Pubblicato in United States of America - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 26 Feb 2017 22:21 - 3

My fellow Americans,
Today's a special day in which we give out the Medals of honor for the February term. I hope I can set a precedent in handing these out of our citizens that have embodied the American spirit of giving to our country without anything in return and making the work that we've done possible these past months. I hope I can establish a precedent that we'll give out no more than 6 of these per month to make sure the honor goes only to a select few and isn't meted out for political purpose, but that we will always honor those that have gone above and beyond to serve our country.
Here are the medal of honors for February:

Fallen Angel
An unsung hero of the month. Fallen consistently does over 80 million damage, has never pursued a political career and has no reason to other than to fight for the good of the country. He's consistently given random shipment of helicopters from his factories to the government as well without asking for any payment. I actually tried to pay him once and he sent it right back. Without asking for anything in return, this man has contributed his own resources to the nation and never asked for supply.

I can safely say that TrickyDicky is the man in government who's done the most, offering to run his factories at an extraordinarily low cost for us and has his hands in helping seven different projects, working around the clock to help us raise our strength. I intended for his role just to be a liaison of Congress, but Tricky has become indispensable to all branches of government.

It's no surprise that Tancred is the country's top ranked player, consistently hitting 200-300 million damage in our battles and winning us respect. What is surprising is that he never asks for supply. That's right - Tancred is self-funding an amount of regular damage equal to that of a small country.

Arith and dk3dknight
Arith and dk3dknight have been running erev radio for over a year now, and just celebrated two weeks ago their one year anniversary. it is a truly unique program that is the only one of its kind in eWorld and has made over 100 hours of content for America. They also have been trusted with America's funds for a year and run the immigration service, without a single allegation of misconduct.
That's all for this month. Let's show our honor and appreciation for those that have embodied the spirit of civic duty in our country!
Hail USA!
FallenAngelMee6spitfireYGspitfireYGTricky DickPalmerCommenti (3)

ty mate

Thank you Very much!

Much appreciation! I give a personal medal of honor to you Dies, you ve run this ship of state like no other