So fystickated

Pubblicato in Germany - Intrattenimento - 10 Sep 2017 03:37 - 30

As event evolves It's obvious that citizens will end up game with many cards dup or even more. 3 or 4 times each. While missing cards to complete a reward. So I have 2 proposals regarding this. At the last day of event there have to be a trade of cards, not between players but between players and game.
1) either gamble 2 cards to get a random card you DO NOT OWN already, or
2) place 3 cards to get one of your choice 

Admins think about it


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Commenti (30)

Asmins will think about admins wont think about
nice one
voted o7
Nice idea o7
Nice idea !
Admins will implement for 50$ pick which card u want(need) Laugh
Unfortunately admins dont care about this game anymore, but tbh thats a great idea to implement.
Excellent idea , admins u still have time to develop some code and implement itSmile
Administration != development
Why do people even ask for new stuff. There hasn t been new stuff for years
good idea
Good idea
good idea
When is the last day of event?
K thx
I`m a card game adicted and I love all my cards, but I will give out them all just for see another New Card. Voted for sure!
good idea
Or maybe trade cards with other players
It is not in admins interests that players would benefit so much from an event. Laugh
u right. i have same 5 cards now.
Admins think about it ....the word think does not exist in admins vocabulary
nice idea herr SC