So fystickated

Pubblicato in Argentina - Analisi di guerra - 13 Sep 2017 11:55 - 24

Why you have to be Argentina? If you were Georgia you would be free now with allies help...

While you did not manage alone (in an extraordinary effort indeed) to liberate your country...
same time today...
On the other hand, the same time you were losing your last region they operated for Georgia to get a second one. People never change. Hoping for something else is just high expectations...


PeakyAncestralDon Juan CorleoneGeneral RocaPermanently bannedSee you againGiovanno6912345NairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiEl ProfesorDora TonksXanderprytenBolshoi

Commenti (24)

do you really think that u can achieve anything by this ? Laugh ur just wasting your time
Gurgians, truth always hurt, thats why you are spamming with articles
Ask Argentinians. You sent them in a suicide mission against Taiwan and you simply abandoned them afterwards. So.. do not ask me davidking for stating the obvious
Alone in the dark
Poor Gurgians
As I said before: poor leadership skills by leading nation of this alliance.
Argentina remember all damage put by your old allies when Turkey was close, now look how your old ennemies treat you as allies, you deserve better than that.
Having such friends , need no enemies
Laugh NO MATTER result germoney will always cry Laugh
Giga, quite opposite we are laughing at Gurgians since you entered VV, did you checked Gurgian articles crying about balance
ooh are we trying to bullshit? then let me join...hmm..lets see..ah... Iran s cores are safe while Georgia lost regions, coincidence? no it s a conspiracy, we are using georgia and turkey as meat shields...w0W FeCk we so $m4Rt
That pathetic propaganda is still on? regardless, besides I never expected you to write such an article, if that was peaky,essenin or rest of *clever* guys, I d understand, but old folk ktab turning into kiddo articles? lel
Poor propaganda.
Panzer propaganda aya
Those are the facts, u cant beat the facts
so if anyone saying trust u calling propaganda. dumbness action Laugh
No allied damage because it s not a turkish battle.
los hermanos deserve to be wiped Laugh
Its nice to see you writing articles and having fun after 300-400 days of slavery guys, and im happy to see you are not crying for balance after all kostas o7 Smile
so much bitterness in the coments, chill its time for some countries that felt like they owned the world, to feel a bit of pain, or the game is only funny to you when you are not losing?
Vine a figurar.