Pubblicato in Israel - Analisi di guerra - 02 Dec 2017 02:21 - 1
חיילים אלמונים (Unknown Soldiers) Anthem of HaLohmim Mifleget
This post is dedicated to eDarthVader for his major contributions
Sadly, I could not convince other members of the Israeli government to take a more active place in the war other government ministers cited concern of holding the territory, as well as concern of being seen as warmongering, so I have helped , and will continue to help Hungary in the Australian-Hungarian war alone. Hopefully Hungary will decide to wipe Australia soon, and I will gladly help in that battle too.
Regarding the battle of Queensland, I helped Israel to reach 4th on the side of Hungary.
I would also like to thank my major donors.
- eDarthVader vMundus (Over 500 Gold / 3000 Canadian dollars / 100s of Gold worth of supplies)
Croat Warrior (100s of Croatian money)
KroBaca (100s of Croatian money)
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