Pubblicato in Japan - Analisi finanziarie - 16 Feb 2016 23:06 - 7

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
If you don’t have confidence, you’ll always find a way not to win.
My Company Information

I will open a new production line.
Japan needs employees.
Invite some friends to play with us.

If Your Salary are 30 JPY can 7 day earn 1G

Who is the buyer of raw materials?
Japanese Food maker and Seller check this Click

Japanese Food maker and Seller check this Click
Don't use employee player will buy Food Raw.
I think now the market price is very good.
thank all raw maker sell nice price on market.
Who is your the target of trafficking??
The maximum demand is the manufacturer.
You can see, as long as the hiring of employees to produce.
Earned more than buy Raw and produce food.
If raw maker do not use employee to produce. only as manager to produce raw and sell to market can little earn.
The market is not full of raw materials also feel not ured.
Need to think a lot.
You can sell to international for export. Buy license or Let them come in Japan buy raw.
License is unknown for now, difficult choices between countries.
Food prices are still growing. hope we can keep the price of raw materials.
Or continue to cut prices.
Increase in salary too.
We successfully opened export.
Need to thing about how to make japan market get batter.
We will more and more busy.
I hope to stabilize food and weapons will enter the market.
Invite some friends to play with us.
We need More People.

You keep up with my idea? click
By Japanese Minister of Economy YouGodMe
Commenti (7)


@Shirogane thank you sub me 
