Pubblicato in United States of America - Primi passi in eRevollution - 27 Feb 2017 12:09 - 6

Welcome to the new world!
Your goals in this game are to help your country build an empire, become strong, and am a lot of wealth so you can pay for your own personal wars and expand your business empire.
The absolute best piece of advice I can give you in this game is to stick with it, stick with it, and stick with it. It takes time to master the learning curve of this game, but once you do, it becomes one of the deepest and most fun MMOs online today. Second, join our discord, join our discord, join our discord. If you can join our discord, the game is 4 times more fun and you'll advance 16 times faster.
The first thing you want to do is do all the tutorials. This will be boring, but is very necessary every day.
Next, you want to start working here and training here. You can also reach these lines under the building browser on the left side of your screen.

Do this every single day to boost your strength.
Immediately join the US Army, a military unit. This is the only way to get supplies and orders in our country.

Every day, fight in battles. You can see the battlefield you are ordered to fight in after you join a military unit. Fight every day until your energy is under 100, but only after you have worked for the day.

Use the hospital and recover energy bar to recover your energy.

The hospital and recover energy buttons are in the circled locations.
The more you train, the more your strength (land and naval) go up. The more you fight, the more your rank goes up. Both contribute to damage. So don't worry about minimizing/maximizing your wealth or fights. Just keep fighting, and keep training. Over time, you will grow strong.

Strength and ranks both contribute to damage, and increase with workouts and fights.
Fighting hard makes you rich in this game. The way this works is that damage goes towards medals, which give you anywhere between 2.5 and 5 gold. As a new player, you make more money fighting than working. This is why, after about a week, you always want to be buying some kind of weapon. Message your military unit commander for help to do this!

As soon as you have money, build 2 Quality 1 food companies, and upgrade your workout and naval academies to Quality 2-Q3. You can build by going into companies or workout area and clicking the button in the top right.

By building your own food companies, you will be able to recover energy more times in the day, and by building workout areas, you will be able to do more damage. Both let you earn medals faster and make more money.
After you have Quality 2-Quality 3 naval academy and training ground and 1-2 food factories, you want to build Sand Mines. Always do Q4-5 sand mines, or else they will take up too much energy out of your day to produce just a little sand.
Why sand mines? Because sand, also called House Raw Materials, is the highest priced raw material and the most reliable good on the market.
After you build Q3 training grounds and naval academy, wait until you have 200 or more gold before you build another. The reason for this is that it is much more expensive to upgrade to Q4. In the mean time, spam sand mines and food factories like there's no tomorrow, and start upgrading your food factories to Q2.
The Marketplace
The marketplace will be one of your most visited dialogs and is your friend in this game.

Circled are: job market (where you look for a job - straightforward!), trading center (popped up on the screen), and several circled goods. They are, from left to right:
- Food raw materials, VITAL to running your food companies. DO NOT OPEN FARMS, FOOD RAWS ARE SO CHEAP THAT FARMS A WASTE OF MONEY.
- House raw materials (blue). SELL THESE
- Food (buy this when you're out and need energy, and when you have the gold, open more food companies)
- House (buy one IMMEDIATELY)
Why buy a house immediately?
Because a house not only lets you recover energy faster, hit more, and level up faster, it also lets you work twice, making twice as much at your job. Simply click "rest" and you get to work a second time every day.

Click this button once you've bought a house to install it
Finally, Look at and join government programs. Join all you can in the beginning of the game, it makes the game much simpler, and lets you level up fast.
Look at the programs in this sheet! I would especially recommend the commune plan, which gives you free weapons, food, and houses and automates this entire process.
So in summary:
- Work, workout, fight, and heal every day!
- Join the US army
- Upgrade training grounds to Q2-Q3 first and build Q1-Q2 food factories. Buy a house. Do in any order you'd like, aim to get this all done in 1-2 weeks.
- Build tons of food factories and sand mines afterwards.
- Sign up for every government program you meet the requirements for
The game really is simpler than it looks. Stick with it, get to know the community, and have fun!
If you need more help, do not hesitate to PM any government member to ask for istance!
Hail USA!
- Diesel
AdminAdminnakituminayashiSultan Haydar BasSahkbamWilfiePalmerCommenti (6)


This is actually quite useful for players trying to figure out the basics of eRev. Added it to my list of MoE resources ~ thanks!

Np Wilfie!

I don t even know where that picture of me came from but I love this. Nice work Dies!

No article without a picture of Tancred!

He received access to secret eusa pictures of all its members when he became cp.