Pubblicato in Croatia - Intrattenimento - 08 Feb 2021 12:01 - 13
So, recenty one of our members decided that he's done with this game, he depleted his all LK, HB and energy bars and few hours later he unexpectedly got banned. At this time when more and more players are giving up the game, this move is not surprising. The ban itself would not be problematic if something else was not happening in the background

We have asked Admin why, what was the problem and got answer:
Because you have violated game rules and sent all ets to country treasure
My question is, what game rule is violated? Please enlight me. Exactly what game rule we are talking about. Btw, if u look at Cro treasury you can find hardly more than 600 gold :) Wow! I dont know how much gold he has donated, 100, 200? 300? What an huge amount, must be game changer move.
Also, do you (admin) apply same rule to everyone?
If I remember correctly S.C.RI.PT. user Vadgesztenye has stopped playing some time ago and donated his gold on Hun treasury. Not only he donated huge amount of gold to treasury, Talan has even took that gold.

And what happend? Bot Vadgesztenye is still here. Botter Talan is still here.
Admin, do we all play under the same rules?

We have asked Admin why, what was the problem and got answer:
Because you have violated game rules and sent all ets to country treasure
My question is, what game rule is violated? Please enlight me. Exactly what game rule we are talking about. Btw, if u look at Cro treasury you can find hardly more than 600 gold :) Wow! I dont know how much gold he has donated, 100, 200? 300? What an huge amount, must be game changer move.
Also, do you (admin) apply same rule to everyone?
If I remember correctly S.C.RI.PT. user Vadgesztenye has stopped playing some time ago and donated his gold on Hun treasury. Not only he donated huge amount of gold to treasury, Talan has even took that gold.

And what happend? Bot Vadgesztenye is still here. Botter Talan is still here.
Admin, do we all play under the same rules?
nagant895BikkinvratarxVirus JackMac1990Captain Harlocknikirusaja76AdminAdminLeepithe_passengerBunnyLiuBunnyLiuZvijer69B HustlersythsythsythsythsythacabayacabayacabayKoreysPermanently bannedPermanently bannedArminatoringPMihaiCommenti (13)


Admin just ban Talan and his multies and game will be alive again

ban them all 

/Temp ban incoming in 3 2 1

Here is 5 HUF for a cheap coffin.

and unban all


Ask Bornax he knows better as he fought with this account against us

It s not the Admin fault, it s yours. You should appoint him as MU commander or capitan. Gold could be used to buy airs, DS, food q5 and distributed to other players in the MU as MU supply.
This account should be remain silent some time after, and finally abandoned.
This way you could avoid violation of rules and punishment in form of banned account 😊

Because you have violated game rules and sent all assets to country treasure - only probem is that rules don t forbid to send your assets to the national treasury, read rules before write bullshits and lies. Not to mention that even BornaX admitted that he did the same, or sending personal assets to the national treasury is the privilege of southern-slavic, romanian cheaters, and of their friends? One other thing, Vadgesztenye, praetorianus and many other guys did not delete any of their factories...yet
Goodbye loooser 

Talane, nije bolest sve što boli.. jado jadni

The pharisaic loooser never stops 

This one man raped the whole Balkan land single handedly.
Im proud of you Talan.