Pubblicato in Poland - Intrattenimento - 20 Mar 2016 12:30 - 12
its me again... :)
i was a bit confused from jimmys article...
i thought we want to try to make the game more friendly to noobs and not make the gap between poor and rich even bigger...
well and he wanted to raise the weapon (especially the high tech and high q damage)...
so i changed some numbers in my production calculator...
tbh it just took a minute to get the result that i wanted... :D
but at first lets take a look at the numbers:

all that i changed was the resource need per weapon... (R/W)
at the moment it is q1 gun 10, q2 20 and so on... q1 tank 10 q2 tank 20 and so on...
i just changed it to q1 gun 5, q2 gun 10, q1 heli 80...
it raises constant from quality to quality but with factor 2 with every new technologie...
what does that change?
you will need more workers or more own energy and comps to produce the same number of high tech weapons than someone with low tech weapons...
also you will need more workers or more own energy and comps to produce the same number of higher quality weapons...
whould mean that q1 guns will become a lot cheaper to produce than q1 helis and a bit cheaper to produce than q5 guns...
everyone can buy the weapons of his choice...
the strong tanks will still fight with high tech high q weapons...
but because the effort of production isnt making a step back after tech upgrade the weaker ones could (after some time because low tech comps have to get built first) manage to effort hitting with q4 guns or something else...
the faster raising (+5raws per q for guns, +10 raws per q for tanks, +20 raws per q for helis) is making this effect bigger...
it gets less efficient to selfproduce weapons the higher the quality and technology because you will need spend a lot of energy in raw comps to produce q5 helis for example...
the only way to make more damage whould be:
-buying raws whould mean more income for raw producers (every new player can build up a raw producing comp...)
-using a lot of workers (the problem here could be farmbot/multi acc workers... i hope admins can solve that problem...) and pay them good sallarys because everyone with a lot of comps is on the search for workers...
-simply buying produced weapons from others but weapon prices will be nearly congruent with their damage+ because the higher the damage+ the more work that weapon efforts...
the last point whould brings money into the pockets of producers but those will still have to pay workers/raws and (in the first some days... this effect will go down by the time) invest a lot into more raw comps...
my english is not good enough for such explanations but i tried my best...
i hope you still understood the most i wanted to say...
if you have any questions to my suggestion, questions to the chart or if you found a mistake i made just use the comments... ;)
here the numbers how the production works now:

as you can see q1 guns and q1 helis are same expensive in the production...
but q1 helis have much more damage than q1 guns...
because of that everyone is just buying q1 helis...
and no new player can sell his q1 or q2 guns...
Commenti (12)


v .. thanks for this valuable information

this would be step in a right direction


now q1 heli needs how many wrm ?

@komeng_saja q1 helis now need 10 raws per weapon... in my suggestion it whould need 80 raws per weapon...


Weapons q1-q4 are useless, who would produce them to have x1.2, x1.4, x1.6 ,x1.8 damage boost? they should start at least from x2, to double damage..

@BattleHero everything just depends on the price...
if you can build them that much cheap that even someone who is commonly hitting without weapons can pay them they whouldnt be useless anymore...