Pubblicato in Turkey - Intrattenimento - 27 Mar 2017 14:26 - 99
Türk arkadaşlar zaten meseleyi biliyorsunuz o yüzden Türkçe kısmı kısa tutuyorum. Az çok hepiniz biliyorsunuzdur meseleyi; 2 gün önce impeachlediğimiz başkan KapganHan devlete ait 36775 helikopter ve 9325 gemiyi indiregandi yaparak tüymüş durumda. Silahların değeri toplam 2115 gold. 37K helikopter daha önce elimde bulundurmadığım bir meblağ değil, adminlerin müdahale edeceklerine kesin gözüyle baktığım için de kefilim demiştim; ancak sağolsun adminler tükürdüğümü yalattılar, bu yüzden sizlerden özür dilemeyi boynumun borcu biliyorum. Normal fiyatlardan helikopter almaya gücüm bir nebze de olsa yetiyor, ama 20TRYden koyduğu için bu sözümü yerine getiremiyorum, hepinizden özür dilerim. Kinyasın makalesinde de okuduğunuz gibi adminler bu meseleye müdahale etmeyeceklerini söylediler.
Oyun ekonomisinden 2000 gold gibi bir meblağın çalınmasına göz yumulması kabul edilemez. Ayrıca o silahlar bizim hakkımızdır, geri verilmemesi durumunda eTRye zararı 2000 golddan daha büyük olacak. Bu yüzden tüm eTRyi sesini duyurmaya davet ediyorum. Böyle şeylere bir kere izin verilecek olursa hortumlama yapmak veya ülkeye zarar vermek isteyen herkes KapganHan örneğinde olduğu gibi bir şekilde başa gelecek ve yapacağını yapacaktır.
Suça açık açık göz yummak suçu işlemekten daha beter birşeydir, bu yüzden admin takımı acilen harekete geçmelidir.
Hello players of eRev. As you may have noticed, there is something going on in Turkey. With the 3rd President Impeachment this month, I hope that eTR will finally settle down and get back to business. As for what is going on in Turkey, I will give you a quick rundown of things so you dont get confused:
Now the thing is, Kapganhan had 36775 Q5 helicopters and 9325 Q5 ships in his inventory (currently visible in TR market), all bought by Turkey to use in emergency situtations. They were worth a total of 2115 gold. KapganHan didnt transfer these weapons to the new cabinet, he wiped all records of these weapons, claimed to have transferred everything, and is currently staying inactive to avoid the consequences. As a result, several players from Turkey contacted the admin team and explained the situation, and asked them to take action. At first they said they will look into it, but today they said they will not take any action.
It is unacceptable to to even leave a chance of letting go of such an obvious scam. 2000 gold isnt something that can be deleted like a small rip-off. Previous governments worked to accumulate all that gold, letting KapganHan get away with this will be a disgrace to their efforts, and a disgrace to the time eTR players spend on eRevollution. Letting go of this will encourage other people with such intentions to become presidents, and as seen with KapganHan, all you need to do to rob a country is becoming the president just for a few hours. IT CAN HAPPEN, IT HAPPENED IN TURKEY, AND IT WILL HAPPEN IN YOUR COUNTRY IF YOU STAY SILENT. The administration needs to take immediate action, punish KapganHan and return the weapons to the new president. Therefore, I ask that you make your opinion heard like we did many times, so that we can hopefully put an end to this.
To the administration: It is one thing to do such a thing; choosing to ignore it is another. By staying pive against this, you are doing something worse than what KapganHan did. Once word gets out, this will happen with other countries, perhaps in bigger amounts since your ignorance will encourage scammers. You will have bigger issues in the future if you dont put an end to this immediately. Please reconsider your decision so that what happened in TR cannot encourage scammers.
EDIT DUE TO CERTAIN COMMENTS: This is not about Turkey only. Presidents are literally allowed to rob the country dry if the administration doesnt put an end to this. Yes they can steal, and most everyone does it to some degree. But taking the weapons right in front of peoples eyes, and then going away like nothing happened is too much. Again, we are asking for an action because this will encourage scamming.
Oyun ekonomisinden 2000 gold gibi bir meblağın çalınmasına göz yumulması kabul edilemez. Ayrıca o silahlar bizim hakkımızdır, geri verilmemesi durumunda eTRye zararı 2000 golddan daha büyük olacak. Bu yüzden tüm eTRyi sesini duyurmaya davet ediyorum. Böyle şeylere bir kere izin verilecek olursa hortumlama yapmak veya ülkeye zarar vermek isteyen herkes KapganHan örneğinde olduğu gibi bir şekilde başa gelecek ve yapacağını yapacaktır.
Suça açık açık göz yummak suçu işlemekten daha beter birşeydir, bu yüzden admin takımı acilen harekete geçmelidir.
Hello players of eRev. As you may have noticed, there is something going on in Turkey. With the 3rd President Impeachment this month, I hope that eTR will finally settle down and get back to business. As for what is going on in Turkey, I will give you a quick rundown of things so you dont get confused:
- Our first president Sultan Haydar Bas had to leave because he lost someone really close, and he had to resign.Second president Kirtaylar struggled for a few days, but the cabinet had lost a few members after Sultan left. Understandably, he too resigned.With a whole new cabinet save for 2-3 people, KapganHan became the third president this month, until he was impeached by the parliament yesterday.
Now the thing is, Kapganhan had 36775 Q5 helicopters and 9325 Q5 ships in his inventory (currently visible in TR market), all bought by Turkey to use in emergency situtations. They were worth a total of 2115 gold. KapganHan didnt transfer these weapons to the new cabinet, he wiped all records of these weapons, claimed to have transferred everything, and is currently staying inactive to avoid the consequences. As a result, several players from Turkey contacted the admin team and explained the situation, and asked them to take action. At first they said they will look into it, but today they said they will not take any action.
It is unacceptable to to even leave a chance of letting go of such an obvious scam. 2000 gold isnt something that can be deleted like a small rip-off. Previous governments worked to accumulate all that gold, letting KapganHan get away with this will be a disgrace to their efforts, and a disgrace to the time eTR players spend on eRevollution. Letting go of this will encourage other people with such intentions to become presidents, and as seen with KapganHan, all you need to do to rob a country is becoming the president just for a few hours. IT CAN HAPPEN, IT HAPPENED IN TURKEY, AND IT WILL HAPPEN IN YOUR COUNTRY IF YOU STAY SILENT. The administration needs to take immediate action, punish KapganHan and return the weapons to the new president. Therefore, I ask that you make your opinion heard like we did many times, so that we can hopefully put an end to this.
To the administration: It is one thing to do such a thing; choosing to ignore it is another. By staying pive against this, you are doing something worse than what KapganHan did. Once word gets out, this will happen with other countries, perhaps in bigger amounts since your ignorance will encourage scammers. You will have bigger issues in the future if you dont put an end to this immediately. Please reconsider your decision so that what happened in TR cannot encourage scammers.
EDIT DUE TO CERTAIN COMMENTS: This is not about Turkey only. Presidents are literally allowed to rob the country dry if the administration doesnt put an end to this. Yes they can steal, and most everyone does it to some degree. But taking the weapons right in front of peoples eyes, and then going away like nothing happened is too much. Again, we are asking for an action because this will encourage scamming.
Grey WindFirakKinyasuzunsamsunAli BegenRomylmperiusKRATTOSBuyukTurkATEHTATOPOTBaba VossSantiago 45SrLukeManu CastilloHAN XKingorionBurakkaan026True FighterSzilveszterAphianAlp UrunguSeirinsorkhpostTinaxioCommenti (99)






Admins, dont let scammer to get away with it, especially with huge value of stollen things.. Perma-Ban if found guilty, nothing less is good enough.
If guys wants to roll high, he should be ready to pay high stakes.

V ,that rule is when you are CP you can steal all from country treasury :/

give back weapons or turks will leave the game o7

Just one thing, are u sure it is really him who takes the weapons ? strange if admin don t want to give u those weapon back

Komidinin üstüne baktınız mı? zaa xd

@preato yes, he wiped all the records and wrote -we will see who laughs last- in their place. He probably doesnt care if he gets banned, he just wants eTR to lose that gold.

3775 Q5 helicopters and 9325 Q5 ships are worth 2115 gold? since when?

@Marcial its 36775, I corrected the mistake in English version. If it was 3775, I would just donate 4K helis to TR instead of writing an article

@Marcial be attentive there are 36775 q5 helicopters

He should be banned, anyway, you guys have to take care about who is the CP

Support o7

@Ragno let it be a lesson to all the eRevollution. We all need to be careful when we vote

v o7

He should be banned, anyway, you guys have to take care about who is the CP x 2


crying about 2k gold you real? get over it XD thats not even much what we are talking about.
if every so called player in TUR donate 0,5g to country you would have over 4k+g so he didnt even stole much for the amount you could have o/

Fortumcuları sallandırsalar etrde kac kisi kalır amk. Ben fortumcunun zeki çevik ve işini saman altından su yürütürcesine yapanını severim. Bu mal her kimse fortum seviyesi yüksek ama zeka seviyesi düşük bir arkadaşmış.

@Tannin This isnt about the gold, if he doesnt get punished, other people will see this as a GO FOR IT sign. Other countries will be robbed as well since this will encourage scammers.

well we are not in danger by that XD treasury always empty
i amke sure of it

BÖYLE durumlarda oyun yönetimine serzenişte bulunmak tamamen saçmalık .seçtiğin adamı iyi seç kardeşim başkanların yolsuzluk yapma hakkı var olmalıda gerçek hayat gibi . bu yöntem illegal değil bence halk seçti

@tekarof Senin gibileri de linç etme hakkımız olmalı o zaman ne dersin? Gerçek hayat gibi olsun hesap soran olursa karambole gitti deriz. Buna bir kere izin verilirse önünü alamazlar, yol yakınken el atmaları gerek

Supported. This has happened many times in other countries and not a single thing was done by the admins.

Admin: hear these words or Turkishcommunity will leave... and possibly sue.


Good job FYNH, Admins put your law hands in this issue please. We can have a great game toguether.


Nobility obliges, I vote and I accompany so that justice is done to the denunciations with all my respect towards who wrote the newspaper because with me it was always very correct


Sorun bakayim adam yunus cakir mi





he should be labeled as thief, not acammer

Finally you see who was paying mercenary MU s to take Georgian bonuses, CP can do what he want so no need to cry. You have 2 options stop CRY or turkish community can leave a game. choose wisely 



Ağlaya ağlaya millete rezil ettiniz bir sorun varsa kendi içinizde halledin

Senin gibi BH alamadığı için ülkeden giden biri mi diyor bunu :/


Oh please..

We lost 600 gold on MM and admins din t give it back... 600 it is for us like 6000g for you...
I agree ban him, but Cp can do what ever they can whit gold it would be to much op if pubility can ban player...

Oruzmek konu BH alamadım diye gitmek değil, BH alabilmek için ülke menfaati değil şahsi çıkarlar uğrunda savaşanlar nedeniyle gittim. Ben bugüne her zaman hangi cephede ihtiyaç varsa orda vurdum. Elden giden cepheye iş olsun diye BH almak için vurmadım. Bunu göremiyorsunuz ve bu kişileri kör olmanız lazım.

LOL. When administrators make mistakes on people you don t appreciate you applaud. But when it s you, you re crying. LOOOL



This is part of the game, elect People you trust, or ask CP When They are away to give their log 

Just live with it or leave the game. As usual turkish comunity does.

Why the heck you chose him?, this is a leasson, take care of the dude who s you put as CP, punish the PP of the scammer s party,that gold is lost.
This isnt admin issue, you put him in the most poweful charge in turkey, you make the mistake,so you need fix it as community.

That wont be first time, that one CP take golds and admins didnt do anything. So why now they (admins) must do something? Becouse Turkish comunity will lea e the game?

@bob not because TR will leave the game, they should take action so that stuff like this never happens again.

That s sad. That feeling when you someone steel you lots of golds. Russians know this feelings too

In Macedonia it is very common situation.

Youmu did same in ePL. Admins did nothing.

scam alert, no gold back it s the way 

be careful in next elections lol

bir iki ülkeyi tolayıp tokatlayacaksın sonra tirkiş kımıniti vil liv giymi görecekler

Sipahi yapmak lazım harbiden. Destek vermeyenleri şöyle bir ezip gecsek de en azından içimizin yağı erise 

This is a joke guys ? xD (those who comment).
Take care of who you appoint as president, that s a lesson and so on... what the fuck ?
It s as if a girl get rape and you say meh, she shouldn t have wear a skirt.
I don t know what are the admins playing to these last days, but this is clearly going too far.
Honor oblige : vote and support o/

kinyas for cp till server is gone

@giovinco10 youmu supply himself to make free Poland from Iranian boot. He dealt almost 2kkk dmg

These are internal matters should be solved internally, he/she was selected by your congress and should be owned by your congress, it is very immature article blaming your internal actions to administration shows that you are not organized.

And currently government supply leading party WS everyday and drain budget every night. Currently president Juka didn t present any financial report. We as citizens of Poland didn t saw any financial report since new year after Juka got ban for multies. Currently gov of Poland securing cheaters and robbers but your time is gone and slowly people will be against your tyranny. So Mr Giovinco enjoy your stealing of budget since is possible but don t need to post kind of bullshit here about one of the most powerful president we had which means youmu

Hesaplari sifirlamis demek tipik bir vaka.

you are going to leave or go to high court??

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