Pubblicato in France - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 13 Feb 2021 14:55 - 3
Today Artemis, by his Great Leader Claementael is proud to present our candidate list for Congress !

Naruto TFN, the rising star Claementael,the experimented leader
Artemis program is clear, support the Niceone Governement with all our strengh in the French Congress. Vote for Artemis is voting for end weakness and corruption !

NorfeLimioMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosKame SenninednauAlexandreoGrandePTSassoSassoSassosumo_zrsumo_zrHaciendaBabysumo_zrCommenti (3)

Spanki nous avais caché qu il était Reine d Espagne

Good luck guys! But I will vote La Cosca, even though I can t quarantee end of corruption! Don Miltiados and whole La Cosca family love their money 🤑 🤑 🤑

Votez Artemis !!!