Romy nowhere

Pubblicato in Turkey - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 22 Nov 2021 11:44 - 4

Hello to all eFriends, and eCitizens, especially Allies. ( No to Admin ) 

As you know, most of eTurkish friends were out of eTurkey untill this term. This month we've been united by this friends back to eTurkey.. we're waiting for the rest

Of course this wont be so easy for us.. some of our friends have different and special friendship with eEnemy countries.. 

By this reasons, we decided to be NOTR Country UNTIL We will determine the roadmap.. No enemy, No MPP.. Of course we'll keep our good relationship with our allies. We'll keep contact with all countries. 

In this term, if some of our citizens fight against your country, please dont understand them wrong.. day by day everything will be better. 

Finally, we want to declare that, we'll keep all agreements, which we have signed!

Thanks for your understanding and respect

Regards Romy 

PS: 1 note for the Admin... When we have 500 max energy, we were producing 40 wep / 200 food if we have full bonus... 
Today we have 10000 energy, produce is same... what's wrong with you/this/us? 


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Commenti (4)

If you decided to be neutral, then who you consider e-enemy country? there is sth i don t get in this point!
Dear Nairobi, it means the countries who are at e-enemy status UNTIL TODAY. we dont see any country as eEnemy now..
production is the same because admin wants us to spend more gold, ofc.. and don t forget about business pack, he need to create demand for it Smile