Pubblicato in Philippines - Primi passi in eRevollution - 07 Feb 2021 09:53 - 12
My dear friends and @admin
Putting aside friendship and hostility.
I want to share something with you.

We have only one question.
Why was this account banned?
The game manager needs to share this information with us or with the account holder.
If there is a crime and if a sentence has been made. One has the right to know his crime.
Please. Everyone who devotes himself to this game,stop this injustice.
By sending a message to the manager. Let's only ask a question.
Admin Profil Link
Why was M U R A T banned?
M U R A T Is a real gamer.
#unban M U R A T
Putting aside friendship and hostility.
I want to share something with you.

- One account has not been opened with the reference link.
- He hasn't been involved in any illegal business in the history of the game.

- The account holder was using only the trading mode of the game.
- In every trade he made, he definitely got his money with gold or other material.
- He buys gold from the game when necessary.
- In short, the cleanest account user in the history of the game.
We have only one question.
Why was this account banned?
The game manager needs to share this information with us or with the account holder.
If there is a crime and if a sentence has been made. One has the right to know his crime.
Please. Everyone who devotes himself to this game,
By sending a message to the manager. Let's only ask a question.

Admin Profil Link
Why was M U R A T banned?
M U R A T Is a real gamer.
#unban M U R A T
ZabcisterPeakyVitalicB A T A S H ANairobisipinasipinasipinaLeepihawkoulisBaba VossTeufelB HustlersythsythsythacabayPMihaiCommenti (12)

Why was MURAT banned. I wonder this answer too. We are playing this game about four-five years. İt must be a valid reason to ban and admin must declare it everyone

I think only MURAT will get this answer, not all the players who sends PMs to admin 

In short, the cleanest account user in the history of the game. hahahahha

Why was MURAT banned. I wonder this answer too. We are playing this game about four-five years. İt must be a valid reason to ban and admin must declare it everyone

MURAT will definitely get no answer for he cannot login anymore and the ˝Support System˝ does not work for outsiders. Tricky, is not it?
Btw. an old Hungarian account was also banned yesterday. When asked for the reason, Admin replied this:
Perhaps MURAT would receive the same answer.


Unban Murat

Muban Unrat

Unban murat

Unban! yomadafakaa - Unban! M U R A T - Unban! Ferdi Carrefour
