Pubblicato in Georgia - Intrattenimento - 28 May 2020 03:23 - 25
In this article I want to show the real face of erev community !
People who can't respect their enemies ! people who does not respect Warriors and loves farmers and traitors !
around 5-6 monthes ago Estonia and Hungary Deleted my Country ! almost half of world were fighting against us !
and second half of world was seeing how little Brave country was fighting against everyone !
what we did after this ? we wanted Revenge ! after 1 month we Deleted Estonia ! country who was Ally of Hungary and at the same time was a member of anti-hungarian aliance !
even our future allys were fighting against us during the war versus estonia !
after this we (Personally I ) started to create anti-hungarian aliance ! it was time to revengre 2.0 !
during this war we took a capital of hungary, also hungary lost his bonuses ! but ....
I want to add something here ! when I was creating this anti-hungaryan team everyone had his reason to fight ! I wanted revenge ! and take back finland and russian regions which was part of Georgia !
only france wanted to take bonuses ! okey I sent france to bonus regions ,,,, also said that if someone want bonus, he must deserve it !
do you want to know what happand after this ? :D
let's see:

Yes ! France Surrendered ! Georgia was fighting for 4monthes and france started crying in the begining of the war !
Fuck it... this article is not only about france ! this is about erev community !
well.... after this was reshufl ! we both (Georgia and france) had 4x100, we fought enough for this bonus and france just changed the side and took 4x100 ! np ... everyone has his honor ! someone is fighting till the end and someone is running from battlefield !
after this was a provocation against us... but till this fact I want to say something... after reshufl in erev was peace ! we had normal situation with hungary too... more over we had chance to sign mpp with hungary too ... Georgian gov had a meeting about it, and we decided that our mpp with hungary will kill this game ! the last shoot against erev !
but we choose the last ride in this game ! we say all in and started DW against israel !
what happand after this ? yes ! of course ! everyone was shooting against Georgia ! :D
but ! we dont care ! we wrote the history in this game ! history of little but brave country ! like in real !
we know that in this game we are face of our country !

+We were securing our RW-s too !
As we said ALL IN ! maybe after this war, because of new updates we will leave this game ! but we dont care about it too...
Shame on you erev community ! you suck each other ! you cant respect the country who is fighting against stronger enemies !
and you are dissapointed, because of our soul ! you won the battles against us but you can't Defeat Georgian soul !
keep sucking each other, keep farming ! We may lose, but we will leave the battlefield proud
Our defeat will be more glorious than your victory!
People who can't respect their enemies ! people who does not respect Warriors and loves farmers and traitors !
around 5-6 monthes ago Estonia and Hungary Deleted my Country ! almost half of world were fighting against us !
and second half of world was seeing how little Brave country was fighting against everyone !
what we did after this ? we wanted Revenge ! after 1 month we Deleted Estonia ! country who was Ally of Hungary and at the same time was a member of anti-hungarian aliance !
even our future allys were fighting against us during the war versus estonia !
after this we (Personally I ) started to create anti-hungarian aliance ! it was time to revengre 2.0 !
during this war we took a capital of hungary, also hungary lost his bonuses ! but ....
I want to add something here ! when I was creating this anti-hungaryan team everyone had his reason to fight ! I wanted revenge ! and take back finland and russian regions which was part of Georgia !
only france wanted to take bonuses ! okey I sent france to bonus regions ,,,, also said that if someone want bonus, he must deserve it !
do you want to know what happand after this ? :D
let's see:

Yes ! France Surrendered ! Georgia was fighting for 4monthes and france started crying in the begining of the war !
Fuck it... this article is not only about france ! this is about erev community !
well.... after this was reshufl ! we both (Georgia and france) had 4x100, we fought enough for this bonus and france just changed the side and took 4x100 ! np ... everyone has his honor ! someone is fighting till the end and someone is running from battlefield !
after this was a provocation against us... but till this fact I want to say something... after reshufl in erev was peace ! we had normal situation with hungary too... more over we had chance to sign mpp with hungary too ... Georgian gov had a meeting about it, and we decided that our mpp with hungary will kill this game ! the last shoot against erev !
but we choose the last ride in this game ! we say all in and started DW against israel !
what happand after this ? yes ! of course ! everyone was shooting against Georgia ! :D
but ! we dont care ! we wrote the history in this game ! history of little but brave country ! like in real !
we know that in this game we are face of our country !

+We were securing our RW-s too !
As we said ALL IN ! maybe after this war, because of new updates we will leave this game ! but we dont care about it too...
Shame on you erev community ! you suck each other ! you cant respect the country who is fighting against stronger enemies !
and you are dissapointed, because of our soul ! you won the battles against us but you can't Defeat Georgian soul !
keep sucking each other, keep farming ! We may lose, but we will leave the battlefield proud
Our defeat will be more glorious than your victory!
L E G I O NMandoLeD ZePPeLiNLeD ZePPeLiN77teshu77Commenti (25)

J ai pas lu + arrête de pleurer la fiotte

დიდება საქართველოს!!!!

I always respected all of georgians, but this is not the whole story. Remember you that times, when we have war with serbs and etc, and you joined to them with Avengers?

you sent france on bonus region during war with Hungary really ? You ask us to remove Hungary from Germany and we did it, dont understand why you are talking about bonuses.
France fight in this war during one month, against Hungary and all souths americans countries when Georgia had only one front.
Stop lie and take a breath

Eldrad do you need screens ? How I was planning this war ? Every country had his aim ! When I talked with azazel he said that in this war france wants bonus, not delete of hungary ! .... I asked, where are you going to take this bonus ? Romania, croatia and greec were our allys, at least not our enemies ! Than we decided that fance will take rare bonus in Germany !
Can you remember what does it mean --- where is france ?
When we were fighting france was the only weak role ring in our chain ! P.s. we had to fight in russia, in finland, against hungary and against bih too... P.s. Georgia took a Capital of bih too ! +We helped to all of our allys ! We asked to france if they wanted to send someone against south americans but you didnot want... You said ... No no ... There is no point, we give up !
Its fu.cking true that no one know how manny soldiers need to deff Paris, because you never did it !

ეს ომი ყველაზე დიდი უაზრობაა ო7
ტყუილად იწონებს თავს ორივე მხარე ო7

@general bidbula Full of lies.
Azzazel said that France want war for bonus, but we agree to attack Hungary. Didnt mean that we attack Hungary for bonuses but that we agree to dont fight for what we want but to help our allies. Opposite of what you think....
Bonus in Germany was under greece control, our ally. So use your brain : if we fight for bonus why we choosed to go for Germany where bonus was ever control by our alliance ??
France was the only weak role really ? That why ennemy alliance launch 4 dow against us and 0 against georgia ? Or maybe they are stupids.
You had to fight against Finland and russia really oh my god
2 emptys countries should be really hard. I didnt mention RW battles but if you want a comparaison with France we had RW in Spain and Swiss at 4am and each time we took night rush from SA countries; what about your RW in Russia ?
You took bosniak capital, great and ? You win a symbolic victory, you ddint win the war against them.
About help against SA, you lie : we ask for help and we received this help from spain and Italy... You said that you were leader of alliance and you forgot this really ?
And about Paris, dont remember that the easiest way for a country to dont lose a war is to dont exist. Like Georgia before 1990. You are 1500 years late with France, so stop open your mouth because I remember russia take your in 8 days in the 20 littles years of independance of your country.

I want to express all my respect and sympaty for georgians player who can be hurt by my precedent post.
I have a big respect for Georgia IRL, but I need to bring back this pitbula on Earth.

General Pidbula please fill in and return this form for remedies to be awarded:

@pidbula you were my friend and I see that you flame me and disform my word. Next time when you take screenshot take screen from all the conversation. I talked to you when I was CP and told you that France want to be a great country like in past of erev. Yes that was true that we wanted bonuses but de agree to help you against Hungary or that was not our enemies after what ? You let us against Peru, Brazil, Argentina and other country with no help of alliance... I think you need to question yourself mate...

People who can t respect their enemies ! people who does not respect Warriors and loves farmers and traitors !
You got be kidding me -.-

🇸🇮 was fighting alongside 🇬🇪 💪🏻

Eldrad I see you have no brain ! end of talk ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am worrying only about azazel ! -----------------------------------------------------------
here is written whole truth ! other things is lie ! ------- p.s. PT and Slo thx for being trusted friends !


I personally think that Georgia vs France war after this updates is what kept this game alive. I hope the loosing side will not leave the game after the war because the game need this kind of big wars and we as players need it also,_nobody_knows_you re_a_dog

🇫🇷 Produce in France ! 4x100% 🇫🇷

Fake news

უნგრეთთან მპპ თამაშს მოკლავდაო, თქვენ გენაცვალეთ თამაშისუნარიან გულებში, თქვენ გადაგირჩენიათ ძმაო თამაში სიკვდილს და მოწყენილობას.
სხვა თამაშში გადართულობას და აქ უაზრო ქმედებებს თამაშს და ადმინს ნუ აბრალებთ, თქვენმა ლიდერმა დაარღვია შეთანხმება და მან წამოიწყო პროვოკაცია.
და მიიღეთ საკადრისი პასუხი.

@77gigi77 nu dacinvis elementebi rom viyavic calke temaa daa agdebuli saubris tu rogor male wavishlebodit martoebi davrchit da realurad mat aravin exmareba normalurad da chven uamravi qveyana da vin darcha marto kargad chans )

Ar mogbezrdat orive mxares ertmanetis landzgva da damcireba mteli msoflios dasanaxad?

Israelze ro ar iyo es statia ver mixvdit xo ? Tan ra wyvil-wyvilad chndebit

🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪 HAIL Geo

Georgia, Fighting with dozens of multies is not an honor but shame! 

We took capital of poland bh iran venesuela hungary. Not only hungary capital. And geogia deffence france capital tooo