
Pubblicato in Georgia - Analisi finanziarie - 18 Jun 2017 13:15 - 23
Hello to EREV world, Georgia is recruiting!!Today we are going to offer people amazing conditions ,let us start with the Amazing elite MU we have: Vortex-this is a military unit which has a order of increasing battle power of our country. Offers that we have for you is :  
1) 4 100% bonuses
2)Low prices for weapons ; Q5 helis and ships
3) cheap cc ,our monetary has cc for 0.006 g
4)Refund for production, with contacting the government you will get 100 % returned tax
5) Georgian employers offer 4 gold for work
6) The members who do most damage in naval and land battles will get amazing prizes . 
                                                             【VORTEX】 UPDATE   : 
   Military commander : Geobody
    Captains - Georgian Solider , Aurelion , Lordspown  
   Let s start with basic requirements of Military Unit:

   1. Interested players that will join Military Unit, must become citizens of Georgia. 
   2. Members of Military Unit must fight, for interests of Georgia.
   3. It s really important to communicate between each other, so using Discord is also desired.
   4. Minimum Strength that is required to apply is 9.5k. 
Minimum Intelligence that is required to apply is 3.5k
   A.If player that has more than 4k Intelligence than his/her Strength value is irrelevant.

    Now let s move to OFFERS!

    1. All Military Unit members will have 100%TAX REFUND on producing, from government of Georgia. 
    2. All Military Unit members will get 100%Refund for building factories in Georgia.
    3.All Military Unit members will get 10-15% cheaper Weapons,Ships and House Packs.
    4. Players will have possibility to work for 4-4.1G per double work.

    5.There will be special prices weekly for MU members.

     TOP 4 Players that will do most damage in Land battles, will get additional Q5 Helicopters Weekly.

    1st place:250 Additional Q5 Helicopters.
    2nd place:200 Additional Q5 Helicopters.
    3rd place:150 Additional Q5 Helicopters.
    4th place:100 Additional Q5 Helicopters.

    Bonus Prize
    Every player that will gather more than 1 billion damage a week, will get 400Q5 Helicopter as bonus prize.

     Top 4 players that will do most damage in Naval battles, will also get additional Q5 Ships Weekly.

    1st place:200 Additional Q5 Ships.
    2nd place:150 Additional Q5 Ships.
    3rd place:100 Additional Q5 Ships.
    4th place:50 Additional Q5 Ships. 
    if you are interested in such offers, join our Discord Channel : eGeorgia Chanel 
       if you are interested to join in Vortex -  Vortex 


          With Best Regards, Prime minister of Georgia -  Aurelion


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Commenti (23)

აბა რააა ბლიად
o/ nice idea
mgoni vortex istvis gamovdgebi Cheeky
Me ar mimigebt?
aqac me var iqac me var ?? Laugh Laugh sg sg magrebi xart Laugh
ra 8k da 1.5 k to ? mag normebis dawesebis mere 1 tve gavida mitumetes magari cudi standartebia,auwiet 9.5 ze an 10 ze da inteleqts 4ks an 3.5ks
OFC 2 💖
nice v+s+s
afraid of Serbia?? Laugh
o7 change the location of the MU and u ll see everyday more ppl to come Wink
lol, they are offering 4100 percent bonuses
Peaky Blinder .!.
nice o7
should we visit Georgia after Iran?
@owen ))
if i take your CS than I will be the best player in your country ?:S
You shouldn t say things like have 4 100% when you are going to loose it in the few days to come =D
Calm down babies . ♥