Romy nowhere

Pubblicato in Turkey - Intrattenimento - 25 Sep 2017 07:29 - 19

624 days ped in game, and Admin announced a change one of the main rule in game... What is this... : YOU WONT EARN MORE GOLDS BY MEDALS... IF U WANT GOLDS BUY IT....

few questions to admins...
1) Why did you wait 624 days for this? what's changed today?
2) do you really think that, players will buy golds after this update? or they'll leave game? 
3) you should do somethings for newbies about inviting and keeping them in game... by this update, do you really think that this will be?
4) As always, you're not fair again... some of players ( ofc not me) were having big stock, for wars... and now they WONT earn golds like active fighters ( like me).. AND ALSO; IF YOU WOULD CHANGE THIS, WHY YOU DIDNT WARN PLAYERS BEFORE LAST TOURNAMENT?  Some players and some countries used their stock, and got lots of golds... some of couldnt/didnt... do you really think that u're fair?
5) Most of players have lots of golds & Companies.. i'm %100 sure that you did this update for it.. all these are your faults.. why you punish players cos of your fault?
6) All of us were waiting new updates, about make game more funny & about discount... this update will make more funny?
7) n lastly; Who is your Dutch Uncle? 

Dont forget that; Changing some rules, may cause Change the game 

Edit: Admin's announce article is not latest article... if u wont change this update, u'll see lots of farewell articles, selling golds by rl money shouts and your article will be :


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Commenti (19)

Admine go seek help in Kovin
farewell articles..
New game arise. No greed admins great chanches for small countries. Pm me for link
Agree with Romy
o7 Romy
guys, we can t buy golds. visit your store =D
Goodbye erevollution my friends.
T+W mode continues, thanks to admins for reasoning it much better!