Pubblicato in Israel - Analisi finanziarie - 03 Feb 2018 15:40 - 16
Market analysis day #755 by cOSHi
Hello subscribers,
Since my last article about the market in which I've made some predictions about the future I've been thinking about a regular follow up on the markets as it was once made by players in this game.
As you can see I've improved my html skills a bit, hope to make it better in the future.
I want to declare before we continue that to the data posted about prices will include some variables in order to make the best prediction of the "common price" to that time and not some 30 units posted for a cheap price. Of course everyone are welcome to comment and add their view on the situation.
Now, last time I predicted about 3 items: heli q5, food q5 and houses. in these following analysis I will start with only raw mats and q5 products beside hospitals and DS. I hope that with your encouragement I will expand this in the future.
As we are going for the tables soon and this is the first try to base this project, we will have only the prices of this week beside what I made last week. In the next articles we will add the prices and could get together a view about it all.

We can see that price of food q5 is still raising but on a lower rate, only 7.69% while the heli raise has be halted with less than 1% lower.
I must comment that this means I was probably right with my predictions about these 2(moment of bragging, my apologies). Since my third comment was a heart wish and we're not following HP's, let's put that a side :).
That's it for now. next week we'll have a lot more prices to analyse. Don't forget to subscribe in order to stay updated.
Also, Virtù alliance is Still recruiting small countries, be sure to check it out
Hello subscribers,
Since my last article about the market in which I've made some predictions about the future I've been thinking about a regular follow up on the markets as it was once made by players in this game.
As you can see I've improved my html skills a bit, hope to make it better in the future.
I want to declare before we continue that to the data posted about prices will include some variables in order to make the best prediction of the "common price" to that time and not some 30 units posted for a cheap price. Of course everyone are welcome to comment and add their view on the situation.
Now, last time I predicted about 3 items: heli q5, food q5 and houses. in these following analysis I will start with only raw mats and q5 products beside hospitals and DS. I hope that with your encouragement I will expand this in the future.
As we are going for the tables soon and this is the first try to base this project, we will have only the prices of this week beside what I made last week. In the next articles we will add the prices and could get together a view about it all.

We can see that price of food q5 is still raising but on a lower rate, only 7.69% while the heli raise has be halted with less than 1% lower.
I must comment that this means I was probably right with my predictions about these 2(moment of bragging, my apologies). Since my third comment was a heart wish and we're not following HP's, let's put that a side :).
That's it for now. next week we'll have a lot more prices to analyse. Don't forget to subscribe in order to stay updated.
Also, Virtù alliance is Still recruiting small countries, be sure to check it out
AncestralrontowHuang DiCaptain HarlockDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlPony of DarknessJacaKame SenninMorteza1351MrBogdanCommenti (16)


We should have more news like yours in this game... Good job again on your analysis! o/
Keep posting, you will have my vote always o/

Friend, your articles are going too far... Don t get me wrong, comparing with this game, your analysis are on entirely different level. Honestly, I would rather see you as the member of Admins team, this way we could have a quiet different game (alive game). o7

OFC you want that Jellal (shisui), both of us know why

Me, myself and I.

You become a little bit annoying, don t you think so, Peaky? Free yourself of your fixation, this will help you.

Coshi is a good economist he needa to get laid peaky u r perfect candidate for him

@Kartageni Unda Daingers my girlfriend will think otherwise
when you work in front of a computer it s easy to find spare time.

@KARTAGENI UNDA DAINGRES, and how you know that, you are only Gurgian in Japan skin , and worst thing is that Shisui is your puppeteer, and NO, SHisui I will break all of your deals that you are making behind back of your Japanese friends. I know how you operate,

eWanga gj bobito

Nice, voted!

Israel = Is Real Terrorism
#FreePalestine #JerusalemisPalestine

@faleminderit I am very proud being Israeli, but this is a game so let s try to keep disagreements out for all of us

analysis bad am i say it

@duplomatico Please explain your opinion. if there s something to fix I would be glad to know

@Peaky, you are acting like a miserable girl, left by her boyfriend