Pubblicato in United States of America - Analisi di guerra - 27 Feb 2017 09:33 - 2

My fellow Americans,
The United States for months has been behind other countries in military organization. While they are using spreadsheets and running professional businesses, we are here applying on the basis of whoever is on at a given time. We need to move towards an efficient, fully functioning army, and the only way to do that is to create communes.
Starting in four days, the only way to get supply will be in some way to work for it for the US Army. The plan goes as follows:
- To become a professional soldier you need to work in a commune (you will be paid with helis, warships, houses, and USD, and will be making money) and will be constantly supplied with around 100 helis, warships per day, enough food for 1,000 energy and 1 Q1 house per week. This is a 900 USD daily value, compared to usual wages of around 360 USD.
- To participate in this program, you must also come to Organized Hits (OH's), which we will have two of, one for US Timezones and one for EU Timezones. These will be on discord, times we coordinate to m attack a battle at the same time and distribute supplies.
- We will be appointing Captains for both the US and EU timezone OH's to hand out supplies.
What's in it for you?
Diesel, what if I just want to become rich and don't care at all for my country!?
Well, those goals aren't mutually exclusive. By getting 900 USD worth of helis, free houses, every day you are also getting damage that goes towards medals, the main source of income in the game. The only very rich capitalists in this game still have a very low return on investment, and have bought hundreds of gold through visa. Ask any of the ones we have in the US - to go from zero to a single heli factory is 1280 gold.

Every heli factory owner.
The easiest way to build up cash in this game is to build experience, build damage, and get medals.
So sign up today with THIS FORM. Serve yourself and serve the nation!
Once again, starting in FOUR DAYS this will be the ONLY WAY TO GET SUPPLIES. This system of organized hits and communes is used by all the best armies in the world, and we intend to use it as well!
Hail USA!
FallenAngelTricky DickCommenti (2)