Pubblicato in Iran - Intrattenimento - 14 Jun 2017 07:50 - 58

@kiminux @fathous
I would like to see how you will react when you would be the victim! REMEMBER the vist from ukraine? we deleted that country! but cheater is cheater! now I dont care about some RW or loosing the ing battles I hated that admin didnt give a to us to me! they didnt bother them selves to reply me this is unfair! we have some rights here!? dont we?
Evil SkullEvil Skullhossein2001ArtaArtaArtaArtaArtaArtaRebazartarezzizoBusterlionelejiAvicennalord commanderBulletz4BreakfastsepoyShah Farhadsorkhpostsorkhpostsorkhpostcyrouslord sajjadGeneral90UltramagicHaNFluXJANAHkolos01CasstielRomyhaftvudFatiimasdoodCommenti (58)

First ! + zanbile emam
true stroy :|

Shame admin shame

players cheater


Or what? You will leave the game?

Well, everyday Serbia have 13 rws. An we manage to win.

@eVokasi Read again noooooooooooob

@eVokasi read again

yes admin, Yahsar is right, dont support any side, so please remove hugely unfair advantage that some countries have while other dont, also when there remove dead countries or at least cut number of regions they have, example Saudi Arabia should have no more than 3 -4 max

Players cheater s

You lost the battle.. stop crying and get over it.

The game fix or community will Iranian the game leave.

@Ktab my friend this is just the truth!!! Why leaving? showing the truth is heartbreaking?

@Criollito what did you say if we did this shit ? same ?

@ktab nope, we will beat the enemy+Admin like before 

Yashar, one thing, you claim that those people used known bug, basically accusing them of cheating without giving one proof of it. And if it was just bag that nobody was aware of , how would you fix it if you ware admin while not damaging ether of sides and of course players that wasted their resources ?

stop telling your truth , it is a defamation! i never use any bugs in this game, just the server problem and make this happened, just go to buy more gold and let admin upgrade the server

ctrl+f5, pretty?

@topsecret we all seen bugs but some bugs are advantage of some people to some others! I said I dont care about mountain or china! I will delete CHINA but I need admin to do something

Ahah dont cry baby, dont cry
but i love you anyway 

@eVokasi oh realy ?? like when your cp send a message to iranian and asking for nap lol


still crying lol

Admin:It is courage that you accept your mistake

@Yashar, mate, couldnt it be just some unknown bug and that other guys didnt intentionally used it and it just happen? Again, do you have any proof that someone was deliberately using bug ? What if you are wrong?

Cry me a river :-) Iranian kitty :-)

Shame on you Admin ... Fix these Bugs

so many tears, poor iran and the injustice admin made against them
( lmao wake up kids

One side wining for too long is what kills the game. That s why admins want to make it harder to occupy countries. Do you think Belgium or Netherlands players can have a fun game while their countries are totally deleted with no chance of a change ? (And I mention countries which France contributed to destroy, because we are not better or worse).

Unban Vist.

Unvan Bist.

Ban Sultan duck bos

Admin probably just dont like Iran but...who does?

@TopSecret all of player attention : one of player use bug and we know.
we need that he or she do it just fore one more time and can be obtain evidence

I smell Friday

Iran cry against China :joy:

Relax yashar:d

man ke nafahmidam chi neveshte vali like O7

Cry everywhere

how we can cry while we are winning side at the end !!! you guys talk about killing game ( countries and players ) by iran , but i always said - we had and have rights to secure our lands by anymeans necessary - and if you dont like it go and invite some friends , make some allies and fight us
but no matter what we always win 

Iran go die

The funny part is you still think Admin don t want to ruin this game


Admin is from China

@Dark Boy secure your lands ?
nice joke bro

Owen : agree with you xD

With full respect one thing is bug apearing, second is accidentaly exploiting it, third is intentionaly abusing bug. Im not sure u gave enougb options for third. Rws are retarded. Today (before reset) Serbia had total 17 battles that started/ended in this day. (Rws are counted once)

@Mountain oach , you thought that was a joke? 

@Dark Boy, we know its a joke 

i guess you have really bad jokes in your towns if you consider what i said a joke 

Alexchris @ why us ? you go die sister


its a bug, not the first time it happens

no the first time . but the best time fore some one
