Pubblicato in Georgia - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 28 Aug 2017 04:53 - 87

I’m Grizzly021, I have been playing this and similar games for a long time. The first thing that I liked in this kind of games is that every person can show who they really are. We represent different nations, fight for its strength and development. During this time I understood one thing clearly, this game is all about friends and friendship
We’ve been attacked by NEMESIS. You won’t be surprised, but their first demand was to betray our friends, to leave our union. We didn’t hesitate even for a second and answered – NO!
We understand that we are under great threat, maybe we even will be deleted tomorrow, but we will never wear name of traitors. Today our reality is like this, Nemesis want to punish Georgia, because we are not traitors, because we don’t stab friends in the back!
I can’t betray my friends, it’s better to quit the game. I’ll never stand on the side of enemies, that would be great dishonor!
Our enemies, I want to tell you one thing, you can conquer virtual regions of Georgia, but you will never make us to obey! And so will be till the end of the game!
Yesterday at 05:00 AM (Georgian Time) Georgia-Brazil fight was held. I could not imagine a few months ago that old brothers would fight each other in an epic battle. I am sad when I see how Serbia uses its allies. Sits, makes people hate each other and keeps farming. while old friends are fighting each other. That is demonstration of old roman pronunciation - divide and rule, nothing more. I will not try to convince anyone of how bad Serbia is, how it works, but look at reality and you will see all that. In my opinion, any NEMESIS's member does not like to be manipulated. I ask the Brazilian, American or other former VV members to recall the past and you will see the difference between your current situation and the past.
Last night was the most difficult for us. We gathered strength and fought till the end. Everything is still ahead. Thank you very much Allies, the Old Brothers. Thank you very much to anyone who does not betray the principles. It is a great honor for me to fight beside you.
Im from Georgia, from country of proud people

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Fourth year is coming since I m playing that type of game and I m proud to say that Georgia never ever changed sides, for any kind of benefit, we are proud of our name and loyalty, none dares to dispute that.
#Proud to be Georgian! o7



Stop crying! War is continue! LOL


@Fr33Man they are fighting and they are saying they will fight no matter what !!! i guess its war cry ... anyway good luck

I am not from Georgia, but I am proud to be with you in this moments :-) o7

she seqtanto martla kargi statiaa


+1 Levi

o7 Georgia

Georgia never changed sides nice joke x)


At the end you left VV, so you should accept my offer, wipe Gurgia,

in VV or out of it and its new fake new name I personally will do my best to see Georgia permanent wiped it doesnt matter for me if you leave or stay you betrayed Germany and your allies in time of need we will never forget it

Sits, makes people hate each other and keeps farming. (?)
Why you think Brazil hates Georgia? Yesterday georgians talked a lot in chat, but you saw some brazilians arguing? We had a great battle, I respect you. But nothing personal, no hard feelings. Just war!


You have no right to say that, country that supported our enemies in Russia, tanked against us and fought against Lithuania and whole Eclipse, It was you exactly that betrayed us, so Eclipse dissolved and we went to our current friends.

@kaveh your best is not half enough

you ll never wipe georgia, thats the first thing you should know
the second thing is, germany is the traitor here, not georgia. licking ex french russian VISA players boots and shooting against Eclipse

NieltonCFP, Are you drunk? So Brazil hates us, because we have not transfered them resources that we earned with WAR? Ask Serbia if they will give you their resources, let s see how they will respond. Your behavior was shameful, you left your allies that fought for you, for months, just for resources, that s what you are and don t sing here about hate please, you were the one that jumped from Eclipse to Unity and then to VV and now again to enemy camp. There are several players from Brazil I respect aswell, but please let s be realistic.

Gurgia will be wiped. Period.

Now write the same article just say I am from Serbia and vv wanted us to betray our friends
And here is 5 rsd so you can work in Serbia


@Aveun stop crying, go to bed and dream SERBIA, whether there will be nice dream or nightmare is depend on you


Torpedjo, Who are you son?

FYI Germany is leading nemesis not Serbia we will protect them at all costs keep calling everyone traitors have you ever wondered why everyone hates you ?? no you betrayed us by telling us we are neutral and letting our enemies pass through your lands now it is payback time 

@77GIGI77, shame on you, you really have some kind of problem with autistic kids, this is not first time that you mention them in negative , There is something wrong with you

Articlebi gamosvlebi da sityvebi mravalferovani da kargia magram cudi isaaa rom uamrav qartvels uamravi qartveli ertmanets adzulebt esaaa cudi shida mtroba shida saqcielebi torem sityvebi yvela politikos lamazi da gamajrialebeli aqvs magram modit realobas shexedet sidzulvilia garshemo realshic am qveyanashi rac tamashic mravladaaa gadmontxeuli es ase ar unda iyos ... wina dges mechxubet ra gaertianeba exla moginda ra holandiao da exla ert dgeshive azri sheicvalet... shecvalet masonur seqtanturi azrovneba bevrma da yvelaferi bevrad uket ikneba qveynis shignit tu futliaria shenigbuli garedan lamazi sityvebit .... tamashis gamo dachma chxubi sheurawyofa egaaa sircxvili pirvelrigshi me rac dro gavatare 1 weli tamashi sul didi dapirispirebebia da shugli qveynis shignit yvelas misi tavi gonia martali

How many times we have nothing but a nonsenses writen by the players from Germoney. About Serbia... there is no way in hell that I could ever play with you, or as your ally. Must admit, probably you feel the same. It is not a matter of personal hate, behaviour of many your players (not all!) is shameful. By my opinion, you are embarrassing your nation, here in the game. Try to find some manners.

@kaveh you dumb. Do you really say that georgia betrayed Germany? You betrayed eclipse for Russia and started shooting against Lithuana. They were our allies that time and we did everything to protect them. Than you took what you deserved. Its obvious you were traitors that time, not us

@Aveun You completely misunderstood what I said. The hate and farm part was spoken by grizzly, in the article. What I said was that there is no hatred on the part of Brazil, neither hard feelings, just war.

Kaveh speaking of traitors... Always nice coming from someone who betrayed his own country and probably is translating article from his country for their enemies, truly admirable o7

If they decided to switch side, it s maybe because they have some reason. When France leave MDP, you call them Traitor, and now they are with you back after figthing vs you. Same story every time.

I hope that its worth it to lose all bonuses because of Gurgians. Still to come...

1) Your origin is your problem. None cares we live in New World Order
2) Kaveh is national hero and insulting him makes you traitor of German Nation
3) I lost my bike , did any of you know where it is?

I know. Gurgians have stole it, they even stole my watch while I was on their discord, I didnt even know that is possible

I am really sorry for your loss Peaky. Next time dont bring valuable things with you.

Blablabla propaganda.

Hail war


@Aveun i am your father, stop asking stupid question

@davidking Kaveh you ll never wipe georgia, thats the first thing you should know. REMEMBER YOUR WORDS, YOU WILL SOON SWALOWED WITH KETCHUP. YOU HAVE 4 REGION LEFT

Excepting similar articles and different roles, several months later. If this game survive, ofc. How many nights losers was waiting for this moment? Let them enjoy, it will be ended, sooner than you think.

kri shisui,kri

I will say one.. One

Aggr.. We are in ass friends 



Gurgians su veoma glupa nacija

This is just a game guys, people switch sides, is not the end of the E world


Homophobia is everywhere !
Fear manages the universe.
Fear of Georgians

Get a life and grow up.



Hail War

Grizzly, you moved to USA, nice bro, good for you


I sell southern Russia

Galacio you are from northern morocco?

I m from Southern Russia

I m fyrom Southern Russia


old roman pronunciation - divide and rule
it s not pronunciation, it s a saying.
and it s not fucking divide and rule,it s divide et impera.


Nah, you are from France 

Lol, what a silly article, tell about brotherhood to Ukrainians and remember as you betrayed them a lot of times. Stop crying noob

@Gropius are u healthy? Ask someone else this history and u ll see who betrayed their friends 

I know the truth as was in their Government when gurgians showed their true face. It useless to argue about