Pubblicato in Greece - Intrattenimento - 30 Jun 2017 09:38 - 30
Recently we became witnesses in greece of a thief president tha he stole over 1500 gold from greece treasury .
As the curent president of e greece i made a ticket if there is something that admin can do to return the gold or at least give justice to our community and punnish the thief.Unfortunately they didnt do anything of this 2 things
I am very dissapointed from this progression.
This is the game that we have to play admins? If someone have some friends and with the deceit of some other people someone can be president and can steal all the country treasury and nothing will happen.
You will say that its no fault of the thief but fault of the community???
If its so then you must tell it clearly to us.
We have such things in our real life, we dont want to have such things also in a game
Thanks for your time
TopSecretCaptain HarlockEl Profesornagant895zepelinakonstantinosgkonstantinosgREEE OYOYOYSTREEE OYOYOYSTREEE OYOYOYSTREEE OYOYOYSTREEE OYOYOYSTcount zeromachelecount zerokonstantinosgkonstantinosgArminatoringlarrylarrylarrylarrylarryggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexggeorgexunderdogunderdogunderdogunderdogunderdogunderdogunderdogunderdogunderdogunderdoglarrylarrylarrylarrylarryzepelinazepelinazepelinakoumoutsa1koumoutsa1Commenti (30)