Pubblicato in Canada - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 20 Sep 2017 22:05 - 20
o my friends.
as you all know
I am president of Canada
My name is xBepwulfx
I will start from community
to join our community in discord channel
please push button
In canada we have
one united military unit (MU)
Everyone can join us
we are good organized
we are multi nations
we are unity
about our MU i will discuss in other article
What about economic??
we have monetary market 1 cad = 0.006 gold
we have very cheap market. you can see: push button
Everyone can buy cheap material in canada market.
We have tax free
It is very important
what we must done
- Every canadian citizen must join your discord channel
Every canadian citizen who spent 100 gold or more. we will refund 10% what he spent
Everyone who isnot canadian citizen who spent 100 gold or more. we will refund 8% what he spent
Every canadian citizen who will want built q4 raw company we will give him 1 cad =0.005 gold
Canada soon will have stock of is food house and DS for long battle and fast preparing
Every canadian citizen will take cheap i
We will have trance party and good beer
Thank you all for reading my article
That is all for now
It is very important for canadians
Fill this form
plz subscribe and vote
(p.s sorry for bad english)
Grizzly021Nesalomiv IIGrobarBLQurcikaJuice Ortizno0bsailbotCommenti (20)
Good job dear CP
good job o7
rly good CP o7
Hail Canada Hail Robert o7
Hail Robert o7
roberto is love roberto is life gl o7 send nudes
o7 bro
Good luck
Canadian with bad english? anyway GL o7
ო7 ბეო