Pubblicato in Serbia - Primi passi in eRevollution - 05 Mar 2016 09:41 - 30
New update makes the DMG lower what means to balance the game we need more use of the weapons in game like:
Weapons = 1 use.
Tanks = 2 use.
Helicopters = 3 use.
If not all low lation countries will die tomorrow : this usage update can help a little to survive for low lation countries.
For those who not understand:
(I know that it not the real numbers but i believe the most will understand the example)
Country with 1K lation = *1200 DMG with Q1 weapons and *1600 Q1 helis.
Country with 400 lation = *480 DMG with Q1 weapons and *640 Q1 helis.
Country with 100 lation = *120 DMG with Q1 weapons and *160 with Q1 helis.
This game will be the same like the big game unbalanced game where only gold buyers and countries with big lation survived.
Weapons = 1 use.
Tanks = 2 use.
Helicopters = 3 use.
If not all low lation countries will die tomorrow : this usage update can help a little to survive for low lation countries.
For those who not understand:
(I know that it not the real numbers but i believe the most will understand the example)
Country with 1K lation = *1200 DMG with Q1 weapons and *1600 Q1 helis.
Country with 400 lation = *480 DMG with Q1 weapons and *640 Q1 helis.
Country with 100 lation = *120 DMG with Q1 weapons and *160 with Q1 helis.
This game will be the same like the big game unbalanced game where only gold buyers and countries with big lation survived.
BattleHeroCaptain HarlockShiroMiuraCommenti (30)

Also they should make RPG = 5 use. Now it's kinda useless.


Weapons = 1 use.
Tanks = 2 use.
Helicopters = 3 use. x2

good Idea , agree

not agree. What should be checked is average exp points not population. I may gather 10 heavy tanks and PTO a non-country. Then make a mercenary military unit and rape the e-world with my damage bonus. Seems legit 

on second thought, not even my idea about average xp... 10 tanks could invite 100 friends or "friends" and keep them down like zombies just to have small xp lvl and "rape the e-world with my damage bonus". Nope, definitely bad idea in each case

And Japan rules the world x)

So, numbers will win in the future wars... Quantity is more important than quality.

reset the game

numbers always win, this is why erep is dead now. Not because of game itself or gameplay, but because there is a huge Serbia that dominates game there and all balance is gone. Sooner or later the same will happen here. We needed less countries from the very beginning and more profesional administration, not getting upsides - down all the time, discouraging people from either continue in the game or invite friends here. But be sure that quantity will prevail in the end, no matter what 

@d0ct0rward0m, if they reset the game and return all gold players bought will be ok for all.

admins are lost and don't know what they are doing

Actually that will kill game, cause population will not make any difference at all, so none will try to make Baby Booms to increase national population, so game will lack of players.

Against. About Serbia, we are not strong cause of numbers- but cause of our gaming mentality, our love toward competition etc... We come in huge percents on chat, we come on organized strikes etc... On that way, we assimilate new players and they start loving time spent on playing a game, we meet each others in RL meetings etc... Its just matter of approach, and everyone can do that, its just a bit of effort needed 

Marcus Crassus, you are ALOT. Here and there. We both know this.

Does anyone thinking that game is fair now? Just reset the game and give back golds to goldbuyers, thats all. U can't manage that heli bug crisis.

If Kami Neko proposes--> do not do it. It is a very BAD idea.

i strongly disagree with this and i believe that is in everyones best interest if admins go ahead with the change in the weapons dmg as they wanted

Its ridiculous that smth worth 1000+ golds have same influence as smth worth 100g to be made. End of story. And number of players do have influence in overall dmg made from some country - but thats the time when strategy take place. Laws and rules should be equal for strong and for weak as well, equal for all. I just cant understand why everyone only see fun in winning, the best time in game for me was when Serbia were attacked from 4 countries with their allies, and when we fought not to be deleted. Its not fun to rule the World, its fun to fight for survival. That force people to organize, to do more action. I am eager those times to happen again. Wining is not all that matters guyz
And @ktab, yes, we are "alot", but alot ACTIVE. Thru many games we invite eachother, and our community help one o another, our country is organized on that way to collect supplies from many and to give to every player- that come on organized strike. on chat, that is active. My MU didnt invested in heli/wep companies, we collected golds between ourselves and gave to weaker players funds (not on loan- those was gifts) to raise their TC on q3. So, thats the way this game and games of this kind- to be played. By helping one to another. So, help one to another, organize, do strategy, have fun...
Wining is not everything there is

yeah admin help kami win a bit more easy the battles he is spending too much now

I know Marcus, when I say that you are alot, it's not a censure, it's a detection. I like your spirit and your passion, the way you organize ect. But it's unavoidable that there will be no balance in game. It's not your fault mate, don't get me wrong. Now, here is the reason that I exploded with the new "update" that will burn guilty and innocent: I have on me, 4 Q2 and 2 Q3 heli comps (you see, no wish for 67456392 Q1 heli and easy profit) all build and upgraded by me, to get Myrmidons work there for minimum salary and get 5 helis each daily. You may understand, under this number of supplies that I have to buy helis to fight. I don't care. Decision to undermine the power of helis, by the time that I had Q5 tank and demolished it, and the ability to supply Q5 tanks IF I hadn't demolished it to my group, made me mad. My solution was simple. F the gold lost, restore my Q5 heli. Instead they decided to postpone any change. So be it. I will never stop to complain about this "feature" that made lots of people rich while others will never have the ability to build helis. That was not the proper way. In any case.

I agree with KyloRen here. Admins should have done the change in the damage. It also doesn't make sense that to make a Q1 heli you pay the exact same amount of raws you pay to make a Q1 weapon. It's unfair. Helis should be harder to make in all ways.

@Abraham Lincoln - but problem is that needed wraw goes up to heaven when higher Q are in question. For example, in other game you need 400 raw for Q7, here you need 1000. Thats pretty much raw needed. So, if admin raise the wraw needed then you will need 1000 health only to produce wep for 1 guy. If there is thoughts about changing raw needed for production, then it must be proportional - in a sense that you could need 1000 raw per 1 production of q5 helis, and then lesser and lesser for every lower Q of weps. And tbh - i do like this system where q1 factory needs the same raw for produce, and up to us is to raise the Q of wep factories

I tell you how to get balance. It's too simple.
Disable Energy Recovery System.Give a limited Energy for daily use only.
Disable Tank and Heli factories and able to use them very soon.
Fix the damage lag which cant see real damages at the end of battle clearly.
Remove all q1 helis which were found by bug abusers.