
Pubblicato in Brazil - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 13 Apr 2017 13:16 - 73


Since the last article there were some changes in HQ, we held new elections for SC and now I'm Supreme Commander of Vae Victis, while I was SoFA we held elections of SoFA and new SoFA is 
M I H A E L. Subscribe my newspaper to get news from Vae Victis.

Now back to Topic, as you know Ukraine and Bulgaria had agreement (click to see it). after Lithuania left VV and joined enemy forces they fought in many battles against us, Bulgaria started a battle against Lithuania, on that day Bulgaria got RWs at Ukraine regions and we can see the results below:
Battle #1
Battle #2
Battle #3
Battle #4
As you can see Ukraine fought against Bulgaria, rushed in last minutes and had DO's on battles, even President of Ukraine fought against us. Vae Victis HQ gave several warnings to Ukraine and unfortunately they kept their actions. Finally, after the meeting that is held today, Ukraine is expelled from Vae Victis alliance. We wish them luck in their journey and thank them for their all contribution so far.

Kind Regards,
Supreme Commander



Commenti (73)

Hail Ukraine o7
gj Ukraine :ok_hand:
All full members are equal, but some full members are more equal than others.
Kill them with fire.
thx for our and Bulgarian core regions
VV logic
Will Georgia be kicked too because of 18 millions in besarabia ? Laugh Laugh
Also needs to be mentioned, we made it clear to Ukraine that they cannot have all their cores even If they join the alliance and they said no problem, back then when they applied for membership. So, no need to cry like VV holds our regions etc.
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Tsilo SC hahhahaha xD
Signed, CP of eUkraine.
Hail Ukraine o7 Good job ! #VaeVictim
Ukraine thought that they are smarter than everyone and they can do whatever they want. This is what you deserve.
Ukraine keeps making the game interesting time after time Laugh
OMG an SC that uses comic sans font. I am speechless.
Hail Ukraine and Lithuania! o7 Hail EDC too!
Signed, CP of Lithuania.
Ukraine tried to play double game. This is not good, it s not. [!] Perú left VV!!! Vote please. ♥♥♥♥
Ukraine as always. They cant play properly. Need to break everything they build ^^
Hail Ukraine!
The whole essence of VV All full members are equal, but some full members are more equal than others.
Congratz !! M I H A E L !!
War is peace. Fre is slavery. Ignorance is strength
Winter Is Coming !
this NAP was nothing more than insulting member of alliance shame on you! Hail Ukraine! Hail Lithuania! Hail real friendship !
Welcome innthe winning side Ukraine. o7
All full members are equal, but some full members are more equal than others
Hail Ukraine o7
All full members are equal, but some full members are more equal than others
All full members are equal, but some full members are more equal than others, Even if The Sacred HQ say -stay wiped, others need full bonus- you need obey or you will be wiped. Hue Hue Hue.
საღოლ საღოლ
ziktiri çektim diyor
I dont approve it. Ukraine has future. o7
Ukraine is part of Russia
a spit in the eye and rekt on every battlefield is what vv deserves.
Haik Ukraina !!!
nice part after Lithuania left VV and joined enemy forces but.. Lithuania joined neutral alliance, not enemy forces. Bulgaria made that ally as enemy when dow ed us and was defeated. Of course it is natural reaction, that we will strike back when we get slap, so you made neutral ally to change as enemy only Smile
Hail Ukraine o7
We wish them luck deleting xD
@L E G I O N , ukraine is not part of russia Wink
L E G I O N, your knowledge of geography is very bad
Hail Ukraine!!
Ukraine is belong to Russia..
All full members are equal, but some full members are more equal than others
UAE will gladly enter into the VV if we will have talks and I as future President would like that the UAE get into that Alliance.Nice work of article o7
How will this poor little VV alliance survive now when you lost Ukraine.
All full members are equal, but some full members are more equal than others
Tsilo, will you expell USA too ?
next georgia
Hail Mongolia!
hail ucrania
retai ste
Hail Ukraine
Hail zangis yle
poor Ukranie... they must be sad and crying because the are out of the kingdom!!.... lol
oh shit, first USA attacks them in eRepublik, now this?!
All full members are equal, but some full members are more equal than others
Even inRL they break down they own country. Poor Ukrainu!
Ahahahha SC of VV with bought acc Smile
Next Iran xD
Oh my.. There are actual cojones among VV countries. Sorry, ex-VV country. hahahhahaha. Hail Ukraine!
All full members are equal, but some full members are more equal than others.
hail niggeria O7
Hail Ukraine o7 expell also Fyrom
Hail Ukraine!!!