Pubblicato in Romania - Intrattenimento - 03 Jan 2018 08:55 - 10
The Saharan people are busy and exploited by the evil Spanish Empire.
It's time to be free!
Against the background of Georgia, the mission was not difficult.
The Spaniards fought the delicacies of the new year's holiday.
"Vaca" did the mission.
People Saharian was released
It's time to be free!
Against the background of Georgia, the mission was not difficult.
The Spaniards fought the delicacies of the new year's holiday.
"Vaca" did the mission.
People Saharian was released
dgyx1983KinyasbaubauCommenti (10)
bine ar fi sa deschideti toti odata ca si asa nu stiti sa tineti ornduiala . daca folosesti creierul, nu ai de ce cere ajutor. in RW deschis de mine nu am dat nicio lovitura. numai ca plangerile si cerieala sunt f la moda.
nu te inteleg nagant895
Wahahaha pisti ce rw sa deschida
pai ce sa intelegi tu, ca nici ce ti-a zis Alexinho destul de finut nu ai priceput:
vezi unde este greseala ... daca eram cu ode aveam RW castigator asigurat de sus .
Nu vad ce este rau sa scoti articol despre UMul din care faci parte .
e clar ca de la inceput am banuit bine un EL logat *Vaca*, ghici ce dreq poa* sa fie*?
nu inteleg