Pubblicato in Serbia - Intrattenimento - 10 Apr 2020 04:39 - 22
I will try to keep this really short...
I was listing the newspaper and then I saw this article which pissed me off.
So this guy is doing a giveaway, he is handing out 'free' 1000 q5 Airs, to be more precise 200q5 Airs to 5 lucky winners. The ONLY condition to join his giveaway is to donate at least 1 gold... and the second only condition for this giveaway to happen is if there are 60 participants. If there are not 60 participants he says he will return gold as this is not a scam.
I also guess he is kinda stupid and means numbers sold by participants... but to get back to the topic this giveaway will happen only if he gets 60g.
I just checked and the lowest price I found was 55 g for 1k q5 air. So my dear Ernan Kortes this is not a giveaway, this is a probably most y way to sell your airs...
So I decided to show this guy how a giveaway should look like.
Giving away 10x 200 q5 Air
The only thing you have to do is to vote this article and write the number of your vote in the comments.... and the second only thing (I love this 2nd only joke ^^) is that you are not taking part in this other 'giveaway'.
I will pick 10 random comments and send the aircrafts tomorrow 05:00 eRev time.
Good luck & stay safe :)
Pony of Darkness
The Last Panthera Uncia
Raptor X
Furious George
Congrats and enjoy your airs... I know I said that 10 people will get airs but I don't give a ^^
Giveaways nowadays... + actual GIVEAWAY
I was listing the newspaper and then I saw this article which pissed me off.
So this guy is doing a giveaway, he is handing out 'free' 1000 q5 Airs, to be more precise 200q5 Airs to 5 lucky winners. The ONLY condition to join his giveaway is to donate at least 1 gold... and the second only condition for this giveaway to happen is if there are 60 participants. If there are not 60 participants he says he will return gold as this is not a scam.
I also guess he is kinda stupid and means numbers sold by participants... but to get back to the topic this giveaway will happen only if he gets 60g.
I just checked and the lowest price I found was 55 g for 1k q5 air. So my dear Ernan Kortes this is not a giveaway, this is a probably most y way to sell your airs...
So I decided to show this guy how a giveaway should look like.
Giving away 10x 200 q5 Air
The only thing you have to do is to vote this article and write the number of your vote in the comments.... and the second only thing (I love this 2nd only joke ^^) is that you are not taking part in this other 'giveaway'.
I will pick 10 random comments and send the aircrafts tomorrow 05:00 eRev time.
Good luck & stay safe :)
Pony of Darkness
The Last Panthera Uncia
Raptor X
Furious George
Congrats and enjoy your airs... I know I said that 10 people will get airs but I don't give a ^^
Giveaways nowadays... + actual GIVEAWAY
PeakyPony of DarknessGuepoStyce The Golden Retrievery0sunahawkoulisKormirNefyriusKingorionastonrivllPro2Tryforever8glabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajaglabach perajalevemkthe_passengerKoreysTroterTroterTroterZOMBILANDDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVDark IVzebenkstisKromionKormirDacianolimpiu_valyAileronSennaCedalokomotHrvatHrvatHrvatHrvatHrvatHrvatHrvatHrvatHrvatHrvatHrvatHaiN EvLaTL DusancobiCOMBERodinelkyMyCrowdevil04koumoutsa1Quentin TarantinoQuentin TarantinoQuentin TarantinoQuentin TarantinoDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudDaudvidojkoizzy Gizzy GOpenoteFlow PTpedrositoSKynet00MacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceMacedoniaGreeceGigalequidTwitterGhis8CRATOSTarnakZarmaelsumo_zrTristanGolikaSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBSpyrosBBolitLord BubblyStrelacAZAZELparazituparazituparazituparazituparazituparazituparazituparazituparazituparazituparazituparazituparazituArabStallionQuifshaMannikirusoul_strippperKesut MomiserBloody Avengerlegija69unsalondeteLeyebibin maliSt0L3nposqrrkorchabonRadule90IronHideY0uG0tN0LifeAustinPKSylarVladikaVancho72mrnnastaseveliki ratnikqpartefadasmaMaoLeninCataratasTheangelMandrake85enetr3seslam2El Tito Juan HunterCORDOSRustyDZeroPANZER llIIlNebimusTankiTankiTankiTankiBullterier11Rapidkossorin1974boooboooboooePazZOMBILANDDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidDarkSeidArminatoringzephyrusStanislasYura UAgargabgmyrmid0nasLets DieBusyGuyFirelizardSimkeBracalacrazyboy015Kabesosbadboy016Dr ManhattanCumulonimbsRoinoide22spruljaraFITOMARbarcelona oleeeTaTa RaTaLogitechbrennerCommenti (22)

Only a true butthurt Serbian could write such a disgraceful and jealousy article.

As I already mentioned English is not my mother language and I don t see difference between giveaway and lottery. But I was told that they are 2 different things, so I assume that what I do is called giveaway. But it was my mistake and I apologize for that. All golds are returned and I ll write another article and it will be a lottery, not a giveaway. I admit, it was my mistake and all golds are returned



V 10


Thank you thank you thank you. I wanted to write about it because i was also really pissed off but you did it before me. i told him many times that this was not a giveaway, and that the guy was trying to make money.
even if he makes a lottery again he will try to make a profit from it and the gifts will be less than what he will take
Vote 13

@Mr Hamster your thing is also not a giveaway, but a lottery. You just require different type of activity to let people take part.

@Ernan Kortes I Told You That I Only Writte The Truth. Sellying * Lottery * The Airs Q5 Per 60 Gold Whem In The Market Are In 50 To 55
. A Big Scammer.

vote 17 o7




@STGR well, I never said that I m not making any profit from it
But I also don t take all that gold from 1 player so in my opinion its fair. In real life have you seen any lottery where the company that makes those lotteries do not make any profit?


Vote 238 ^^


vote 593

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