Pubblicato in United States of America - Analisi di guerra - 27 Feb 2017 21:41 - 2

My fellow Americans,
Earlier today the Delos alliance, our mortal enemies, surrendered after signing an agreement with the leaders of Vae Victis, ending one of the fronts of our war. We also signed a peace deal with their ally in Russia, who fought a series of hard fought and hero battles, offering determined resistance. Both Delos and Russia put up tough fights dealing tens of billions of damage against VV, and deserve respect.
One of our fronts is at an end, but the other is still active. There are still enemies on our borders: Spain which refuses to accept the Delos NAP, Serbia which attacked us a month ago and was driven back by the combined force of our VV allies, and the United Kingdom, backed by Serbia, Denmark, and their allies.
The world will come to bow to the might of VV as our triumphant alliance continues to conquer. Americans, I call upon you not to take the capitulation of Delos as any reason to slacken or relax. We have a long, hard series of wars ahead of us, and must brace ourselves to expand and contribute to the last remaining fronts, the last vestiges of resistance against our nation and our victorious alliance.
Hail USA. Hail VV.
- Diesel
SahkbamCommenti (2)

Hail murica! o7

Vin Diesel?