting on his own cash and consistently full helis, and is a patriotic example for the rest of our troops to follow.

Secretary of the Interior (formerly Citizens Affairs): Thomas Killah
– TK is a former president who will be taking one of the most important roles in the government in the coming month, to create a slough of new social programs that will rejuvenate the country.

Director of Recruitment: maybee – maybee is a member of a lot of forums that play similar game as this one and will be able to draw from a vast array of contacts to bring floods of people into the country.

Director of Technology: Bomie – Bomie, my almost-business-partner in real life, is hands down one of the best programmers in the civilized world. My tech skills this month as DoT are nothing compared to what he’s capable of. I won’t describe anything more in detail. Just wait and see, it’ll blow your mind.

Director of Media: supermaghe – supermaghe publishes easily the best articles of the US. As director of the media this term he’ll bring world news to the United States and connect us all a little more about the game.

Director of Citizens Programs: Gabrielz Hornz – as DoCP, Gabriel will be creating programs that will keep the citizens active and increase the depth of our engagement s a community

Secretary of the Treasury: Talesweaver – Tales is a multi-time SoT who will continue to do the stellar job he has making money through the currency market hand ensuring a stable budget. One of the biggest challenges this month will be creating more wealth in the market to fund the ongoing fourth world war against Delos and Serbia.

Director of Commerce: Arith – Arith is our longstanding narrational wallet and one of the hosts of the erev radio show that has brought our politics to the homes of every player in our country. He’s got great plans for controlling the prices of housing raws and improving the economy over the course of this term

Chairman of the Federal Reserve: BioHaze – Our first president and founding father comes back from the dead to do one thing – create a modern investment system for our country. As chairman of the Fed, Biohaze will create the first financing mechanisms in all of eRev.

This is the first time in our country's history that enemy parties have voluntarily unified for the sake of the good of the nation. Liberty through Conquest.

- Diesel


PalmerPalmerPalmerShiroTricky DickThe Red

Commenti (9)

damn right, lets do it. GO U S A
good luck Laugh
Great news, we are all on the same boat... no wait... on the same warship!
Eddie mentioned twice... Voted hard!
One does not simply fathom how epic this is. We re making history here.