Pubblicato in France - Intrattenimento - 24 Feb 2017 01:20 - 18
I have always been for a multipolar world since the beginning of the game, and after more than one year, nothing in this way happened.
Before this morning, I really was thinking that we had a chance to defend Spain, Croatia or France, but I did this excel sheet.

When I see that VV has 50% world potential damages and 50% world lation, with only 18 countries (23%), this is like believe win presidential election against Putin.
And now I am wondering : ’’how could we do this game more multipolar ?’’
There are 2 options, build an alliance with VV members, to achieve to a multipolar world, but when we created Délos all VV members refused to join us, even countries neutral vis-à-vis VV, like Portugal or Brazil, so we recruited in former Snake members and VV’s ennemies.
Or create an antiVV-block... Bipolarworld again...
But who have time to unify 58 countries, and manage them ? I personally do not have it, this is a game and I do not have fun anymore, because I do not recognize in this uni(VV)-polar game.
Maybe I am crying, but I am sad that after one year, the game does not offer more options in military, economic, journalist or politic module, after all what we proposed. The game structure encourage a bi-polar world, and I think you understood, but I hate that (only ig, because irl I am for a unipolar world).
I wish all a very good day, and a fulfilled life ♥ And if I may say, that I hope young people like us will be able to build an openmind and respectfull world, that is what we need to achieve to a cooperative and gradual world ♥
Hail Science and hail Culture ô7
If needed my DiscordTag : Magellan#2282
KiminuxStervoKeplerMiltiadosMiltiadosTadaCommenti (18)


on espère tous qu un jour nous verrons un monde multipolaire

La France est quand même un membre fondateur de Vae Victis, je dis ça je dis rien. Il a fallu que vous quittiez l alliance pour vous rendre compte du problème.

Bel article

Que Kinyas (sws) t apporte le bonheur IRL

Same for me soon if nothing happens. Many will do the same, the game has become boring.

It is immposible to create a multipolar world when half of countries are dead or with 3-4 players....the rest are not all strong...ingame are only few countries with huge power who help other countries with less is not anyone fault for bipolar world..its game management fault for not advertising game or help players to advetise to see more countries with huge power and less dead countries..only then we can create a multipolar world


Même sans parler de monde multipolaies, on pourra jamais réunir les 58 pays contre VV vu que tous les petits pays ont peur du wipe.



Unfortunatelly i had warned about tge famous third pole, that mdp would not let it be as third pole or neutral or so.. They want enemies and if they cannot have them they create them. As soon as delos is over there will be a chance, an excuse, to attack fortuna. They have full bonuses, they produce max, and they have to spend them in battles. This is why they want selective enemies, a very controlled game not to lose friends also that will ensure the overpower of 75+% of world damage. It s a good game indeed, until people get bored to pay to fight against enemy ff and server will close due to no income.

Donnes moi tes thunes avant de partir stp
keur keur

Partage Eme t es déjà super riche 

while all this is true, and sad thing is that France is responsible for creation of VV. Im in 2click mode and refusing to fight nearly a year now and stuff like this is reason for it. My suggestion than was same as now, wana win against them, dont play their game, simple, overproduce, dont fight them make game boring for them. They might have their win, you can have yours.. Balance would be created if dead countires would be lose that number of regions that some VV members have given to them. Example one Saudi Arabia that doesnt have single real player from that country, have more regions that Serbia or Croatia, Hungary, Germany etc etc.. So Saudi is just free resources for some countries, while try to point at one easy free region on Balkan?? And Saudi is not only dead country, there is many of them and all in reach of one alliance block. So wana fight and win, than fight by ignoring millitary module of game, That will ether kill game or force change starting with admin doing something with map, or vv will fall, or simple game will die, ether case win win.

VV just destroy the game, well done o/

Admin destroy the Game