ספקטרום Spectrum

Pubblicato in Israel - Analisi finanziarie - 11 Feb 2018 15:10 - 11

Market analysis day #763
Hello Friends, this is the 2nd analysis I post. view has been improved. my html skills not that much :)
Tried to make it more readable, hope it worked.
As always, please add your comments in order to make this accurate as possible.

Brief Market Analysis - Red Weekhttps://i.imgur.com/iNQhb6h.jpg
Well this week is a full red moon as most of the market prices falls.
Raw prices are falling down from 8% to 33%. this is a bad week to be a raw producer.
Land ammo prices keeps getting lower as tanks drop sharply and weapon hold it's position with a higher price than tanks
Naval ammo is the only resource in the market that went up. a few % but in a week of falls this is admirable
House Q5 keep falling to new lows, no changes in that area.

Food Rawhttps://i.imgur.com/Qnk4lN8.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 0.23 gold
Weekly Change: -8.7%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Weapon Rawhttps://i.imgur.com/6MQBAUc.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 0.2 gold
Weekly Change: -20.00%
Base change(day #755): N/A

House Rawhttps://i.imgur.com/cOFyTcF.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 0.13 gold
Weekly Change: -30.37%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Ship Raw https://i.imgur.com/YHLKRmh.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 0.15 gold
Weekly Change: -33.33%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Food Q5https://i.imgur.com/DCWXtwN.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 11.46 gold
Weekly Change: -13.44%
Base change(day #755): -4.71%

Food has deleted it's raise from last weeks and is now on a low of -4.71% from base. 
Weapons Q5 
Current Price(per 1k units): 47.5 gold
Weekly Change: 0%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Weapons keep holding their ground and reaching a higher price than tanks!

Tanks Q5https://i.imgur.com/VeeiFrN.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 38 gold
Weekly Change: -19.74%
Base change(day #755): N/A

This is a low for tanks, even lower than weapons q5

Heli Q5https://i.imgur.com/y0jDMlh.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 67 gold
Weekly Change: -3.73%
Base change(day #755): -4.48%

Heli keeps going low as prices were seen at some point in the 65 area but stabilized on 67, which continues it's drop from last week

Subs Q5https://i.imgur.com/n65tz7t.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/ObnuPYo.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 48 gold
Weekly Change: 2.08%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Ships Q5https://i.imgur.com/KOJxlgI.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/ObnuPYo.jpg
Current Price(per 1k units): 69 gold
Weekly Change: 1.45%
Base change(day #755): N/A

House Q5https://i.imgur.com/XbFSNRE.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BYr29PJ.jpg
Current Price(per 1 unit): 4.45 gold
Weekly Change: -6.74%
Base change(day #755): N/A

Hope you enjoyed :)


rontowAncestralPony of DarknessBattal GaziBunnyLiuMandoKame SenninXooKaip3IronHideDictAt0RDictAt0Rlord sajjadLord BubblyMatmatCaptain HarlockyuoTODarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlRenard

Commenti (11)

It seems prices are sharply reducing... Voted, Very useful!
imgur is the worst host for erev, maybe try picofile?
@FYNh thank you for the tip, I will try it for my next article
good info
Voted, ty
V bro, gracias
good job