Pubblicato in United States of America - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 03 Apr 2017 10:14 - 44

eRev Dono,
Today in my dojo I commit suicide.
A month ago I invite the samurai clans of OFC and Panzer to come to my daimyo estate called Amerika. The estate was unlated, and we had barely anyone willing to run for new Daimyo.
I promise them Q5 swords with my 18,000 golds as long as somebody helped us to protect our resources and became the new Daimyo.
A week ago, we got a migration of the Sons of Anarchy and Turks, and stopped all dialogue with other factions.
Obviously, this all came to light, and neither of the two groups we invited - the one we chose and the one we stopped talking to - liked eachother. In Japan, we call this situation a "storm".
Accordingly, it is my time to go. I knew this situation would surface but invited SOA and Turks anyways because I knew it would be better that immigrants came from a VV country than from outside, where we would be plunged into months of war.
They'll call me a traitor for this, and they're absolutely right. However, I give no s. The game, and especially my country, were dying of disinterest and delation. For every 1 baby we invited into the game, we had 1 experienced player quit. We needed a change and new blood, and to create a new community for whoever wanted to come. We had the gold from a baby boom deal with the admins, and needed to find immigrants from whichever source possible. I only wanted for my country to have new blood, and now it does, and there are plenty of people who are interested in running for CP. We have a vibrant community now with so many bonuses and gold. I couldn't ask for anything more, and I just hope that everyone is able to enjoy and take advantage of the situation without my presence here hindering you.
My mission here is done, so my presence here is no longer of any use to anyone. Nobody else in my government had any involvement in this.
I have informed all relevant parties of my decision. I go now.
- Diesel, daimyo of the USA, subject of the Shogun

The Will of Daimyo Diesel
- The gold from the baby boom deal is not my money. I will log in one last time after CP election to transfer it to whoever is elected as CP.
- My companies and property will be distributed to those who helped me run and unite the country these past months.
- My balls are to be removed from my body and mailed to Ace
- The rest of my body is to be fed to the Shogun
ERev Dono,
Hoje em meu dojo eu me suicido.
Há um mês, convido os clãs de samurai da OFC e Panzer a vir para a minha propriedade daimyo chamada Amerika. A propriedade estava despovoada, e nós tínhamos quase ninguém disposto a correr para o novo Daimyo.
Eu prometo-lhes espadas Q5 com meus 18.000 ouro, contanto que alguém nos ajudou a proteger nossos recursos e se tornou o novo Daimyo.
Uma semana atrás, tivemos uma migração dos Filhos da Anarquia e dos Turcos, e paramos todo diálogo com outras facções.
Obviamente, tudo isso veio à luz, e nenhum dos dois grupos que convidamos - o que escolhemos e aquele com quem deixamos de conversar - gostava um do outro. No Japão, chamamos esta situação de "storm".
Conseqüentemente, é minha vez de ir. Eu sabia que essa situação iria surgir, mas convidei SOA e Turks de qualquer maneira porque eu sabia que seria melhor que os imigrantes viessem de um país VV do que de fora, onde seríamos mergulhados em meses de guerra.
Eles vão me chamar de traidor por isso, e eles estão absolutamente certos. No entanto, eu não dou fode. O jogo, e especialmente o meu país, estavam morrendo de tédio e despovoamento. Por cada 1 bebê que nós convidamos para o jogo, tivemos 1 jogador experiente sair. Precisávamos de uma mudança e de um novo sangue, e de criar uma nova comunidade para quem quisesse vir. Tivemos o ouro de um negócio de baby boom com os administradores, e precisava encontrar imigrantes de qualquer fonte possível. Eu só queria que meu país tivesse sangue novo, e agora ele tem, e há uma abundância de pessoas que estão interessadas em concorrer à CP. Temos uma comunidade vibrante agora com tantos bônus e ouro. Eu não poderia pedir mais nada, e eu só espero que todo mundo é capaz de desfrutar e tirar proveito da situação sem a minha presença aqui dificultando você.
Minha missão aqui é feita, então minha presença aqui não é mais de utilidade para ninguém. Ninguém mais no meu governo teve qualquer envolvimento nisso.
Comuniquei todas as partes interessadas da minha decisão. Eu vou agora.
- Diesel, daimyo dos EUA, sujeito do Shogun
ERev Dono,
Bugün benim dojamda intihar yapıyorum.
Bir ay önce OFC ve Panzer'in samurai klanlarını Amerika isimli daimyo mülkümümün yanına davet ediyorum. Emlak emanet edilmedi ve biz ancak yeni Daimyo için koşmaya istekli olan birilerini yaşadık.
Birilerini kaynaklarımı korumam için bize yardım edip yeni Daimyo haline geldiği sürece onlara Q5 kılıçlarımı 18.000 altın sarım ile vereceğime söz veriyorum.
Bir hafta önce Anarşi ve Türklerin Oğulları'ndan bir göç aldık ve diğer gruplarla olan tüm diyalogu durdurduk.
Açıkçası, hepsi aydınlandı ve çağırdığımız iki gruptan - seçtiğimiz gruptan ve konuşmayı bıraktığımız gruptan - biri birbirimizi sevmiyordu. Japonya'da, biz buna "bok fırtınası" diyoruz.
Buna göre, benim vaktim geldi. Bu durumun ortaya çıkacağını biliyordum ama SOA'yı ve Türkleri her nasılsa davet ettim çünkü göçmenlerin VV ülkelerinden geldiğini, aylarca savaşa girdiğimizden daha iyi olacağını biliyordum.
Bunun için bana bir hain diyeceğim, ve kesinlikle haklı. Ancak, hiç umurumda değil. Oyun ve özellikle ülkem sıkıntıdan ve nüfus artışından ölüyordu. Oyuna davet ettiğimiz her 1 bebek için 1 deneyimli oyuncumuz kaldı. Bir değişiklik ve yeni kan gerekiyordu ve gelmek isteyenler için yeni bir topluluk yaratmak için. Yöneticilerle bir bebek patlaması anlaşması altın vardı ve hangi kaynağın olursa olsun göçmen bulması gerekiyordu. Sadece ülkem için yeni kan istedim, şimdi de öyle, ve CP için koşmaya ilgi duyan çok sayıda kişi var. Şu anda çok fazla bonus ve altın içeren canlı bir topluluğa sahibiz. Daha fazla şey talep edemedim ve umarım herkes, burada varlığımdan feragat etmeden durumdan yararlanabilir ve yararlanabilir.
Buradaki görevim bitti, burada varlığım artık kimseye faydası yok. Hükümetimdeki hiç kimse buna katılmadı.
Kararım hakkında tüm tarafları bilgilendirdim. Şimdi gidiyorum.
- Dizel, ABD'nin daimyoası, Şogun'un konusu
KincuardEddieAEddieAEddieAEddieAPalmerPalmerPalmerSultan Haydar BasCrazymonkey201Mr PassiraCommenti (44)

İlginç bir çalışma olmuş.

harakiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. SoA hmm, they will help, Turks dont


nice turkish translation

Turkish translate is very good xdxd

petros, go play somewhere else, its the business of grown-ups.

Dont use google translate especially in tr language.

Merhaba FYRoMani Ikta, i didnt offend you, so get out of here 

SOA acts on its own, they released 2 regions of Portugal - that were in agreement with Government of USA-PT.
SOA has no respect for the US Government, it was your mistake to accept them

I respect you for fighting to have a fun in this game but quiting after 1st fail is not the path you should follow.

Bonus and Gold isnt all in this eRev world, you have VV, so you cant feel the fear or get any rUSA Epic war (alone against the world), for that your dudes need more exciting things. /-/Like the TRS or the Japanese invasion, in that time rUSA fought like hell as warriors, now i dont know if someone of that rude bastards still alive. /-/ More inmigrants cant fix that, is only a temporary solution. -Sarry foh mai bad inglich,ACE what de jel is Yo hablo no español-


Sorry but I can`t accept when someone lies. You started talking with OFC exactly 1 WEEK ago, not 1 month. I have logs for whoever needs proof.

stay with us = (

Nevermind Ancestral. My balls won t be mailed to ace. They ll be mailed to you to tell you that you need to grow some.

If only people left the past stuff go and cooperated. This is neither Turkey, nor Brazil. This is USA, and we are ALL aboard the train. I dont know why the two groups dislike each other and I dont wanna know, nor will I hold a grudge because *they did this/that*. If they dont like each other, they can ignore each other. Otherwise they can always go back...


Diesel i clearly expect more from you, we both know that you are lying, you started talks with OFC and Panzer BA was already in USA, leave the game atleast with some decency 


Ben var gelmek istanbul

Efso çeviri olmuş hahahah o7

Are you seriously quitting over something that happened in the shadows? i think you did very well the last 2 months.

For the record I m not leaving over an event, but because the country is genuinely better off that way. I knew when I accepted Turkish offer to come to the USA, it was over for me - I had been in negotiations with the other side. However, the resources, bonuses, and benefits of the USA are still here, and most Americans, Brazilians, and Turks have a good relationship. I wanted my country to be strong, active, populated, and have candidates willing to be CP. If I stay there is no chance that we will have a community that works together. In bringing immigrants over and getting the gold from the BB deal, my work here is done.
My choices now are to stay as CP and see massive infighting in my country for no reason except to preserve my political career, or leave so people can work together in a strong, active community. It s a clear choice and I knew I would have to make it when I accepted Kinyas offer to come here, having already talked to the other side. Secret would have surfaced eventually, but I invited them anyways because it was better for everyone else.

: ( trying times indeed...but i wish you would keep trying in the chance a positive resolution could arrive in the long run...take care o7

Sos fail

what a mess lol

sort of reminds me of October when I left the US hmmm...

@Diesel: Ýou are the one who needs to grow balls: First, don`t lie. Second: you messed up. you face the mess, you don`t quit. Quitting over you messing up is ball-less move. Third: I don`t know who leaked what you said or the rest of your Government said to us about Kinyas and about Turks and about Brazilians and about VV. From me, there was no leak. But these talks did not happen one month ago, like you claim. Fourth: if you are really going to leave, at least tell the truth. I don`t share logs, ever, but if you come here in front of everyone making people look like fools, I`ll defend myself. Fifth: you were doing a good job, had great vision and all that. It was a good Utopia. GL/HF.

1. inviting people knowing it s political suicide but good for your country and for the other MUs is not mess up.
2. I ve been telling my cabinet that I will be leaving for weeks now. You can ask anyone. Even if I wanted to stay it would just be protecting my ego at the expense of my RL time and the harmony of eUSA.
3. They ended a week and a half ago.
4. I ve given the logs to everyone involved. For the record I m not accusing you guys of anything, and I haven t accused you of anything in this article or ever.
5. Thanks mate. I hope it continues.

I think you made the best choice for our country, as usual. We need a fresh start with our new friends and I hope that you will stay in the game. Even when you made mistakes, you always tried to do the best for all of us. And anyway I think you did great 90% of the times. Thank you and please stay with us.

Good bye gentleman I hope receive some gold helis and ships from you ...
Take care

Your intentions were pure and I respect your sacrifice for your country, it only makes me sad to know in the future the USA will be ruled by people that want to wipe my country and our two countries may find themselves in a direct war after so much time being friends

Would really like to saw the USA Getting balls with Panzer and Ofc and fighting againts vv, was a good dream 

Vist. It s not being Anti VV. Sorry bro, You want trick with us and VV only to get one front less o7

Wars are the only interesting thing in this game. Of course when the distribution of dmg is close to equal. But go ahead and sit on your bonuses and wonder why people are leaving. And then you even cry for days when admins try to bring a bit of balance. Anti VV won. You just dont realize it yet. Even Georgians are selling their accounts. Lol.

i dont know but i wish you the best!

Dunno anything about what you are writing, but dude... text is so fkin cool! Asewome!

Daimyo lul

Sorry to see you go
and what stott3r said about the text!