Pubblicato in Bulgaria - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 25 Nov 2017 12:55 - 36
After tonight battle between Bulgaria and Republic of Macedonia , Bulgaria decides to leave NEMESIS
The declaration of Bulgaria leaving alliance is made by MoD of Bulgaria , L E G I O N 
The same bad situation is for Greece too in greece vs Republic of Macedonia
looks like Nemesis alliance should be called Nemesis selfishlliance

The same bad situation is for Greece too in greece vs Republic of Macedonia

L E G I O NAtropatesSAtropatesSprogabeszAtropatesSAtropatesSAtropatesSAtropatesSmushkamushkamushkaCommenti (36)

Hahahaha Hail Legend. Hail Bulgaria. o7

Come to Besiktas. xd

come to besiktas o7

Come to besiktas 

Join in georgia

Come to Beşiktaş 

Someone should be running around right now trying to fix Peaky s mess again... I wonder who it is this time but feel sorry for them having to deal with that PR issue 

Come to Besiktas. xd

you mean against fyrom

hail VAE VICTIS :]

Lol good morning. But we were ready in both battles with q5 booster and rpg ..useless 

VVv3 aka MDPv4 getting a new member. Cause deep down, there are no traitors. Just countries that work as dmg and region farms so that the other usual countries keep their full bonuses. It is the same cicle sinceramente day one. This game is fun AF.

Ratgaria has no place in vv, they ll never be our allies


come to Beşiktaş xd

Sorry Bulgaria ... you are a good ally

... but you are right... lets now all go to 1 aliance lol...lets live in peace and prosper...hehe

This article was not written by a Bulgarian but by an Albanian (an enemy of the alliance), and Bulgaria is still in Nemesis. The only certain thing here is the dissatisfaction of the Bulgarian MoD with the alliance. So maybe it is just fake news

Fake yeap...

final nail in this game was when admin decided not to rerol back after mess with gold, many have quit. Also one alliance made out out of half world population and by far strongest countries in world are one who will enjoy farmville. At least countires like Bulgaria on few ocasions tried to make game interesting by creating some balance. My advice of year ago to any non-MDP player was dont fight in battles, just play economic module of game, and let them enjoy FIGHT. O and to all of you that called bulgaria traitor, like DavidKing, do you include Brasil there as Brasil also changed sides few times... Is Brasil country of traitors ??

@Traitorous player called himself Cacique Pariaguan, If you think that I will watch somebody swearing others and not say something about that you are wrong,at least with me everyone knows where it stands, I am not traitor like Venezuealans,Napgarians and Brasil, I am against stronger from start of this game and I will stay on weaker side till end of game, and btw, Germany isnt in Nemesis .And for your Info everyone who use bad words will get same , ask that traitors from denmark ( who also was using bad language), same one that are with Turkey in alliance ( something that was dealt way before kumans got back in Denmark again), if you dont belive me ask Atro from Canada.

Hahaha peaky. Bro i can agree with u but i saw 4 allaince against 1 alliance in past. Nemesis Atlas Fortuna Ace to Horizon. Was it balance? Think again my friend..

Предали предателя, вот это новость.

@AtropatesS, ACE had 2 goals, to take French and Iranian capital, they did it, about fortuna, fortuna what? we were in fortuna, disband it and joined Atlas

Bulgaria never helped as well they are traitors all time, death for Bulgaria! You made nemesis what was useless as your whole country. You never can lure anything just be a good poppy somewhere and get carried.

@peaky noone cares about ace s goals. Did they fight against Horizon with you and other 2 alliances? yes.


how does it feel Bulgaria when you are traited by dear allies? be happy they dont attack you! like you did to your allies while ago.

whaaaaa you all
somebody call a whaaaaambulance, and then lets listen to the Bulgarians, this article is/was a scam by Albanian. True, who knows?

Пак станахме за смях ей

Peaky Blinder : hahaha we let them get capital and we wipe crotia with plan

we drain 50B dmg in a fake battle - enjoy it from our plan
) and always can explain to your friends

Bulgaria----best joke of erev

still discussing about bulgarian traitors ?