Pubblicato in United States of America - Intrattenimento - 19 Feb 2017 12:40 - 5

This article is an open letter. Do you want to help your country? Do you want it to grow strong? Do you want your country to overflow with new immigrants that yes, might take your job, but will also be the lifeblood and source of our nation in the future?
The answer to these questions from almost all of our people is yes, but the big question for most is how.
We've been successful so far pioneering methods of recruitment and baby booming, but we need more people to be involved in these ways. Join the recruitment department, which will now be expanding at a monstrous rate, and we will get you set up with all the right tricks required to bring people into the game.
Speaking from experience, recruiting large numbers of people is the easiest way to become prominent and serve your country in this game, and it is the only reason I have become CP so early.
So challenge me at my own job! Build up your group of friends in this game, and help us recruit!

Do you want to avoid this? The only way for a country to survive is to recruit!
PM me or Thomas Killah to become a new recruiter. Recruiting is hard work - but it's also fun. Its' getting to know new communities, exploring, and drawing people into this game to defend our country.
We need all kinds of people in recruitment, people to produce graphics, people to play, people to suggest sites and people to draw from their existing web of contacts.
Do the most valuable service you can to your country. Join up and help us recruit!
- Diesel, POTUS

Staring at you until you come recruit. So come recruit!... or stare back, that's fine too.
Tricky DickTardisgamingBomieThe RedFallenAngelPalmerCommenti (5)