Pubblicato in United States of America - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 28 Mar 2017 20:44 - 30

xapinhaCelioMGTricky DickNieltonCFPCommenti (30)

Excuse my portuguese, our government will soon have an official translator, for now I am just using google 


Nice!! hail us hail soa

Hail USA, Hail SOA!

Nice Diesel!! Very good portuguese!! Hail USA!!! HAIL SOA!!!

looking good o7


Voted o7

Hail USA!!! HAIL SOA!!! o7

we are riding thru a huge growth highway!

Niiiiice! Hail USA! Hail SoA! o7

Excelent! Hail USA! Hail SoA!

Wow! Hail USA! Hail SoA!


SOA.... It s the dutch name for STD... lol

Belo português

SOA Hail o7

thanks o7

Thankyou USA o7

V s o7

if u leave VV i join you 

@petron2 no... Tks... You can stay in Switzerland

Hail SoA! Hail USA!

thank you dear sir

Hail USA with love from UK

Hail USA !!

Hail USA!

Muh Fruit! Not Muh Precious Fruit!


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